Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Say Goodbye to Bloating [VLOG #63]

Click above to watch my VLOG – Say Goodbye to Bloating, or feel free to read the transcript below instead!


Note: The following is the output of transcribing from an audio recording. Although the transcription is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. It is posted as an aid, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.

Hi Beauties,

Today I want to talk about a totally different approach to letting go of bloating. These ideas come to you from my newest book, Recipes for Your Perfectly Imperfect Life. You have probably heard of the gut/brain access, but it works very much the other way – from the brain down. There is so much amazing fascinating research that I talk about in my new book Recipes for Your Perfectly Imperfect Life, which is about really feeling good and finding peace in our messy, crazy lives right now.

You don’t have to wait another day to feel good in your body. 

Order 1 copy of the book and get access to amazing video bonus material!

Order 2 or more copies (or more, for friends!) from now – February 24th, 2019 and get entered into our amazing sweepstakes!

Bloating is something that has a huge detrimental impact on our lives. I know this from firsthand experience. When we feel wide, when we feel heavy, when we feel big, it’s really difficult to focus on what we’re doing.

Whether it be work or conversation or being with our kids, it’s very, very distracting. It lowers our self-esteem. It just sucks up all this energy and doesn’t feel good. There’s a lot of repercussions to bloating. Coming from someone that has been bloated for years and years of my life and has gotten to the other side.

Getting Past the Bloat

This is part of my deep passion for you to help share anything I can about getting past this really terrible, annoying, thing in our lives that we don’t need to deal with anymore. It can be dealt with. It can pass, as I know again from personal experience, from getting past it in my own life.

Up until now, we have been talking about bloating from a digestive standpoint, which can be very helpful. Eliminating certain foods like dairy and gluten can help with bloating. Taking digestive enzymes is a great way to help abate bloating – taking them right before you eat. We have our digestive enzymes here, on my Solluna website, you can check them out. They’re the ones I take and love.

Also eating light to heavy. Trying to be a bit more strategic with your meals. Eating fruit first or on an empty stomach. These are some of the things that we can do as far as diet and food.

The Link Between Our Thoughts and Bloat

What’s really interesting in my work is, I have met so many people that take these measures and still experience a lot of bloating. And now there’s more and more research finding the link between our thoughts and bloat.

However, there’s research about thoughts and anxiety and the circular thought patterns. When we’re not letting go of resentment, beating ourselves up, being angry, holding onto all of these patterns, it equates to bloat, which is indigestion and not letting the food pass through as well.

What’s Different about My New Book

This is a pretty remarkable concept. It’s something that we don’t hear about all the time. Usually we’re so focused on what we can see and pick up, which is the food. I want to just say I’m so passionate about helping you really feel amazing.

This is so different than my other books. It has really great amazing recipes that will support you in the healing. The whole first part has research, anecdotes, and all the life lessons that are really going to help support you in feeling good.

Letting Go

I would just say this whole concept of letting go, of noticing when you’re starting to go down into a story – you’re starting to get sucked in and you start to notice a tightening in your belly. You start to notice your breath getting shallow. This is a moment to notice that you’re actually getting bloated in your mind. And it will, if we don’t break the pattern, start to create bloating in your stomach.

This is the time to just stop talking and take some deep breaths. Get up if you need to, go to the bathroom, go for a walk. Just change the environment, breathe, take a step back and take action if you need to.

Have a direct conversation with someone or sometimes it’s just letting it go. If it was annoyance or someone hurt you, whatever it is, just try to move on. In moving on we’re allowing that energy to also move on.

In Closing

We know  that with the mind and the body, there is no separation. Everything is so connected. There is really fascinating research connecting bloating in our bellies with thought patterns that are bloated in our mind so to speak.

My advice to you is, if you’re experiencing a lot of bloating to try this out to see how much the mind really does impact your bloat. I think you’ll be really happy with the results. You will start to let go, let go in the body, and hopefully reduce your bloat more and more every day.

Sending you so much love, Beauty. Take care. I will see you back here soon. Make sure to pre-order your copy of Recipes for your Perfectly Imperfect Life. I think it’ll help you feel amazing, which is my intention, and I will see you back here soon.

Take care. Lots of love!




The post Say Goodbye to Bloating [VLOG #63] appeared first on Kimberly Snyder.

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