Today’s solocast topic is: 4 Daily Practices to Help Support An Abundant Mindset
I think abundance is a really important topic for all of us, because abundance is this ability to feel the prosperity, the fullness of life that is available to all of us. And sometimes we get blocked a little bit from feeling that full potential.
It’s easy for life to feel like we’re way down, confused. We’re getting tossed in different directions. And I wanted to bring up this topic today and go into it, as we’re starting the year. We have this potential, this amazing ability to shift our lives. And so I’ll be talking about abundance and fullness.
I’m also feeling extra full and abundant and excited today because this is the official launch week of the new book, You Are More More Than You Think You Are – Practical Enlightenment For Everyday Life. And if you’re a regular listener, you’ve been hearing me talk about it now for some months, and it is here!
And speaking of abundance, I want to share with you 4 daily practices, which will help you elevate the abundance in your life as well. And these practices are ones that I give more detail on in the book. There is a chapter in the book called, You Are Abundance, and it is in part three, chapter 17. This is a little bit of a tease of some of the information in that book, and you’ll get some real value today. You’ll be able to start applying this to your life.
Topics Covered In 4 Daily Practices to Help Support An Abundant Mindset
#1. Checking in moment to moment
#2. Activate gratitude in your life
#3. Meditation
#4. Gaining more confidence by taking small action steps
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Hello loves and welcome back for our Monday solocast podcast. I am so excited for our topic today, which is 4 Daily Practices to Help Support An Abundant Mindset. I think abundance is a really important big topic for all of us, because abundance is this ability to feel the prosperity, the fullness of life that is available to all of us. And sometimes we get blocked a little bit from feeling that full potential. It’s easy for life to feel like we’re, you know, way down confused. We’re getting tossed in different directions. So I wanted to bring up this topic today and go and go into it. As we’re starting the year, we have this potential, this amazing ability to shift our lives. And I really wanted to talk about abundance and fullness. I’m also feeling extra full and abundant and excited today because this is the official launch week of the new book.
You Are More More Than You Think You Are – Practical Enlightenment For Everyday Life. And if you’re a regular listener, you’ve been hearing me talk about it now for some weeks and some months, but oh my gosh, my love it is it is here. And so speaking of abundance, I wanna share with you four principles or daily practices, which will help you elevate the abundance in your life as well. And these practices are ones that I, um, I give more detail on in the book. There is a chapter in the book called you are abundance and it is in, um, part three. Let me see, I’ll open it up. Um, it’s chapter 17. So this is a little bit of a tease of some of the information in that book in, in the book, but you’ll, um, get some real value today. You’ll be able to start applying this to your life.
And as I mentioned, this is something that we tune into and we can tap into from inside of us, transform in our lives, whether we’re talking about beauty, energy, love, abundance, it comes from the inside out. We are the ones that can create great change in our lives. We are the ones that can shift and direct our energy and open up and expand our lives.
Please leave a review on iTunes
And so I’m really excited to offer this to you today, just a quick reminder to please leave us a review on iTunes. It’s such a great way to support the show. Please also be sure to, uh, subscribe to our show that way you don’t miss out on any of these Monday, uh, solocast or interviews or any of our Thursday, Q&A shows, which are really impactful because they come from our community and let’s face it. We all have the same questions. We’re all here to support each other and share as we go forward in this journey in, in life, striving to live our best lives, striving to evolve and to feel more connected and peaceful. And blissful, this is really the core goal for all of us. And so we are here in our community, our Solluna community, our feel good podcast community to really support each other in this journey. And we’re here for each other. We are all sisters and brother.
Get Your Copy Of YOU ARE MORE
And so I will say again, finally, in this launch week, please be sure to pick up your copy of the new book. This is the one that I really do believe will help you the most in your life. This book is about unlocking your fullest potential. This book is about sharing my playbook for techniques and teachings that are really prescriptive, really practical, but have really helped me shape my life into something that I feel, um, enormously grateful for. It is fulfilling. It is blissful, there’s so much love in my life and I want the same free you truly. So wherever books are sold, the book is available this week, Amazon Barnes noble, Target your local book seller, please check it out this week. You are more than you think you are so excited. Yay. And then we’ll have other conversations after you’ve you’ve read, of course it will shift and we’ll be able to go deeper and deeper.
Solocast: 4 Daily Practices to Help Support An Abundant Mindset
So all that being said, let’s get into our show today. Today is the day where we’re gonna start really talking about abundance. And again, what are the four daily practices to help support an abundant mindset?
What is Abundance?
First let’s step back and talk about abundance in general. Often when we hear this word, we think about financial prosperity. We often think about money, but abundance is so much more than just money, right? It’s about an abundance fullness of energy because energy is what is underneath everything and the great yoga guru. Paramahansa Yogananda talks about the underlying energy matrix of all things. So these unifying principles working with energy really is the core of this new book and teachings showing that if we wanna create anything into form, whether that’s more love in our lives, more money, more opportunities, more resources, whatever we’re looking for in far, as far as abundance, it means that we need to work with the energy underneath it all, which means the vibration. That is our own frequency. What is the energy that we are putting out at this moment? That’s what we have control over. That’s what we can work with is our inner state is our frequency. And so from here, we work with this energy and this is where energy gets created into form that we can then see and hold and pick up. So when we’re looking to create change, great change in our lives, across the board, we need to understand that first, it starts with this raw material, if you of energy.
Where are you on the scale of abundance?
So abundance is something that we have, um, the potential to really expand in our lives. But in this moment, where are we on the scale of abundance? How are we feeling right now? Are we focused on lack? Are we focused on, you know, form, meaning what is not coming in? What am I missing? I don’t have that soulmate yet. I don’t have the money that I want. I don’t have the position, the career, the savings account, whatever it is when we focus on lack in this moment, it is not the way we’re gonna shift our energy. And I know this can feel really hard and I’ve been there too when I was really broke after coming back from backpacking, but we cannot focus on the external world because that pulls us away from shaping the energy. That is moment to moment creating our experience and creating our level of abundance and prosperity.
#1 Daily Practice to Help Support An Abundant Mindset: Checking in moment to moment
So what we’re the energy that we’re putting out now will create what we see in the future. So the first daily practice, and this is something you can do throughout your day, but definitely starting in the morning as you go into the day is checking in moment to moment. Where am I on the scale of abundance in this moment? So to check in, you can go into your body and you can feel, ah, I feel expansive. I feel open. I feel receptive. This means I am in an abundance mindset. This is a very attractive SEP of energy. When I’m feeling this expansion. It means that I am open to more coming in. This is the energy of fullness prosperity. This is where we say my cup runneth over. And I welcome more and I am grateful in contrast, if we go into our bodies in this moment and we feel tightness, constriction, feelings of lack, anxiety, uh, you know, just this, all the ways that we feel small and limited, then we are low on the scale of abundance. And so what we wanna do is we wanna shift our energy in this moment.
So again, there is a lot more that I go into in the book as far as, um, detail around how, how do we shift? You know, it’s, you know, it’s not something that I can, um, talk through on this podcast. Otherwise we’d be here for five hours, but I will say that just putting this awareness on, oh, I’m feeling lack. I’m feeling tightness is really great information to give yourself. And so we, you, we need to utilize our tools that we have in this moment. How can I shift out of this? Sometimes it’s getting up out of your desk or out of your seat or, or your environment that you happen to be in, in that moment and going outside, going in nature, look out over the horizon, maybe go for a two minute walk or a five minute walk down the street, down the sidewalk around your yard, or take the time to look at a beautiful flower plant outside, lose yourself in this oneness and wonder of creation.
So get up shift, maybe go to the bathroom, maybe brush your teeth. Um, maybe you take a few deep breaths or if you have the space to do one of our practical enlightenment meditations, which are generally around seven or eight minutes, do that, but we wanna keep checking in with our energy, which again is the raw material in which we are creating our future and the amount of abundance that’s in our life. So moment to moment, we wanna shift back into fullness expansion. This really comes, um, in that awareness. So again, if we are not feeling that fullness and that abundance in this moment, we need to do something to shift. So that is the first, um, daily practice is really just, um, checking in constantly throughout the day. Where am I on the scale? And if we find that we are in lack, we want, wanna take the time to give ourselves the self care to nourish soothe process journal.
Like I said, walk around, do a meditation, whatever it is we wanna keep, um, nourishing ourselves. So we come back to our natural state, which is fullness and presence. And so, you know, whatever tools we call on, we just wanna create that awareness.
#2 Daily Practice to Help Support An Abundant Mindset: Activate gratitude in your life
That is the first daily practice that is very powerful. The second one is activate gratitude in your life. Gratitude is a very powerful way to maintain an abundance mindset because when we are grateful, it means that we acknowledge the good in our lives. And we move away from the energy of lack. Again, this energy of looking out, focusing on what’s coming in, what’s not coming in, focusing on all the things that are missing is going to keep us feeling very small and limited in this chatter of complaining about what’s not coming around. And you know, just this woe is me, just the, the victim mindset.
So no matter what is the state of your life right now, we wanna find a way to connect to gratitude in this moment. So it means really waking up to life and noticing all these things that we may take for granted like the hot water that we can cook. We have a stove, we can make tea in the morning. We can make hot water with lemon. The fact that we are in this healthy body and we can go and perceive and grow and share and connect and, you know, be, be love and make love. And, you know, just have this experience right here right now. So starting the day with a gratitude practice is a, a wonderful way to ignite gratitude in your life as a regular practice. So what you can do is you can either get out your journal and write down all the things you are grateful for, or you can hit that voice note record function on your smart phone, depending on your phone, and may, you know, be called something different, but right.
Um, or speak to yourself, all the things I am grateful for starting in the, I am grateful phrasing, which really connects us to this seed intention, the seed consciousness of I am. So I am grateful for, and then listed out for my amazing dog for the breath, for the sunshine, for my family, for, um, space today that I get to meditate. I’m so grateful for my job. I love my apartment. I’m so grateful for my friends list it all. And then what you can do in the morning is as you’re getting ready, you’re putting on your makeup, or you’re getting dressed, play back that gratitude track, which is in your voice, which can be a very powerful way again, to just keep connecting deeper and deeper. So that gratitude and abundance aren’t out there. They’re not these, you know, sort of fuzzy concepts, but rather their conquer eat.
They’re here. They’re now we can feel it. We feel this energy running through our, throughout our lives. We feel it in our voice, we connect to it when you hear this playback. So we try one of those practices, either writing it out, which also makes it concrete, getting it out of your mind onto paper, or doing that a like that voice recording, and then listening to it every morning as you’re starting your day. And that way you start to really ignite and open up that energy in your life. And then besides that, besides let’s, let’s call it your primary morning gratitude practice throughout the day. If something happens good or bad, try to bring it back to gratitude. You know, this email comes in of some information you were looking for. Oh, thank you. I’m so grateful that you took the time to do this, or thank you for bringing it this way.
I was waiting for this. Thank you. Or let’s say something goes not the way you wanted it to go in your day. You can still be grateful. Oh man. You know, it didn’t work out that, you know, in the timing that I wanted to to, but I’m still grateful this is happening or, oh, bummer that this got that’s got canceled tonight, but oh, I’m grateful because now I’m just gonna have another evening to ch ill and relax, whatever it is, try to keep turning it back into gratitude. Try to spend as little time as possible, in lack based energy of frustration, the way our egos make us feel, let down, if something doesn’t work out exactly how we want it. And we sort of sit there and we stew, guess what? That’s pushing abundance away. That’s pushing gratitude away. That’s pushing prosperity away. It’s sitting in this energy of lack and I don’t have, and I’m not happy.
And that is the raw material that’s creating. Your future. Energy is creating. We are creators whether we need ed or not, we are always creating. So the worst thing we can do is look at what again is not happening or is happening in this moment. Get obsessed with it, stew on it, sit in that energy because that keeps perpetuating more of what we don’t want. So even if in this moment, things aren’t exactly how we want them to be. We find a way to rise up beyond present circumstances. We find a way to connect with this expansive part of our energy. We activate it. Sometimes it can be dormant. Sometimes it can feel really deep down in there, but we find a way to connect with it. And so now we’ve done two practices. We connect with gratitude, we shift it into goodness. We shift it into thankfulness and appreciation. And number two, we create this awareness, where am I right now? I’m aware of where I am and what I’m putting it out, putting out. And if I am not feeling grateful, I do something to shift it.
#3 Daily Practice to Help Support An Abundant Mindset: Meditation
So now we go into the third practice, which is meditation. And really I could have started with this one, but you know, they’re not necessarily in sequential order. We also talk about meditation quite a bit here, but meditation is the energy of abundance and fullness when we do it properly.
True. Meditation has taught to us from the S the Sears, the wise men of India from thousands of years ago from Vick scripture, the oldest scriptures in the world from the great Gus, including Paramahansa Yonda, Shawa RI Babaji Lahiri, Maia, all these incredible yogis that have come from India. They all say the same thing, which is that meditation gives us the opportunity for union union. I think that’s what we’re all seeking underneath, connecting to the true self union with the love and the bliss and the potential inside of us. Think about all the things that we’re motivated by and underneath it, if you keep digging it’s because we wanna feel connected. We wanna feel this joy boy. We wanna feel who we really are. And so in meditation, it gives you that experience. And so the more we meditate, the more this energy builds inside of us.
Again, it’s not just about relaxing and giving our nervous system a break, but it’s about going into this center. It’s about going into union, connecting to the true self inside of us. And so the more we do that, the more we connect to this expansive place, it definitely increases your abundance in this full is sense because it, it allows you to be more present in this moment. What is, look at all the potential. Look at the fullness, look at all the love, look at everything that’s here right now, instead of this, you know, very, um, you know, in the modern Western world, we’re often taught to look for what isn’t working, what is not there, what is in lack, all the problems in the world. And again, this just really, it really has a huge impact on our energy and on our bodies. And we can feel it when we watch the news or we’re around someone who’s really negative, will feel tightness.
Twin, this twinge feeling inside of us, butterflies in our belly, Ugh. It just starts to feel off. We know something’s not right, because this is not our true nature. Our true nature IST, not to focus on lack. Our true nature is to feel expansive and abundant. And this is the nature of the universe. We know that the universe is always expanding. Light is always expanding. And so when we go into meditation, it gives us this chance to really expand our energy, our awareness, and the abundance in our lives. So part of your morning practice every day, please do not skip it. Just like you take your SBO probiotics, hopefully every morning to nourish your gut health, which we know is part of this whole totality of wellbeing, everything from our, um, neuro transmitters, our moods, our clarity, our focus, everything is so connected to gut health.
It runs through us. And so in a very visceral, physiological, physical, emotional way, we know that all probiotics benefit everything. This is why it’s one of the few but core important parts of our morning practice. And same thing with meditation. It will run through the energy of your whole day. It will influence everything from the deepest level out from the inside out. So when we sit in meditation, we tune out the outside world and all the, the form, what is coming in, what isn’t coming in, what is working? What isn’t we go past all of that. And instead, we sit in full knowing that we are already connected, knowing that the true self, the eternal part of us spirit, individual, this expansive stable part of us, the voice of our intuition is this incredible, beautiful resource that we walk around with. We always have ourselves, we have an abundance of support.
We have an abundance of love and energy inside of us. So meditation by definition by nature will increase our abundance. It will expand our lives. So if you’re looking to be more abundant in any way, you’re looking for more love. You’re looking to buy that new house. You’re looking for more money in your life to enjoy things. You’re looking for more freedom. You’re looking for, you know, all of these, all the ways in which abundance affects our lives. Please meditate, give yourself this gift, which will benefit everything. And to help support you. We do offer our practical enlightenment meditations every week. There is a whole library of them over on and also on our Solluna app. They are free. They are generally seven to eight minutes. I will guide you through exactly what to do. All of this is inspired by Paramahansa Yogananda, Korea, yoga, this deeper way to really work with your energy that is so effective. So please daily, that is our third practice is regular meditation.
#4 Daily Practice to Help Support An Abundant Mindset: Gaining more confidence by taking small action steps
So now let’s get into our four daily, uh, daily practice, which is gaining more confidence by taking small action steps. So when we’re looking to create great shifts, sometimes it’s easy to get bogged down with doubt and you know, the ways in which we can talk to ourselves and say, well, you know, this seems really big and scary this goal, or I just don’t know how I get from point a to point B. I wanna have all, you know, a, a very different financial experience and situation right now, but look at where I am. I’m struggling to pay my rent.
And so we acknowledge that taking small steps gives us confidence. It starts the momentum going in the direction that we want. So for this practice, first of all, it’s a great idea to really get clear about what you would like more abundance in. So it could be financially, it could be in your relationship situation, it could be in friendships or whatever it is. So it’s a great idea to write down in your journal. We’re very big in writing here because it really does help to concretize ideas and energies, which may be swirling in your mind, but to get them out on paper and to art, this process of creating them right into form, the, the thoughts are, um, constructs of energy. But then when we start to write them down, we’re taking it another step towards making it into actual reality. So you wanna write down what you want to be more abundant in, then let’s say it is, you know, um, you know, fi let’s say it’s financial abundance.
You know, what, what is it? You know, what are, what is the, the pathway that is clear to you right now? And I say right now, because things are always shifting and move, moving, and more opens up for you when you start to open up your own energy. But right now, what is something that you can do? So let’s say, you know, to be more abundant, you wanna have this, um, side job that you do at home, or you’re looking to get a promotion at work or whatever it is. What’s one and tiny step that you can do today. So is it an email that you send, is it a book that you buy in your field to help hone your skills? Is it, you know, having a meeting with someone, a casual, you know, outdoor at this point, coffee meeting or someone to pick their brain about a way to move forward, whatever it is, just start to break down goal even into the smallest of steps.
And then you start to March forward in that way. And this reminds me of when my big goal was to publish a book in the first place. This is, you know, first book was published 10 years ago. So this is now we’re talking like 11 years. Like the year before I started taking these small steps, I went to Barnes and noble I’m big into physicality. I like to see things. So I, I do like retail shops and real books, not audio books. So I went in and I started researching and I bought a book about how to publish a book. And I just took these little steps. I started researching literary agents. I started to read on line about how to put, put together a book proposal. It was these small steps and it was starting to keep the energy going in my life and growing in my life.
And so it became this living thing that I was putting energy into. I was learning about there weren’t big shifts at first, but it was this like snowball going down the hill. And so it was, it is your attention and your energy that will help to shape your future and your abundance. So today in your goals, what are little things that you can start to do? And we start to open that up more and more in our lives as we take action towards it. And by the way, if you are looking for an abundance of love, I cannot wait for you to read the, you are love chapter in the new book, which is chapter five. I believe this is about, this is, this is gonna turn on the light, the love in your life, even more. This is how we really activate love as a verb that runs through.
So that’s connected to a love, an abundance of love energy as well. So that chapter pairs very nicely with this one, but in summary, remember abundance is your birthright. A universal truth means it is true for everyone, every single being, every single human. And so we all have this ability to experience, to claim the fullness, the potential in this moment, but we need to direct our energy. We are the ones that need to really shape where we are today, so that in our future, we experience more abundance.
In Closing
So let’s review our, uh, practical steps that ideally you would, you would do every day. You know, this is your energy, your life. We wanna play big. We wanna have a fulfilling, abundant life. Every day. We work on these things. Number one, checking in moment to moment, where am I on the scale of abundance? Am I in fullness?
Or am I in lack in this moment? And if I’m in lack based energy, we work to shift it, right? So all the tools I mentioned earlier, plus a lot more will be offered to you in the new book. Number two, gratitude. We start the day with GRA with, uh, gratitude practice, like writing it down or listening to a voice playback, um, recording. And then we try to be grateful as much as we can throughout the day. This energy of appreciation and fullness is going to help us attract more abundance, because means we are saturated with this fullness here. And that helps to bring in more. Number three, we meditate on a daily basis at least once a day and definitely in the morning so that we are attuned to this expansive energy. We are connected to source, which is the source of all abundance and all the goodness.
We wanna connect to that every morning. And number four, we take small steps towards our goals, which build energy and confidence. And these small steps add up to big changes in the future. But we have to start walking. We have to start marching towards our goals. We need to direct our energy and take right action. And then it builds like a snowball, right? That energy and that enthusiasm in the momentum will start to build. So try putting these practices in your life, starting today, watch what happens to your abundance and your prosperity. I am. So I, for you to really claim this in your life, I really think it’s a lack of, um, you know, for a lot of us, sometimes we’re just not aware about where we are. And I think we’re not aware of the enormous power that we all have inside of us.
And so I’m so excited to help you bring this forward in your life. I’ve never, ever been so passionate about sharing anything before <laugh> this. Um, I keep going back to this book. This is my full playbook. I have never shared these teachings or what I share in this book before I haven’t shared them in other books. I, I haven’t shared them, um, on our podcast or on the website or anywhere. It’s this compilation of me going through thousands of pages of texts and ancient scripture, and really distilling down the core of what these ancient masters have been saying. For thousands of years, we do not have to reinvent the wheel. We can just take advantage of learning about the fullness, the power of these teachings. And in the book, of course there is of science and personal stories from my life and others. So you can see, oh my gosh, this is so useful.
This is so practical for everyday life. So it’s all coming your way. This week. The book is out. You are more than you think you are, check it out for yourself, try applying these practices today. And as well, I will be here Thursday for our next Q&A community podcast. And the show notes willing to some of those other podcasts. I mentioned like BJ fogs and some recipes and other things that I think would be helpful for you till I see you back here. Take great care, have an amazing, amazing, full, prosperous, abundant. We sending you so much. Love. NA must I bow down to the light inside of you.
The post 4 Daily Practices to Help Support An Abundant Mindset [Episode #649] appeared first on Solluna by Kimberly Snyder.
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