Wednesday, April 3, 2019

How to Stay Healthy in a Hurry [VLOG #68]

Click above to watch my VLOG – How to Stay Healthy in a Hurry, or feel free to read the transcript below instead!


Note: The following is the output of transcribing from an audio recording. Although the transcription is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. It is posted as an aid, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.

Hi Beauties,

Today we’re going to talk about how to stay healthy in a hurry. And this is a huge question that I get a lot, rightfully so. We live in a crazy, busy, super packed world. I know myself, I’m running a business, writing books, running after my toddler, and life can get crazy and busy and of course you’re trying to fit in time for friends and self-care and all these other things.

I want to give you some very practical tips today on how to stay busy in your messy, perfectly imperfect crazy life, because it’s good to read about all this stuff that you could do, but if you are not actually applying it in your life, then it’s not really benefiting you.

Connecting With Nature

The first thing I want say is that I truly believe that the more we connect in with nature, the more naturally beautiful, the more naturally energized, and the more naturally healthy we can become.
It’s important even if you are working in an office, you’re commuting in your car, that you take some time to ground on a regular basis and connect back in.

There’s more and more research coming out about grounding. It’s very, very simple. Take off your shoes, go in your yard or a park, and just literally connect in with the Earth. It could be the beach. Any sort of natural setting. Taking off your shoes and reconnecting with the negative ions that are given off with the Earth, helps to really settle your nervous system.

There’s research that it will calm inflammation and in a greater sense, in an energetic sense, we are connecting back with our root. We are part of nature. And we live in this crazy and busy world and it’s easy to get swept up in screens and blue lights and all these different things.

I am a huge believer in just taking time to ground our energy just for a few moments, breath, be in that nature. It’s a really important way to establish a flow and a connection and an energy of frequency back. Which again, will effect everything from our hormones to our adrenals to our sleep patterns to our nervous system—which is connected to our immunity and endocrine system.

Take time to ground as regularly as you can. If you are really busy during the week, maybe it’s just Saturday and Sunday or whatever, but maybe it’s at the end of the day, you go out in your yard. I think grounding is really important which is why I bring it up first.

Keeping Your Home Stocked With The Basics

Secondly, keep your house, your kitchen, your fridge and freezer stocked with basics. A busy person does not have time to go grocery shopping every day or even every other day or sometimes every week. So it’s great to have items in your kitchen that you can rely on in a bind.

Let’s say quinoa, tempeh, coconut milk, almond milk, seeds and nuts. Herbs, spices, like ginger and turmeric and black pepper, sea salt, nutritional yeast. If you have a lot of basics, you can throw together very easy meals like stir fries, things that you bake in a little bit of time.

When you’re busy you don’t have to say, “Oh my god, I have to get take out again or I am starving. What am I going to eat?”, and you resort to some sort of crappy food on the go.

I load my fridge all the time and worst comes to worst, I make a very, very simple stir fry. I just cook up some quinoa, whatever veggies are there, I throw it all together with some spices and some nutritional yeast or whatever.

We have a lot of recipes here that you can check out. You can mix and match and make them your own. I find that having just a good arsenal of staples is really going to help you stay on track.

Batch Cooking

Next thing is batch cooking. Making your meals in batches. When you are busy, you don’t always have time to prepare meals three times a day. I batch blend my Glowing Green Smoothie®, not every day but every other day.

I have sprouted brown rice, quinoa or lentils. Sometimes I throw them into a soup. Sometimes I make them for Bubby and I, plain, chopping in herbs or spices. I throw it on top of greens that I picked from the garden.

Having these items that you can repurpose in different ways, you can pack it up for lunch the next day, which is a huge key to staying on track. We explain this a lot more in the 30 day roadmap, if you are interested in going through a whole 30 days of learning how to repurpose dinner for lunch and so on.

Boost Your Digestive Power

Lastly, it’s really important to boost your digestive power so that you have more energy to get through the rest of your day. We use a lot of our energy in digestion. Anything we can do to make digestion easier is going to make everything function better within your body so that you have more energy to run after your kid or to show up at that meeting or to meet up with your friends at the end of the day, or whatever it is.

When we take digestive enzymes, it helps to work on the food itself and break it down. It’s very different than probiotics that work on your gut. Digestive enzymes work on the food, so you get less bloated and more energy. You get more nutrients from the food and you don’t have to take up more of your energy.

I take digestive enzymes every single day before lunch and dinner. I think this is a key to vitality, energy, and slowing down aging because a lot of our vitality that is sucked up in digestion starts to age our skin. We start to look older on the outside, as we start to feel more depleted on the inside. I really recommend digestive enzymes. I have this amazing formula if you are interested in trying it.

A lot of people get confused between taking Detoxy, enzymes, or the probiotics. They are so different and they all work synergistically. Today I want to focus just on the enzymes because they are your best friend in getting the most beauty nutrients out of your food, which will keep you healthy in the long run, no matter what you are eating.

Special Offer On Digestive Enzymes

I have a special for you today. You can get 10% off of for the digestive enzymes. You put in the code at checkout. It is DIGESTBETTER in all caps. It’s 10% off using DIGESTBETTER, for the digestive enzymes. These are amazing. They have lipase to break down fat.

They have special strength that will help you breakdown candida and fiber to prevent bloating. These help you break down protein into the building blocks of the amino acid so you get more to fortify your system and of course, amylase to break down starch and carbohydrates.

In Closing

All that being said, I hope these tips work for you. Remember it’s all about small, simple steps that we take every day to get healthier day by day. You are an amazing, powerful being. Your body can bounce back. It can improve no matter what you’ve done to your body in the past. I had a huge drinking, party phase. My liver has repaired. My skin has repaired, thank goodness. There is hope always.

As busy as you are, you can always implement these little steps to really take care of yourself. Sending you so much love. Remember 10% off, DIGESTBETTER. Take advantage. Look around at all the recipes. We have free meditations for you as well.

Sending you lots and lots of love and I will see you back here very soon!

The post How to Stay Healthy in a Hurry [VLOG #68] appeared first on Kimberly Snyder.

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