Sunday, February 24, 2019

Feel Pleased Pomegranate Kale Salad

I wanted to supply you with a BOMB beauty recipe to celebrate the launch week of my new book!

That’s why I created my new Feel Pleased Pomegranate Kale Salad recipe for you Beauty!  You can feel so good with yourself knowing that you are going to fill your body up with tons of fiber and vital nutrients to promote feeling good in your body, mind and spirit. You can never eat too much salad! Go ahead and pile up your plate with a huge serving. Your body will thank you for it.

Before we jump into the recipe, have you heard that I have a brand new book out!? I am so excited to share this one with you!!! It’s titled Recipes for Your Perfectly Imperfect Life and you can order yourself a copy here!  And if you order 2 or more books, you can enter into our amazing sweepstakes!!! I hope to meet you in LA Beauty! It’s going to be super special :).

Superior Forces of Kale

I like to think of kale as a superior green because it is such a strengthening force for our body. Kale can actually be assimilated directly into the body and built into protein. How pleasing is that!?

I learned a lot about the powers of kale when I used to live in New York City and practice a lot of yoga. After consuming kale on a regular basis, I noticed a huge change in my body, seeing muscles in places I never used to have definition in. Kale works magic in our bodies which is why I like to come up with recipes time and time again using this superior green.

Surprising  Benefits of Brussels Sprouts

Now this might come to be a bit surprising for you. Often when we think of omega-3 fatty acids, our minds might race to chia seeds, flax seeds, walnuts or perhaps even fish. But do you know Beauty, that you can load up on your omega-3’s while you eat Brussels sprouts? That’s exactly why I’ve included them in my Pomegranate Kale Salad recipe. It’s something we can all feel pleased about.

Just one and a half cups of Brussels sprouts contain more than one-third of your daily ALA amount. How incredible right!? Consuming adequate amounts of omega-3 fatty acids is so important for your health. Numerous studies show the health benefits of consuming omega-3 fatty acids with healthy brain development and improved memory. It also helps fight depression and anxiety and decreases your risk for heart disease.

Sweet Treats of Pomegranate Seeds

Pomegranate seeds are the perfect way to satisfy your sweet tooth. Sometimes it’s nice to pair your dark leafy greens with a little sweet! They are absolutely delicious and help bring out a bold flavor in my Pomegranate Kale Salad recipe.

I love these little guys so much because they are quite high in antioxidants. They are also rich in vitamins A and C which are important for vitamins for many health reasons. Let’s not forget, pomegranate seeds are also a great source of potassium and fiber.

Subtle Delights of Salad Dressing

Okay, enough hearing why all the fruits and veggies in this salad are so good for you. It’s time to learn why the dressing is just as powerful!

A little bit of white wine vinegar and extra virgin olive oil go a long way when making this salad dressing. Combining in a bit of coconut nectar helps sweeten it up while providing great health benefits! Do you know that coconut nectar actually contains up to seventeen amino acids? It’s also loaded with minerals and vitamins B and C. In comparison to other sweeteners, coconut nectar is low in fructose which is why it’s also low on the glycemic index.

Pass me the sea salt! You can feel good with yourself when you opt to use sea salt over table salt in this dressing. Sea salt has an abundant amount of trace minerals. And these guys are able to stay intact since sea salt is minimally processed.

Let’s not forget about that freshly ground black pepper and why it’s so wonderful to include in our salad dressing. Freshly ground black pepper aids in healthy digestion because it increases the hydrochloric acid in the stomach. It’s the perfect season, according to Ayurveda, to incorporate more black pepper. I prefer to use peppercorns and grind them up fresh for all my recipes. This will help keep your dressing fresh with more flavor and will keep the natural oils intact.

Now you understand, this salad dressing is also loaded with amazing health benefits that you can feel pleased treating yourself to! So there you have it beauties!

I hope you come to love my Pomegranate Kale Salad recipe and that you find yourself enjoying time and time again!

Be sure to share this salad with all your friends on Instagram and pin it to your Pinterest board. Sending you lots of love Beauty!

PS: Remember you can go into any book store now or order online and get your copy of Recipes for Your Perfectly Imperfect Life today! I can’t wait to share it with you, from my heart to yours xoxo

The post Feel Pleased Pomegranate Kale Salad appeared first on Kimberly Snyder.

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