What’s your new year’s resolution, Beauty? Do you have any goals for the coming year?
For some, the past year may have been one of personal triumph, or a roller coaster of events and emotions— maybe even both. Maybe you followed your 2021 New Year’s resolutions (or rituals as I often suggest) as planned, maybe you allowed yourself some flexibility, or maybe you didn’t quite meet the expectation you set. But don’t worry, Beauty— all of that is okay.
Your resolutions don’t have to be all or nothing.
As long as you continue to live your fullest and healthiest life, you shouldn’t worry about whether or not you followed your original goal to the letter.
Setting achievable and healthy rituals should be your aim— and one of the best ways to do this is to follow a holistic approach in pursuit of your goals.
I often refer to my Four Cornerstones of True Beauty when talking about living life holistically. If you haven’t downloaded my Four Cornerstones guide yet, I encourage you to do so and read it in its entirety.
But let’s take a quick look at each cornerstone before we dive into how to make a healthy and holistic plan by the time January 1st arrives.
What Are The Four Cornerstones of True Beauty?
If you are new to our Solluna community, then let me be the first to say welcome! I’m so glad you’ve joined us.
The Four Cornerstones of True Beauty— or just the Four Cornerstones— are the key focuses of Solluna’s philosophy. I believe everyone should own their true beauty and feel good inside and out. By following these cornerstones on your personal wellness journey, you can nourish yourself in every vital way to make sure you are healthy physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
We’ve also created a modern tribal community that not only allows you to truly be yourself, but also helps support you on your own personal journey to achieve your unique and individual goals and resolutions. It’s called the Solluna Circle, feel free to join us anytime!
But first, here are the cornerstones our Solluna Circle and Solluna philosophy are built upon.
1. Cornerstone One: Food
The first cornerstone is food. The food you eat is so important for your personal wellness journey because it can have some of the most direct results on your body. Healthy, nourishing food makes you feel energized and revitalized, and unhealthy food makes you feel sluggish and bloated.
Not only that, but eating wholesome food also makes you look as beautiful on the outside as you feel on the inside. Eating the right foods can give you beautiful glowing skin free of blemishes and acne, as well as healthy hair.
If you’re looking for some delicious and healthy ways to nourish your body, check out some of my favorite recipes!
2. Cornerstone Two: Body
The second cornerstone, body, aims to help you feel connected to your physical self. This can be achieved not only through healthy exercise, but also through daily practices and routines and nourishing your body to help you feel light, clean, and present in your skin.
Be sure to pause throughout the day and ask your body what it needs— after a little time, you’ll constantly be in tune with your body, knowing exactly what it needs and when.
3. Cornerstone Three: Emotional Well-Being
The third cornerstone, emotional well-being, is just as important as your physical well-being. I personally believe that if you don’t take care of your emotional health as well as your physical health, that you are not 100 percent healthy and well.
Negative emotions are a sign of unhappiness in your life, and they can take a toll on your body in unexpected ways— like bloating, inflammation, digestive discomfort, and even weight gain. To nurture your emotional well-being, you must create a deeper emotional connection to yourself— this means processing, feeling, and resolving your feelings in a healthy way.
One of the best ways to do this is with meditation— I recommend following my Connecting to the True Self meditation to get started.
4. Cornerstone Four: Spiritual Growth
The fourth cornerstone, spiritual growth, isn’t about religion— it’s about spirit. It’s about being in touch with your true self and becoming more centered and peaceful in the process.
When you connect with yourself, you don’t take any of your imperfections-real or perceived— as seriously. You are more grounded, compassionate, loving, and healthy. And these traits are just as important to your wellness as being physically healthy is.
So now that we’ve talked about the Four Cornerstones, how do we tie them into your new year’s resolution?
New Year’s Resolutions vs. New Year’s Rituals
I’ll be honest, Beauties— setting rigid new year’s resolutions can be very limiting. One of the best ways to help your new year’s resolutions stick is to set smart goals for yourself. Setting unrealistic goals makes achieving your resolutions difficult, and the idea of a failed resolution can be very discouraging.
But don’t worry— neither goal setting nor your new year’s resolution should be complicated or super specific.
Your resolution could be a single personal goal or a few smaller goals you hope to achieve during the coming year.
I think the best way to do this is to create rituals rather than resolutions. Not only will this help you to be more expansive in your personal growth, but it’ll make your goals less rigid and easier to achieve.
For example, a common resolution is to lose weight or to exercise more. But instead of focusing mainly on a set number of pounds to lose— it’s okay to have that as a goal to aspire to though— try focusing on what you can do to get there. Numbers are finite and rigid, and don’t allow for the full potential of your energy to shine through.You don’t want to limit your potential for personal growth here.— Before we take a look at how to create a ritual to help get you to where you want to be, I want to share a personal note about why it’s so important to take a holistic approach to your goal setting this year.
How to Create a Holistic New Year’s Ritual
Creating your own New Year’s ritual doesn’t have to be difficult. First, you want to think about your new year’s goal. It doesn’t have to be a big goal, as long as it’s something important that you want to achieve over the coming year.
Whenever I think about my New Year’s resolutions and rituals, I like to write them down in categories— spiritual, personal, and professional. I also mean this literally— I think it’s a very good idea to physically write your goals and rituals down so you can stay in tune with them better, even if they shift over the course of the new year.
Let’s take a look at each of these categories, and what some of these goals may look like. Spiritual goals for the new year may include:
- Creating and following a spiritual practice
- Become more in tune with your body and your mind
- Taking care of yourself on a deeper level— and learning to listen to your body
- Finding more time to meditate during the week
A personal goal for the new year could be almost anything— the sky’s the limit! A few of these may include:
- Improving your sleep
- Creating a new good habit or breaking an old bad habit
- Reconnecting with a loved one you may not have seen in a while
- Committing to your health— not just in diet and exercise, but also with healthy lifestyle choices and nurturing your mental and spiritual health
Last but not least, you have professional or outward goals. These can be anything you wish to accomplish outside of yourself, such as:
- Starting and finishing any creative or personal projects
- Embarking on the next step in your career, or starting a new career path
- Learning a new skill
- Preparing a healthy dinner for your family, and enjoying it with them at a certain time every day
Remember Beauties, it’s not always a bad thing to follow a more vague resolution. It can actually give you more flexibility when your goals can— and likely will— change over the course of the new year. Allowing yourself that flexibility will help you achieve your goals more easily, and to embrace that energy that will help you feel more in tune with yourself and less reactive to what’s happening around you.
Keeping your new year’s resolutions can be hard work sometimes, but remember— a small step in the right direction is still progress. In our perfectly imperfect lives, we can’t always expect— or attain— perfection. And that’s okay, Beauties. :)
Beginning the new year with a fresh start and a list of resolutions is exciting and inspirational, but meeting your goals is much easier if you support and nurture yourself as you are and work from there, rather than holding yourself to a rigid and inflexible set of standards.
Taking a holistic approach to your new year’s resolutions can help you discover your full potential at your own pace. And when you plan your goals around the Four Cornerstones, you may find that your full potential is within your reach. And when you realize your full potential, I know you can finish the upcoming year strong.
All my love and a healthy, happy new year,
The post What’s Your New Year’s Resolution? Set Holistic Goals According to the Four Cornerstones appeared first on Solluna by Kimberly Snyder.
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