This week’s topic is: Fear and How to Tap into Your Own Courageousness
I’m really feeling this swirl of old fears coming up a bit, which we’ll get into in the show today. The ego is cropping up. Anytime there’s greatness coming forward, anytime there’s a new direction or we face challenges good and bad, it’s natural for the fears to come up.
This is also a time of year where many of us are excited about our goals and our resolutions, however, this is also a time where the block of fear also arises, which is our biggest stumbling block on the path.
And today’s show is a really powerful way to kick off the new year. I’m so excited to get into your questions today. I’m so excited to hear about all the ways in which I can support you going forward into 2022, this beautiful light filled year.
I can feel it down in my bones, in my soul that this is gonna be a really spectacular year for all of us. It almost feels like this rising up after the darkness and COVID and all the unknowns and everything that’s been happening over the past few years.
Have you been wondering about this very topic? If you want to know the answer to this question and 3 more sent in by Beauties just like you, listen now to find out!
Remember you can submit your questions at
[Questions Answered]
Anne Marie – Canada
Hi Kimberly, I love your story on how you went backpacking and barely had enough money but somehow things always worked out for you. With all that you have learned over the years, would you say you are more fearless now then back when you left everything behind? What drove you then as opposed to if you did that now, if that makes sense? I have an itch to do the same but not sure if I have it in me.
Stephanie – North Carolina
I’ve been wanting to start my own business and have taken so many different courses and still haven’t done anything with it. Not sure if it’s fear of failure or I just don’t know what I’ll be good at. Did you know exactly what you wanted Kimberly and was there any fear when you first started? I’m so over it. :(
Beth – Oklahoma
I keep having the same situation happen to me when it comes to going out with guys. They don’t want anything serious and so I move on. I don’t want to end up alone but this seems to be a never ending cycle. Is it me or them, lol?!
Mackenzie – Nevada
I’ve been told many times I over analyze but is that such a bad thing? Seems like it’s good to err on the side of caution.
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The intention of the Feel Good Podcast is to well…help you really Feel Good in your body, mind and spirit! Feeling Good means feeling peaceful, energized, whole, uniquely beautiful, confident and joyful, right in the midst of your perfectly imperfect life. This podcast is as informative and full of practical tips and take-aways as it is inspirational. I am here to support you in being your very best! I have so much love and gratitude for you. Thank you for tuning in and being part of the community :).
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Inspirational Thought of the Week
Beyond your fears are your greatest dreams, your ability to live the best version of your life. Little by little, as you apply the wisdom and practices you will learn here, your fears will start to recede, and love and freedom will grow more and more abundantly in your life.
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Other Podcasts you may enjoy!:
- How Spirituality Enhances the Experiences in Your Life
- The Connection Between Love and Purpose with My Husband Jon
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Kimberly: 00:00 Hi Beauties and welcome back to our Thursday, Q&A podcast where our topic today is fear and how to tap into your own courageousness. So this is our first Q&A podcast of the new year happy new year. I hope your year is off to an amazing start so far for me, I’m just getting bad from Hawaii from, Hmm. Almost three weeks of just really centering, getting really still before this ramp up period in the next few weeks with the kickoff of the book launch on January 18th. So I’m really feeling this swirl mix of many different things. I do feel some old fears coming up a bit, which I’ll talk about. We’ll get into in the show today. Just the ego, you know, cropping up. Um, anytime there’s, uh, greatness coming forward, anytime there’s a new direction. Anytime we face challenges. Good and bad ahead.
Kimberly: 01:01 Of course it’s natural for the fears to come up. And so I think this is also a time of year, which is exciting. And many of us are excited about our goals and our resolutions, but this is also a time where the block of fear also arises, which is our biggest stumbling block on the path. And, and so today’s show is a really powerful way to kick off the new year. I’m so excited to get into your questions today. I’m so excited to hear about all the ways in which I can support you going forward into 2022, this beautiful light filled year. I can feel it down in my bones, in my soul that this is gonna be a really spectacular year for all of us. It almost feels like this rising up after the darkness and COVID and all the unknowns and everything that’s been happening over the past few years.
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Kimberly: 01:55 So very excited for today. Little reminder to please leave us a review on iTunes, which is such a great way to support the show and to keep the show going. It just takes a minute or two out of your day. And if you screenshot your review and send it over to us at my reviews at, that’s S O L L U N We will send you our seven self love affirmation series, which is especially great to help you kick off the new year in feeling re, um, aligned in your beliefs, which go down into what Yogananda calls with the great yoga guru calls our super consciousness. We can say things out loud, but if deep down we have some negative beliefs and blocks, then we don’t really, we aren’t really able to create. We want, and of course that is the goal we wanna move forward. We wanna create fulfillment.
Kimberly: 02:49 And so this series is really powerful while you’re over there, please be sure to subscribe to our show and that way you don’t miss out on any of these Q&A shows or Monday solocast or interviews, you never know when a piece of information is gonna really help to transform your life for the better. So subscription is always a powerful idea. And finally, before we get into the questions today, as I mentioned, we are about two weeks out for the book launch. I’m starting to feel those flutters of excitement, a little bit of anxiety, which always, you know, quells. When I reenter, when I take some deep breaths, when I go down into the true self, but I’m so excited to share this book with you. And if you haven’t yet, um, first of all, say this one is holding in my hand right now.
Kimberly: 03:37 This one is from the high art. This is the most useful, the most practical, the most expansive book that I’ve written. It is my playbook for creating vitality, confidence, abundance, magnetism, and more so can’t wait for it to be in your hands as well. And also your presale bonuses, which you can, will be available until about January 18th. So there is a whole bunch of them. There’s a free, there’s a looped, uh, event. They’ll be, uh, we’re doing a giveaway for 10 people with a circle. There’s the beyond fear course. So please check it all out at And again, please act quickly because in the next few weeks, these bonuses will go away and it’s a wonderful chance to interact, to connect more personally with me and to share as we go into this year into the book launch, it’s called You Are More Than You Think You Are Practical Enlightenment For Everyday Life.
Kimberly: 04:36 So please be sure to check it out and all the information at All right. So all that being said, let’s get into our show today, fear and how to tap into your own courageousness. So fear is the biggest block. Yogananda lists, 26 soul qualities, which are essential for human beings to develop in order to reach our fullest potential. These 26 qualities come from yogic science. They come from the ancient VA texts and of the 26 soul qualities. Yogananda says that fearlessness is number one. So we wanna start the year off right away, just addressing fear because without addressing fear, we’re not really getting on the path in the first place. We’re not really able to go deep into our intentions, deep into our practice because we have this big thing blocking us, which is keeping us occupied with it. It keeps us from just feeling into creative ideas and solutions.
Question #1 around the topic of: Fear and How to Tap into Your Own Courageousness: Hi Kimberly, I love your story on how you went backpacking and barely had enough money but somehow things always worked out for you. With all that you have learned over the years, would you say you are more fearless now than back when you left everything behind? What drove you then as opposed to if you did that now, if that makes sense? I have an itch to do the same but not sure if I have it in me.
Kimberly: 05:41 It keeps our energy down. It keeps us in worry. It keeps us in self-doubt. So this topic today is really important, so we can embody all that we’re meant to embody. And the first qu, uh, first question comes from Annemarie, who lives in Canada. Hi Anne Marie. Thank you so much. Our north of the border neighbors, wherever you are in Canada, sending you a big warm virtual hug. Thank you for being part of our community and you, right. Hi, Kimberly. I love your story on how you went backpacking and barely had enough money, but somehow things always worked out for you. You, with all that you have learned over the years, would you say you are more fearless now than back when you left everything behind what drove you then, as opposed to if you did that now, if that makes sense, I haven’t itch to do the same, but I’m not sure if I have it in me.
Kimberly: 06:34 So Ann Marie, thank you so much again for your question. I love this. And I think when we share each other’s stories and we talk about our experiences, it’s really helpful to our sisters and brothers, because it sparks us to intro respect and to see how this might apply to our own lives. For me, when I went backpacking, it was really just a combination of many things. I was a sea. I didn’t wouldn’t have used that term back then, but I was seeking relief from the discomfort from the anxiety. I felt, I wasn’t sure which direction to take. So it was really scary leaving, but in a sense, now that I have, um, you know, progressed on the path, I will say that I consider myself a lot more fearless. Now I clung to many crutches back then, even though it was, you know, um, a big deal to leave, of course, and it’s a big deal to backpack around the world, by yourself.
Kimberly: 07:35 I would meet people. And I would, you know, I just had, you know, strategies for getting through, especially some really tough countries like China. For instance, I met this girl, Jess, and, you know, I always found a way to work out companionship and friendship along the way so that I was able to get past some of those dicey moments. But since then, I’ve been through much tougher experiences. You know, the, the, the fears that I went through in the six weeks, the six very intense weeks from when we found out my mom had cancer to when she passed mark’s the, the most, um, you know, how to explain it, the period where I felt like I walked through the fire the most and got to the other side, also the fear of leaving a relationship with a child and moving out of my own, both of these, I talk about in the new book in much more detail, I, it was going into this unknown and having a child, having, you know, a career life.
Kimberly: 08:41 So it’s different than when you are starting out and you leave. It’s a different kind of fear. It’s different. I think as we continue along our journeys and we start to create life, and then there’s a bit more depth in what we’ve created. So leaving at any certain point can feel, um, and the fear can feel even more intense as we go along. That being said, I have the tools to deal with my fears now. Whereas back then, when I was backpacking, I didn’t, I was just getting started. I was to India for the first time. I was learning to do yoga and to meditate and to sit with myself and to let the fears come up and then process them and digest them. So there’s a lot more tools I have now. So I’ve been through a lot more fear. And even now, you know, with the book launch coming in a few weeks, there’s a bit of fluter.
Kimberly: 09:34 If you call it year, it’s just this, like, you know, the, the, the butterflies, like the excitement, the knowing that over the next few weeks, it’s gonna get really intense. I’m gonna be traveling back and forth to New York a few times. I’m gonna be doing some big TV shows. I’m going to be speaking a lot from my heart. And so what I remind myself is that it’s really a, about showing up in this moment in this moment. Am I in the true self, or am I in ego? The ego is in fear. The ego is reactive. The ego is in comparison. The ego thinks it’s not enough, but when we, when we sink down to the true self, which we do in our practical enlightenment meditations, which I like to offer you Ann Marie, and any of you to this that are looking for more, really practical, tangible tools, we had this ability to recenter and I use this term more and more because I can really feel it happening going from out here, fragmentation, seeing things or thinking things and things starting to feel distorted.
Kimberly: 10:35 Things are starting to feel okay, chaotic and reentering to me is doing a meditation or even a mini meditation and breathing down into my center and breathing down into the true self, which is spirit inside of us, which is our soul, which is this eternal, stable part of us. And instantly I bring forth this courageousness. I can tap into it. And you can. And two at any moment saying, I don’t know how things are gonna work out. I don’t know the future. I don’t even know if maybe this is the best decision, or maybe I’m making a mistake, but I’m showing up in this moment and I’m doing the best that I can right now. This is the best decision I can make right now. This is how I can best move forward. And when we take that presence moment by moment into our lives, with decisions that are small and big with interactions that are great and small, we know that we are moving through life with more consciousness, more awakeness.
Kimberly: 11:33 We are more enlightened because we’re not just playing out patterns. We’re not from our fear. So the next time you start to feel this fear, Anne Marie, anyone listening to this, what you do is you recognize that you’re in fear right now that you’re in the ego. You pause. If you can, or as quickly as you can, you know, wrap up an email, wrap up a call and take a pause, close your eyes, put your hand on your heart on one hand, on your belly and breathe down into the center of your being. So break the pattern of the fearful thoughts. Use your breath to get into your body, reenter, restabilize yourself. And if you’ve time to do a practical enlightment meditation, which are about seven minutes or eight minutes, wonderful, just to re, um, to give yourself a new perspective and to get out of that fear pattern.
Kimberly: 12:24 And so, again, Annemarie, I’ll just wrap up and say, I didn’t have these tools back then. So I was cling to people and certain ways, traveling with them as I look back, I can recognize, you know, wasn’t bad. It was just the ways I would deal with the fear of the unknown and being in, you know, some, some pretty interesting places out there. And now just knowing that I have this inner resource that of course, you know, practically speaking, you may rely on people. You may be doing certain things, but this resource allows me and it will allow you, you to rise up to each moment and to go through life, feeling that consistency and feeling that support from within yourself, which is incredibly powerful. So thank you so much for your question. And I can’t wait for you to read the fearlessness chapter in the book.
Question #2 around the topic of: Fear and How to Tap into Your Own Courageousness: I’ve been wanting to start my own business and have taken so many different courses and still haven’t done anything with it. Not sure if it’s fear of failure or I just don’t know what I’ll be good at. Did you know exactly what you wanted Kimberly and was there any fear when you first started? I’m so over it. :(
Kimberly: 13:12 I have it here. It’s gonna to benefit you tremendously. It’s chapter two, right at the top. So thank you so much. My love. Let me know how you do keep in touch with me and share with more with me about your fears and how you step past your fears as well. All right. Loves our next question comes from Stephanie and she lives in North Carolina and she writes, I’ve been wanting to start my own best this, and have taken so many different courses and still haven’t done anything with it. I’m not sure if it’s fear of failure or I just don’t know what I’ll be good at. Do you know exactly what you wanted? Kimberly? And was there any fear when you first started? I am so over it, Stephanie, thank you so much. My love for your question. Big a sister. I feel, I feel it in your question.
Kimberly: 13:58 And I want you to know that I felt the same thing, many, um, many things. Okay. So a couple years ago, maybe five years ago, I was hell bent on starting a food business. Thank God I didn’t. Because since then I’ve had some really big experiences. I’ve expanded. I’m talking about the four cornerstones. Now I’m interested in completely different things. Practical enlightment meditation. You are more than you think you are a book, the Solluna Circle. So it’s okay that we feel this pull of different directions because until we are really is centered in the true self, we may get mixed messages, or we may find it harder to discern the voice, what Yogananda
calls, the infallible counsel of the inner voice of our intuition. I can’t help, but mention there is a, the longest chapter in the new book is called. You are a creator and it will address all these questions.
Kimberly: 14:57 It is very detailed. Stephanie. It goes from, and I went through synthesized the pattern, uh, the process that I went through about really, what are your unique qualities? And don’t try to tie it to anything specific like, oh, well this job, or maybe this kind of business, when you start to tune into your qualities, there are some specific exercises which will allow you to connect that into form into how you can utilize those practices in, um, in those, those gifts and to create from that very potent place. And so I can’t wait for you to read. You are more than you think you are, Stephanie. This chapter is gonna be speaking to you directly. What I’ll say is I didn’t know what I was gonna do. When I first started, it all started from my free word, press blog, which back then, you know, circa 2009 was Kimberly
Kimberly: 15:56 And someone owned So I couldn’t buy it yet. This was before Solluna. This was before Beauty Detox. And all I knew was I wanted to share, and I was passionate about, you know, different things that were lighting me up. And so I know how to put it into a business. I wasn’t even thinking about that, but I came from my heart, Stephanie, and that is what I, my advice to you as well is go into your heart and think about contemplate, intro respect. Ideally, after you meditate, how can I use my gifts in the world? How could I help other people? What does God want me to do? What does the universe want me to do with these gifts? Spirit, whatever word you wanna use, doesn’t matter. Do you sit and you contemplate, and then you work with that. And when the fear arises, you go into what I was saying in our first question with Anne, you take a pause, you breathe down.
Kimberly: 16:55 And another tool that we start calling on is we, um, center ourselves in our heart. And we think about all the potential people and all the potential joy. We will spread through our own unique gifts and offerings. Whether it’s a product that can help people or website that can create happiness or some momentary humor or whatever it is, infinite ways in which we can spread the light through our own energies. So remember Beth that, um, it’s okay to not know exactly where you wanna go, but to not get caught up in the head, which is where ego lives and where all the self-doubt lives and all the fear lives instead to breathe down into the heart and to be guided more and more into righteous action from the heart, from this place of passion, which goes beyond thought, which moves from divine inspiration. So you will be guided into the next steps, into the projects, into the products, into where to put your energy so that you are able to move forward.
Kimberly: 18:00 And again, fear will come up, breathe into that moment, breathe past the fear. Remember that your intention are for something so much bigger than yourself. The fear cannot stop you and then keep moving forward. So a lot more to share in the book and also sort beyond fear course. Thank you so much. My love for your question, sending you big love down there in south or North Carolina. Hope we get to meet one day and keep in touch with me. Let me know how you’re doing. Let know how your business ideas develop and how else I can support you. So thank you so much.
Kimberly: 18:00 I’ll write my loves. We’re gonna take a short break here. And when we get back, we have two more questions for you on this topic of fear and how to tap into your own courageousness.
Question #3 around the topic of: Fear and How to Tap into Your Own Courageousness: I keep having the same situation happen to me when it comes to going out with guys. They don’t want anything serious and so I move on. I don’t want to end up alone but this seems to be a never ending cycle. Is it me or them, lol?!
Kimberly: 19:33 All right, loves. We are back from our break. Now we have two more questions for you on this topic of fear and how to tap into your own courageousness. I love this topic. I love that we are going right into it. At the beginning of this year, we’re gonna bust past our fears. We’re gonna get past these blocks and then we’re gonna open into an expand incredible year for all of us. I’m so excited. And the first question now, back from the break comes from Beth, who lives in Oklahoma. And she writes, I keep having the same situation happen to me when it comes to going out with guys, they don’t want anything serious. And so I move on. I don’t wanna end up alone, but this seems to be a never, is it me or them LOL? So Beth, my love my sister out in Oklahoma, sending you big love out there. I am so excited that we are connected. I am so excited by your question, because I think that this is something that we can all relate to in different ways. For me, my pattern with guys was, excuse me, was, um, you know, being attracted to a certain aspect, but never feeling that full closeness that I wanted.
Kimberly: 20:51 And so it was a pattern where perhaps I was attracting people that I could keep at a distance. And then I was not really getting what I wanted. And so what I started to understand about a lot of relationship patterns, and I think this may apply to you as well, applies to all of us in different ways. Is that underneath patterns when there’s this ongoing structure, this pattern that keeps coming up is fear is underneath that. And what I mean by that is that, um, for me, there might have, there was like a kind of a fear of if I get too close to someone and they let I let them see me, maybe they won’t love me. Maybe I’m not lovable enough. So then I would unconsciously attract people that I didn’t get that close to, even though that’s what I wanted. So after I was able to unpack that fear and get underneath, then I could say, oh wow.
Kimberly: 21:55 And then I started to work on my genuine self love, which I also share about in the book about, because it’s hard to love ourselves if we’re identifying with the ego and with behaviors that are unpredictable <affirmative>. But when we are able to really, um, understand that we are lovable, we understand that we are this glorious soul, which doesn’t happen overnight, but more and more as we do our practices and our techniques that starts to unfold, then we realize that we are deserving of the kind of love that we want. And that, that love is possible for us. So Beth, if you’re constantly attracting guys that aren’t serious, and this is happening over and over again, it means that there’s something in you that’s blocking the serious ones, the ones that you can really create <affirmative>, um, depth in your relationship with. So there’s a reason we keep people away.
Kimberly: 22:55 For me, it was this fear of not being lovable. So I would encourage you to sit with this meditate, do one of our practical might meditations, and then to sit with, what am I fearful of in relationships and this huge in helping to bring some of these shadows to the light. When you start to become aware of what you’re really fearful of, it will allow you to process those fears and then you can move past them. And then you can get that guide that you want. So this is from the fear chapter. I, I read this question in and I pulled this because I it’s so applicable here. This is on page 25 of the new book. You are more than you think you are. If you never take the time to examine your deepest fears, you won’t truly begin to understand your motivations, your patterns of moving through the world, your very self.
Kimberly: 23:50 Maybe you keep attracting guys who cheat on you or treat you poorly because deep down you have a fear that you aren’t good enough for a quality man. And that’s all you deserve. Or maybe you don’t go for the career. You are so passionate about out because you have a fear. You’re not good enough to make it after all. Perhaps you might say that you don’t want something like having kids are getting married, starting your own website and so on because you really do want that thing. And you’re fearful that you won’t be able to get it.
Kimberly: 24:25 If you start to imagine what it would be like to be for read from all of these fears, and you can start to imagine a new reality when you even consider the possibility, it’s the beginning of converting a potential into your reality. And then the next few pages go into a self reflection practice called getting the fears outta the shadows. And I will lead you how to do this in the book. So Beth, you know, as I read this, it reminded me so much of me and patterns and patterns that I think a lot of us have in our relationships, cuz our significant other brings up a lot. This person is so close to us. This person will see us in ways that other people will not. We will reveal ourselves to them potentially. And so look at the fears underneath, breathe into them, process them, and then start to think about what do you really want and what is important to you and are you as a partner offering that same closeness. That seems seriousness, that depth, that connection that you want back are you mirror it within yourself. And again, lots more to share in the upcoming weeks when this comes out. But for now, I’d like you to ponder that and please come back to me, please keep in touch with me. Let me know how you do. Let me know how the patterns shift as I know they can and hopefully will soon. Um, sending you much love sister again, thank you so much.
Question #4 around the topic of: Fear and How to Tap into Your Own Courageousness: I’ve been told many times I overanalyze but is that such a bad thing? Seems like it’s good to err on the side of caution.
Kimberly: 25:51 All right, everybody, let’s get into our second question today who comes from Mackenzie and Nevada and she writes, I’ve been told many times I overanalyze, but is that such a bad thing? Seems like it’s good to air on the side of caution. So Mackenzie, my love Nevada, my neighbor <laugh> when I’m in California, at least which I am right now. I send you lots of love. And I love this question and I love the frankness of it. So if you’ve been told many times that you overanalyze, it is something to be aware of. We will want to, and Yogananda teaches this as well. We want to take in the words of others and introspect, is there truth in this, especially if it’s coming up time and time, if someone’s mean, if someone’s just lashing out, of course, those are not the times when we need to pay attention, but there are times when, huh?
Kimberly: 26:53 Maybe there is something for me to look into. Maybe there is something that this is bringing light into. And so overanalyzing is interesting because on one hand we definitely want to analyze the facts. We wanna look, we wanna use reason. We want to be reasonable and take all that we can at that moment, right? Like look at everything and do our best to analyze. But over are analyzing goes into the realm of fear because once we have the facts, what we do is we tune in, um, I always like to do meditation. And then in that clear space afterwards, ask the question or you know, think through, is this the best decision for me to make right? It now, whatever it is and see what arises from our intuition facts alone. Aren’t the only place to make decisions because there’s a lot of energetics that go in that are not necessarily quantifiable or on this dense plane of existence sort of, oh, well, it’s just what I see with my eyes.
Kimberly: 28:06 We know that there are internet waves and radio waves and all sorts of things that we can’t see. And so we need to into it, the more we meditate, the more our intuition will grow. And the more we’ll have an urge, just a ooph like a, the spun out, just the CENS, great word, this divine. And spurry moving us towards something. So for me, intuition is what moves me into hiring people at Sal Luna. It’s what moved me towards my husband, John it’s what moved me into action. When this book idea came through at like lightning out of nowhere. And so McKenzie, we don’t want to overanalyze because it means that we are, are just going over and over the facts again. And that’s the fearful ego wondering obsessing. If it’s missing out on something sort of decision paralysis about taking that next step forward.
Kimberly: 29:00 So we need to instead breathe down and again, take that centered moment after meditation. Let the thoughts start to settle the frantic monkey mind and look with rationality. Here are the facts, lay it all out. Here’s what I got. Here’s what’s not here. Here’s what is, and then breathe into it and see how your intuition lines up with the facts. And maybe you take a pause, maybe you sleep on it, whatever, but overanalyzing means that you’re fearful that you are missing something something’s falling through fearful, fearful, fearful. So there is a place for analysis. And what we don’t wanna do is step into overanalyzing because sometimes being too cautious can block us, can block us from our soulmate, block us from opportunities because the fear stops us and it keeps us from going from it going forward. And sometimes we need to ask ourselves as well, and these situation where we’re overanalyzing, what’s the worst thing that can happen if I call this person and they reject me, at least I tried.
Kimberly: 30:07 If I emailed this person and I never hear back, at least I tried. If I told this guy that I think he’s cute and I wanna hang out. And he doesn’t, at least I won’t spend my life wondering if that was my soulmate, who went by me. So sometime I’m thinking through situation by situation McKenzie and seeing what would the worst case be. If I went for it can also help to strengthen and revitalize that courageousness inside of you and realize you do it a few times. And it’s like a muscle that you strengthen. You realize that more and more you can move past your and on the other side is so much expansion and freedom and possibility that the fear starts to control you less and less over time. So thank you so much. My love for your question. Let me know how you do with some decisions that come up.
Thought of the Week
Kimberly: 30:55 I’d love to hear how things unfold for you. All right? And now everyone, one, it is time for our quote of the week. As we wrap up our show today, this is also a quote from the book and I’m so excited to read this to you from page 28. Beyond your fears are your greatest dreams, your ability to live the best version of your life. Little by little, as you apply the wisdom and practices you will learn here, your fears will start to recede, and love and freedom will grow more and more abundantly in your life.
Kimberly: 31:36 So thank you so much. My love for tuning in today, keep the questions coming. Remember you can submit them over at, anything and everything that you’re wondering about. I can almost guarantee that other Beauties other loves here are wondering the same thing. And so it’s just great to keep reinforcing different aspects of the lifestyle of our four cornerstones. As we move forward into this incredible inspirational potential for this year ahead, let it be filled with love and light and bliss. Let this be your best year ever yet. I am so excited for you. I’m so excited to be here for you more and more. I’m so excited to connect with you more and more in this upcoming year. So thank you so much. My love for being here. Remember to check out the show notes at Remember to pre-order your copy of the new book. You are more than you think you are in the next few days. So you can also get your pre-sale bonuses. I’ll be back here Monday for our next interview podcast to then take care and so much love.
The post Fear and How to Tap into Your Own Courageousness [Episode #644] appeared first on Solluna by Kimberly Snyder.
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