This week’s topic is: Practical Tips for Creating Your Dreams with John Pisani
I am so excited to have my very special guest, John Pisani, who is my business partner at Solluna and best friend for over 10 years. Listen in as John and I discuss my upcoming new book, YOU ARE MORE, why getting past fear matters when it comes to creating your dreams, tips on turning your dreams into reality, and so much more!
- Tip #1. Being flexible, non-rigid and non compromising
- Tip #2. Focus on helping others first
- Tip #3. Clarity and writing your goals down on paper
- Tip #4. Enlisting a team to turn your dreams into a reality
- Tip #5. Sharing the vision
- Tip #6. Focus and dynamic wealth – knowing when to take the right action and when to find stillness
About John Pisani
John Pisani is founding partner, co-owner and COO of Solluna, a lifestyle brand empowering you to live your best life with offerings in each of its 4 Cornerstones: Food, Body, Emotional Well-being, and Spiritual Growth. He also currently produces the top-rated podcast on iTunes entitled Feel Good Podcast with Kimberly Snyder.
He also produced the marketing and publicity release campaigns for the New York Times best-selling books The Beauty Detox Power (2015) The Beauty Detox Foods (2013) and The Beauty Detox Solution (2011) as well as the best sellers Radical Beauty (2016) and Recipes for Your Perfectly Imperfect Life (2019)
With personal access to celebrities and key influencers Pisani exposes brands and projects to Hollywood’s top celebrities, executives, and tastemakers. For years he has been one of Hollywood’s top film publicists and field producers, with over 55 film credits, including the physical production publicity, marketing and field producing on 18 Marvel Studios blockbuster films.
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The intention of the Feel Good Podcast is to well…help you really Feel Good in your body, mind and spirit! Feeling Good means feeling peaceful, energized, whole, uniquely beautiful, confident and joyful, right in the midst of your perfectly imperfect life. This podcast is as informative and full of practical tips and take-aways as it is inspirational. I am here to support you in being your very best! I have so much love and gratitude for you. Thank you for tuning in and being part of the community :).
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Kimberly: 00:46 Hey Beauties. And welcome back to our Monday interview podcast. I am so excited for our special day yesterday. Our very special guest, who is my best friend, our partner here at Sal Luna. He’s a big part of my life. He’s a big person behind the scenes with everything that we’re creating all the time. So I thought who better to talk about our topic today than with John Pisani and our topic is practical tips for creating your dreams. So we wanted to do this show, of course, at the beginning of 2022, this year, that feels already so ripe with potential. It felt like so much was being planted in 2021. I don’t know about you, but just there was a lot of still a foundational things happening. I feel like individually and also as a collective, but it feels like this year is going to be the year for really allowing creations, our best stuff, our manifestations to come forth.
Kimberly: 01:48 So I’m very, very excited for today’s show. And before we, I get into it though, I’m going to give a quick shout out to our fan of the week. And her name is SW Liz and she writes beautiful insight and out Kimberly is such a beautiful, bright shining light. And this podcast is truly divine. I love all the topics and she keeps it short and sweet, insightful, and great converse stations, tips, and ways of thinking about physical and emotional health. Well spot Liz, thank you so much for being part of our community. Thank you so much for your review. It truly means the world. I take that into my heart. It’s such a great way to support the show. So thank you so much for being here for being connect. And I appreciate you so much, and my loves for your chance to also be shouted out as the fan of the week.
Kimberly: 02:42 Please just take a moment or two out of your day and leave us a review on iTunes, which is free and easy. It’s a great way to support the show. And if you screenshot your review and send it over us at reviews, with two LS, we will also send you our seven self-love affirmation series, which is a powerful tool for, especially as we go into the new year, helping to really reprogram some limited beliefs, some negative beliefs, and help us to really live in alignment with our truth and our list potential while you’re over there. So again, that’s and while you’re over there, please be sure to subscribe to our show that way you don’t miss out on any of these interviews or any of our Thursday, Q&A shows as well, which, um, is amazing. All the questions come right from our beautiful, vibrant community.
Kimberly: 03:41 And the last thing I will say here before we get into our interview today with John is I want to remind you, you may or may not be aware, but we are very close to the launch. Now for my new book, you are more than you think you are practical enlightenment for everyday. We are kicking off the launch on January 18th. I’m so excited to share the book with you, my full playbook. And so for the next few days, you still have the opportunity to pre-order your copy or your copies and claim your pre-sale bonuses, including we’re giving away 10 tickets to a intimate special circle. We’re going to have a live loop event. We have our beyond fear, course, lots and lots of amazing happenings in the pre-sale department. So please go over to my and check it out again. The next few days, you can still get your pre-sale items.
Interview with John Pisani
Kimberly: 04:40 The book will start shipping in just a few weeks. I cannot wait. I’m so excited to get this one into your hands. All right, here, we are got through all that, and now we’re going to get into our topic today, practical tips for creating your dreams. And so my loves, I am very excited to not introduce, but to welcome back because he is been on several times. Welcome back to our show. John Pisani, my business partner at Sal Luna, my best friend and my partner in creating so many incredible things in the world. John has been with me since the first book six books ago. So John, thank you so much for being here today.
John: 05:48 Thanks so much and happy new year. Happy 22.
Kimberly: 05:51 Yeah. <laugh> you know, 22 has always been a magical number for me. It showed up in different ways, you know, how there’s like angel numbers and you know, and people have different, um, just ideas about numbers in 22 and there’s new neurology. It was shown to be my master builder number. So I feel like this is gonna be a great year for me, for all, all of us in the community. It’s it’s really exciting.
John: 06:20 Well, 22 is also it’s one of my numbers it’s oh really? Yeah. It’s my life path number.
Kimberly: 06:26 Oh, wow. Yeah. How funny is that? I know. So let’s, um, let’s get into our topic today, which is about creating our dreams into reality and we all have dreams sometimes, you know, the, the phrase, a little cliche, but you know, do you dare to dream or daring to dream? I think sometimes we block ourselves from even dreaming our dreams in the first place. And that’s one of the reasons in the first book when you and I both, um, meditate, we both do create yoga, which is taught by the great yoga guru. Paramahansa yoga Nanda who brought yoga to the west. He’s really the one that introduced yoga here. So really ancient to classical techniques, many of which, um, are inspired and highlighted in the new book. But, um, he talks about how fear is the biggest block that we first have to get past in creating our dreams in the first place. And that’s not the, you know, the focus of today’s show, but I wanna touch on it just a little bit at the top because we wanna make sure that in the first place we’re able to create clarity around our dreams because we can’t create our dreams if we aren’t first clear what they are in the first place.
Tip #1. Practical ways to create your dreams: Being flexible, non-rigid and non compromising
John: 07:46 Absolutely. And it’s a great topic. I think it’s very topical for where the world is today and, you know, fear until you’ve written, you know, this book that’s coming out in a few weeks, you don’t realize how much fear is part of our everyday life and our everyday decision. Um, yes. And until I read the book, I was like, wow, I didn’t realize how, oh my gosh, I makes every decision. You’re kind of calculating your head risk re risk reward and fear. And like, oh, what if that doesn’t like, and so I think this is a really, cuz it can be very debilitating, which you know, and I think it’s a great, great topic. And it really, when you get out of that fear zone, it really unlocks so much potential.
Kimberly: 08:32 Yes. Yes. So first of all, I just want to, you know, highlight that fear is a big thing that we need to get past <affirmative> and there’s some, um, uh, what was it last Thursday? I did a whole Q and a on fear. We’ve been talking about this topic lately. It is the second chapter in the book. So we are excited for you to read it, but I just wanna highlight here that it is important to create real practical tools for getting past your fears. And as John mentioned, bringing them out of the shadows into the light in the first place. So that’s sort of the precursor to what we’re talking about here today, but getting into this topic of creating your dreams into reality, it is, um, you know, I just wanna share that I met John, you know, years ago and I think John did, maybe I already had my first book deal when we met. Was it after that or no, it was before. Okay. So I remember like sharing with you and I, you know, it was something that was deep inside of me and I had always had this dream of being a published author. And do you, do you remember those very early? I,
John: 09:47 I do. You had actually you had written catching the fire, catching the fire and yes. Which, which, you know, you kinda kinda never got published <laugh> yeah. You were in the midst of writing now. Okay. And, and so you had just come onto your, you know, like, wow, I love being a writer,
Kimberly: 10:06 So let’s thank you for bringing that up. So I think that is an attribute of creating your dreams as well is not being rigid. Let’s say that right away. There’s a, is fluidity in there’s this the way of things. So it’s working with the universe working with what’s coming. And so this is 10 years ago that the beauty detox solution was published now in 2011. And you’re right. The first manuscript I had was called catching the fire fire. It was a travel memoir and there was some teachings in it and I’m glad that book didn’t get published, honestly, because I wasn’t ready. And I wasn’t, you know, gritty and raw, all the things that I’ve been through in the past year, past 10 years. And so, um, when Sarah, who was my first editor, she took me on from Harper Collins and she said, Hey, you know, looking at your blog and your website, all this food and recipe stuff is really growing in popularity.
Kimberly: 11:02 So let’s do this book first and then we’ll do this book down the line. And so from the beginning, I was clear that I wanted to write that I loved to write that I wanted to publish a book, but there was this flexibility in the beginning and it didn’t feel like compromise. There’s a difference. I think we need to listen to our hearts. When are we being flexible? And when are we compromising our dreams? So for me back then, I remember being thrilled to get in advance, to write a book. And I was passionate about the food and diet stuff as well. So it was flexibility that, um, that was that first quality I wanna highlight.
John: 11:41 Yeah. I think that you have to be open cuz the big dream is really to become a writer. It isn’t, I wanna become a writer and only write about X, you know? Right.
Kimberly: 11:49 It’s like, this is my manuscript or nothing.
John: 11:51 <laugh> exactly. So it’s really, I wanna be a published author and that was your dream. And you know, the interesting thing is that when you let it be open, like cuz it, you know, at that point we were also doing some skincare stuff and mm-hmm <affirmative> and, and naturally, you know, while that was happening with Sarah, you had all these editors, we would, we would have these events like obviously to promote the line and we would serve food and you were making like your, you know, nutrition and stuff like that, food and stuff for the events. And we started noticing how they were sparking to that more than really, you know, than they were just as interested in that is the skincare. And so those worlds, it was
Kimberly: 12:32 Natural direct.
John: 12:33 Exactly. They kind of naturally collided and like, wait a second. They’re saying it, my publisher attention, you know, like it’s like wait
Kimberly: 12:40 Online and then clients were coming and they wanted to learn how to have this energy and how to eat. So thank you. Cause sometimes, you know, it’s like when the two of us, like we, we kind of puzzled together the, of memories, but I
John: 12:55 Will say that. So what’s, that’s why we’re a good yinging yang. Cause you have a really great memory in some things. And then other things <laugh> not so much and then like details wise. Cause I just always remember that one event at the, uh, that hotel that whatever we had and how everybody was freaking out about the food and how amazing it was and wanted to know so much about it. And so it kind of like it steered us in that natural direction. And, but also allowing, you know, you have to say, sometimes you have to let go of like, cuz you know, at that point you had written that manuscript and there’s always, there’s always an attachment to, and I had spent hours,
Why staying focused on your dream matters
Kimberly: 13:32 Hours writing years. You, I mean, I, I hadn’t written the whole book, but I had written a portion of it and ID just gotten back from backpacking and it was fresh in my mind and I was so passionate and I remember I would share stories with you of, you know, going in the Gandhis river in Verno and seeing the dead bodies and getting three flat tire in the name of desert and these stories that felt like so big and so life changing and I was really passionate. But again, so, you know, the first practical tip, I would say, if we’re gonna distill this down for people to utilize is be flexible and non rigid, but at the same time don’t compromise. So like we said, it’s different if you’re, you know, your dream is to be a, um, I don’t know, like a screenwriter and you get handed this check for, you know, continuing your job, like a, like a double your, your salary and you know, stay in this forever in your job of being, let’s say an accountant or something that you have been doing at the same time. You wanna keep the fire going. You wanna keep riding at night, you wanna keep focused on your dream and not compromise it because of, you know, of course we all need to make money and to be prosperous in the world, but we wanna be non rigid. And at the same time we don’t wanna compromise. So I think that’s really important when we’re talking about creating.
John: 15:00 Absolutely. And I think of the, the other thing is the intuitiveness of it and trusting your intuition, cuz there, there will be a point at some point where you have to make a decision to either follow it or not. And you know, to really take, you know, let go of fears and trust, you know, and trust your instinct of what, what feels right for you. And that’s a, that’s, that’s a tough decision.
Kimberly: 15:24 Mm-hmm <affirmative>, mm-hmm,
John: 15:25 <affirmative> not always easy to make
We discuss how intuition is a powerful tool in creating your dreams
Kimberly: 15:28 Well. And so, um, I will say that intuition is one of the most powerful tools in being an entrepreneur in creating your dreams in creating anything. And that really comes and then Yogananda talked about intuition a lot and there’s a chapter in the book called you are an intuitive body and it does, it is a tool. It is a practice. It’s something that you develop more and more through meditation when you connect to the true self and you start to learn to really discern the difference between the voice of the fearful ego and the voice, the clarity of the self. So with this first tip of, um, you know, <laugh> flexibility and non rigidity, you and non compromise, it does go hand in hand with a daily meditation practice. So the next point moving on from there that I want to make is I wrote this down is along the lines of when you are creating the vision of your dream that you wanna manifest for focus on helping others first and foremost, working for something much bigger than the little self.
Tip #2. Practical ways to create your dreams: Focus on helping others first
Kimberly: 16:41 And this is something I get into a lot more detail in the book because this has, when I look back on everything that we’ve created and everything that I’ve written about, it does come. The things that are are the most successful have come from this place, a really genuineness wanting to share from my heart like, Hey, you know, beauty, detox solution, this whole food, combining food ordering thing really helped me with my bloating and eating this way and living this lifestyle. I think it could help you too. Right? And so this, this, this current book, which has come me out in just a few weeks, came down and the idea was like, whoa, it’s so big. And I really want, this is my playbook. These are all the teaching. These are all the practices that have helped me so much. And I really think they’re needed in the world today.
Kimberly: 17:27 So when we create from this place of non limitation, when we’re including the good of others, we think out, you know, it’s not so literal as, oh, I’m gonna volunteer at the soup kitchen, helping people means many things. You know, you can show up in a certain vibration, you can employ people. You can be cheerful at work. You can be loving, you can be thoughtful in any company in any relationship and you know, your church group, your mom’s group, whatever it is. But I think when we’re, you know, the practically manifesting our dreams going beyond the small self will always help your dreams manifest because now you’re in expansion, you’re out of the limitation of the ego. You’re in this heart energy, which is the most powerful.
John: 18:13 Yeah, it’s so true. And I think it’s important to also be honest with yourself of what your dreams and what your passion really is and not what you think you should, you know, what others should be. Do, you know, like pressure from outside, that’s where the, you know, meditating going within yourself to really see what really makes you happy. What do you really get excited about it? Because when you’re doing that kind of work, you will naturally be doing, being of service because you’re gonna be such a beacon of light and energy to people that matter what, like all those examples you gave and what you’re doing, you’re gonna do it in a way that inspires and really makes other people be of service to other people in the world. Mm-hmm <affirmative>
Kimberly: 18:57 Mm-hmm <affirmative>. So for example, let’s say your dream is to be a singer. When you think of that dream and you get clear about the dream, it’s not just focusing on, well, I get to be on stage and people are gonna listen to me. People are gonna like me, <laugh> it’s, you know, expanding the energy around your dreams. So it’s like, I’m gonna go on stage and I’m gonna sing and I’m gonna help uplift people. I’m gonna touch their hearts. They’re gonna be inspired. They’re gonna feel better after they, they hear me sing. You can feel the difference and the energy there. So it’s, you know, when we really go about, and it always, you know, goes back to meditation and connecting in. But when it goes about, when we come to the point of creating practical steps, there’s a different energy when you’re writing the language for your website or a social media post, or, you know, the, the product label or a ever it is, there’s a different energy that can be felt, cuz all energy can be felt if you’re coming from this expansive place of including the good of others or you’re just kind of in it for yourself.
Kimberly: 20:02 <laugh>, you know, absolutely can always tell
John: 20:05 Totally. I mean, it feels like that’s why people, you know, when you talk about something and you’re coming from that, you talk about it in a different way. Mm-hmm <affirmative> than when you’re just, you know, and people pick up on that subconsciously they’re they’re, they’re drawn to it and they’re inspired by it because they can feel that energy, which is, it is a really powerful and intoxicating. Like you, you wanna be part of that. Like everybody wants to feel that way and, and feel inside. So that’s why you just really gotta connect into what you authentically feel. Mm. And what feels good to you, you know, because that’s ultimately at the end of the day, you have to, you know, be happy within yourself of what you’re doing in your life. Mm-hmm <affirmative>.
Tip #3. Practical ways to create your dreams: Clarity and writing your goals down on paper
Kimberly: 20:52 And so again, just whatever goal it is or goals or things that you’re looking to create in 2022, I suggest writing them down on paper and getting them out, so to speak. And then again, if some of them feel exciting, but a little bit limited, think about expanding those goals with what we’re talking about here with the good of others in mind specifically. So like my singing example, it’s like, I wanna sing to sell records. I wanna sing to inspire people. Think about the whole in each of your goals and that will already bring an expansive quality to it.
John: 21:33 Absolutely. And that’s such a great tip and something that I sounds so simple writing it down and I was never a big writing down kind of person. But when I started doing that, it took on such a different impact because when you put pen to paper and actually write on paper, what those goals and what, whatever you want, it puts it into the world as opposed to just a thought in your head.
Kimberly: 21:57 Well, you’ve witnessed how much I write things down. Haven’t you <laugh> oh,
John: 22:00 I mean you’re like
Kimberly: 22:01 Notebook after notebook after
John: 22:03 Notebook. I mean there’s yeah. Volumes and volumes and that is a powerful. And what do you realize is, and I didn’t realize for a long time is the act of writing it down is the difference between really saying to yourself, this is what I want, as opposed to these thoughts swirling in my head and you’re, you’re claiming it. And you’re putting out there where you’re making it real as opposed to just dream, you know, mm-hmm, <affirmative>, there’s always dreams, but you have to, to accomplish a dream, you have to put it out there and put it in a way that is active. Not just always like, oh, I’d always love to do this.
Kimberly: 22:41 You know? So the way that Yogananda talks about using dynamic will means that, well, first of all, he’s, you know, quite emphatic in the fact that truth, that everything starts from a thought. And so when we’re concentrating and concentrating our will, these thoughts, like you said, are swirling around kind of like smoke. It’s just going this way. And that way, when you write something down and now there’s constructs, there’s symbols, there’s the con no, this concentrated energy around what you’re writing down, the specific thought is now starting to take form. So like you said, it seems simple, but there’s great power and clarity starting to emerge. When you get things out on paper, now the thoughts are start and to organize themselves. And yoga nada teaches us that this becomes the blueprint for reality to be created. Not that we just write things down and then we kind of, you know, let things fall by the wayside.
Kimberly: 23:43 We need to use that dynamic will with focus and take righteous action to, you know, step forward. But the beginning is this clarity, which I guess would be our next step moving from well first rigid, you know, being a flexible, non rigid, non compromising, number two, including the good of others. And then number three, clarity, writing things down and getting really, really clear what you want. You know, it’s, it’s not fuzzy anymore. And sometimes you write things down and then it brings up, oh, but maybe this or that. So the clarity can come through the writing and also throughout all of this, you, it should be a separate tip as well, but it’s kind of, you know, connected with every tip is the meditation we talked about because to me the most potent time when I come up with content, when I come up with ideas, when I write is after I meditate, I do not write until I meditate. We, we did a short meditation before this podcast. For me, it’s a way of life for me. It’s a way of just, you know, thinking, bringing, um, feeling intuiting ideas into the world is to settle to center and then to see what emerges.
John: 24:57 Hmm. That’s a great tip. That’s really good.
Tip #4. Practical ways to create your dreams: Enlisting a team to turn your dreams into a reality
Kimberly: 25:01 Yeah. So, so clarity, um, is a big one writing things down. Okay. So the next tip here is enlisting a team. And this is something that you and I have been on a whole journey <laugh> with, um, since the beginning for, you know, over the past 10 years, we’ve had different partners. We’ve had people that have been with us for a long time, like Katelyn, which some of you know, from the Solluna Circle. And she used to do the Q&A podcast with me. She’s been with us for, I think, eight years or so. So enlisting a team is important in concertizing our dreams into reality because we need to work together. We need to combine our energies. We can’t do on our own. Are we, you know, we can do some stuff, but we’re not gonna get so far.
John: 25:52 Absolutely. I think, you know, it’s interesting now we have such a great team. I mean, Katelyn’s amazing, but we have everyone that’s on our team now is passionate about what we’re doing. Mm-hmm, <affirmative> where in the past we’ve had, you know, sometimes people, people who were just, it was a job, you know, and, and that’s, you really wanna, yes. Surround yourself with people who have, who, who, who feel like, you know, they are in it with you, you’re all in it together. They’re, you know, part of your team and they’re excited and they get just as much of a, a natural high and joy out of what you’re doing as you do. And when you have a team like that, then it’s, it’s really dynamic.
Kimberly: 26:37 Well, and I think this it’s, it combines our last two points, which is number one, wanting to expand the goals, to help other people. And number two, being really clear when you have those two things and you take that to a potential team member, like you said, they’re either gonna be passionate. They’re, they’re gonna get it or not, because it’s clear, like here’s what we’re working to create. Are you on board or are you not? And again, if you have that from the beginning, this real, um, focus on helping other people and you bring that forward, you’re going to interact team members that are into that, or they aren’t, you know, and I look back at some of the people that we hired that were not aligned. And sometimes, you know, it just wasn’t that, you know, clarity. I look, you know, as, as leaders, like where were we at that point?
Kimberly: 27:28 Um, and you know, we attracted certain people. It’s like relationships. I’m like, think, oh, where was I when I attracted that person, you know, business relationship or friendship or romantic relationship or whatever it was. And so clarity and working for the greater good think help that another thing though, I think about deserving and you know, you and I have been on a big spiritual journey and we continued to grow and grow in our self-love and our self connection. And I think about some of the people on our teams who shall remain unnamed, but that kind of dragged us down for a while in different departments, like tech or whatever. And I just feel like maybe there was an element because you know, your team, does your relationships reflect where you are or maybe we just weren’t matured enough yet until we deserve a top tech person. Like we deserve awesomeness. We’re not just gonna settle for this at the time we could kind of did settle.
John: 28:25 Yeah. Well, that’s where your fear comes in. Right. Cause it’s the fear of it’s it’s the fear of you don’t we don’t know that area. Right. Right. And so we are fearing the unknown of, oh my gosh. Well, what if we didn’t what would happen? What if our site falls apart apart? Exactly. So you, you came into the fear and that’s yes. That was a big fear lesson. Oh, for us, because we said, wait a minute, finally, we made a change and we’re like, my gosh. I’m like, oh my gosh, like, this is like, thank like, why, why, why do we wait so long? You know? So, so, but that’s, like I said, I think all the, anytime when the people are around you and you know, there was like great analogy G of like, you know, with the garden, you gotta root out the weeds and keep, keep the, the vibrant plants when you’re doing your, your, your weeding, you you’re, you’re overcoming fear cuz there’s, there’s a reason there’s a weed in your garden.
John: 29:17 There’s a lesson, there’s a lesson in that weed. You know what I mean? And until you recognize the lesson and then overcome the lesson and rectify it, then you pull the weed out and then, you know, but a lot of it is fear, you know? Cuz you, you put, you know, when you surround yourself with a team you’re, you’re, you’re hoping, you know, you want these people to be, you know, in this journey with you and to push it forward. And the natural fear is like, oh, if I take this person out, then what if I can’t find somebody else? What if, what, you know, it’s totally, it’s that fear, you know? Like, so then
Kimberly: 29:49 Once you you’re guiding the decisions.
John: 29:51 Exactly. So then when you let go of like that fear and say, well, trust your, and you know, we’ve said a million times, our intuition, your intuition, like we, we know own the decision usually long time before we make it. And we’ve said it a million times, but we just never acted on it because of that fear and say, well, then we learned, wait, we gotta trust our orientation. We know something’s not right. You gotta be like trusted and, and be more decisive in it.
Kimberly: 30:17 So there’s another fear that, you know, when you’re talking it or reminded me of another, a hire that we made a few years ago. And again, this is where meditation creates that clarity, that unshakeable, you know, Yogananda calls the infallible counsel of the inner voice. And as, as I look back, I can tell when I’ve been in ego and fear and this particular person that we have hired had, you know, done supposedly some great things for another brand. And it was like, oh, well, if she did it there, then it’s gonna be like this for us. And I remember you were like, yeah, I don’t know if she really has the skills. I don’t know if she really knows, like there was this like iffiness but then the ego likes to look out and the ego says, well, look at what all these other people are doing.
Kimberly: 31:03 And she did this with them. So it was almost this blocking of, you know, true connection, like what’s right for us. And that’s the fear again, like what, you know, what’s other people, what are other people doing? And so sometimes you don’t always, you know, in that case and you know, she didn’t do great things for our company. Unfortunately she’s a nice person, but it didn’t work out out. And so I look at like, where was I? Where were we? You know, where was the level of fear? And it was kind of that like, you know, when we’re really clear and connected to the true self and this infinite nature, which we all have access to through these practices, through the meditations, we realize that we have a unique gift to bring, don’t have to do it in the same way as other people. It doesn’t have to be in the same timeline. It doesn’t have to rush along. Right. So it’s about what’s right for us. And so, wow. You know, again, they shall remain nameless, but we think of, I think of that high or too John and think, oh wow. You know, that was, I was not, you know, connected to this in foul voice within, it was more this urgency of like, oh, well look at these other companies and they’re growing faster and maybe we need this person.
John: 32:12 Yeah. Well, you know, we live and learn <laugh> you live and you learn, and then you learn to trust your instincts and then learn to also trust of like, you know, not, you know, like, like you said, just what is making you feel good in that moment? Where do you want to be? And, and trusting, like you don’t have to have everything and, and it’s better to focus on what you’re really passionate about than to chase everything under the sun, you know? Yeah.
The most important practice to implement in your daily life in order to create your dreams
Kimberly: 32:40 And, and, and to, and to look again, of course you wanna see what’s going on in the marketplace. Mm-hmm <affirmative> but the ego is constantly looking out. The ego is the part of us that always is comparing, feels like it’s never enough. Never good enough. And so there is the law line, right? We need to find the line of gathering information and seeing what’s going on in our particular field. And then also, you know, this is sort of like a line between rigidity and non compromising, but also seeing, well, this is what’s right for me and for, for my project and for what we’re doing here. And it’s okay if it’s slower or friend or we’re doing it in our own way. And that comes, you know, that that’s that real, um, sharedness has to come from inside. So for anyone wanting to create anything this year, again, I will say time and time again, the most important practice. Number one practice is your meditation. You will get solutions, answers, things that you cannot get just from looking at facts in the outside world. There is this deeper part of us to connect to the part of us that has access to intuition and higher, um, knowingness it’s it’s experiential. It’s not just quantifiable. Absolutely.
John: 33:58 And like I look at it is like meditation is like a backstop and an anchor. Yeah. It’s, it’s what keeps you rooted. And it gives you your, you know, your, your backbone and your, and your, you know, when you’re having to make these decisions, you have something that’s gonna anchor you in that thought process. Mm-hmm <affirmative> and, and give you the clarity. You know, if you listen to it, if you’re open to it, and you really are honest with yourself and really allow yourself to be honest with yourself, you will always have the answers.
Tip #5. Practical ways to create your dreams: Sharing the vision
Kimberly: 34:29 Mm-hmm, <affirmative>, mm-hmm, <affirmative> so extend, extending on this, but a different point expanding on this rather, but a different point. So we had enlisting the team and now the next thing I wrote down on was sharing the vision. And so it’s kind of all building on each other, right? We have clarity. We have, um, you know, working for the greater good beyond ourselves and we enlist a team and then we share the vision. And so this becomes the, um, our creed. It becomes our reason for being a reason behind taking action, a reason behind showing up every day and sending emails and doing zoom calls. If we don’t have a vision, it’s when I think a lot of people just kind of dial it in, you know, or you’re not getting the productivity that you wanna, your team, or you’re feeling like, oh, things are of drudging in the mud here a little bit.
Kimberly: 35:24 There isn’t that vibrancy there isn’t that vitality into your dreams. Vision is, you know, our anchor, our north star, we’re doing this because we really do want to serve others. We’re doing this because we do wanna spread the light. We do wanna raise the vibration. We wanna build the best possible customer experience of any insurance company in the world. Right. I’m just thinking of all the varieties. I want to grow the most incredible granny Smith apples to sell at the farmer’s market. I wanna be the kindest most, you know, um, compassionate dentist that anyone has ever had. And you share that vision with the team, with your, you know, staff and your nurses and your receptionist and all that. So the vision is again, um, important. So when you’re starting out on something and we’ve done this with Solluna, the first thing we did is we, we wrote out our mission statement and, um, you know, in a similar way, um, I did the same thing with my book and what the, you know, the purpose of the book, the vision of the book and how it would help people.
Kimberly: 36:32 So I think it’s really important to have this overarching vision and the days when things are not going so well, when it’s more challenging when you’re confused, you know, the vision is there. It’s like this beacon of light, we turn to it, the group turns to it, the company turns to it, the team, or you individually, if you don’t have a team yet, and it keeps you going because you are reminded of where the end goal is, what is, what is it that we’re doing here? So having that vision and sharing it with others and your customers and everyone, you know, the people touched by what you’re creating, I think is also very important.
John: 37:08 Absolutely. It’s like a roadmap. I mean, I remember when we first started our mission, our overall big mission was we wanted to be of service to help people. Yes. In general, as a general statement, whatever we did, that’s all we
Kimberly: 37:21 Said, we’re like, we wanna help
John: 37:22 People. <laugh> yeah. So then we, you know, and so then we, but we had to get our roadmap, right? Cause we knew, we knew our general things. Like we wanna do something that better, the world that gave, made people’s lives better, that we could be of service in some way to the, all the people in the world. So you have this general thing, but then you have to really anchor that down into something that your team can also, you know, cuz you something tangible that they can see that’s okay. Here’s where we’re going in a roadmap. And you know, that’s why when we, you know, rebranded with Solluna, we were able to really, and I think that’s when we started attracting such a great team, because now we have a vision and we have our four cornerstones and we have a roadmap of like, here is what we’re giving to people in the world. And if mm-hmm <affirmative>, you know, this, that can really enhance people’s lives and same thing with writing your books, you’ve written them in a way, if you look through or the whole series of the books, they’ve, it’s a progression of, of taking yes. You know, people from the beauty tech solution now to your, your new book is a progression of an evolution of like, if you follow the whole way through, you’ve really been evolving and the different mm-hmm <affirmative> and what’s interesting through the different cornerstones <laugh> of like, which
Kimberly: 38:42 Isn’t that amazing you’re right. Like the last book was more emotional wellbeing focused. Um, radical beauty was so much about Aveta and spirituality too. And then of course the first food books, and this is a full spiritual book about self connection. And, you know, I think about how different this book launch is. And I think about what we’re talking about here, sharing the vision, you know, from the beginning, I’ve had so many, one on one conversations, first of all, between you and I saying, this is what I’m gonna write. And you were behind me from the start. You knew it was different kind of book, but you knew had been building inside of me, Katelyn, you know, shared with her shared with Nicol, who is our podcast Booker she’s listening to this right now. And she was so excited about what this book could, how it could really help people find peace and joy in themselves, which is so needed in the world today.
What YOU ARE MORE is really about
Kimberly: 39:37 And this book is really about finding the true self, connecting to this resource and known all the details, confidence, vitality, but really the essence is moving past the blocks, moving past ego, moving past emotional blocks, negative beliefs and into our fullest potential. And I share the at vision with do with Jared, with all the people on our team, with Casey, all these amazing people that have been helping with this launch. And it just feels like this, doesn’t it feel so different? Doesn’t it feel like we’re so United as a team? It’s this experience of the launch? I feel like the book is already be a success because of this incredible harmony within the team itself. We haven’t even brought it out into the world, but it’s so, um, it’s so different. It’s so I don’t know. I don’t know how to describe it. It’s powerful.
John: 40:31 Yeah. Well, I think it’s like we’ve been talking, but it kind of kind of, um, drives the point home of much of what we were talking about. A, you wrote this from a place of complete passion. Yeah. Like of like embodying the service,
Kimberly: 40:45 Just sharing,
John: 40:46 Just sharing kind of channeling through something that you felt really, really strongly passionate about. And what’s interesting is you had to overcome fear to even write this because it was to definite departure from what you’ve done in the past, entering a new space where, you know, it’s strictly, you know, that type of book and there’s no of stuff that you’ve written about in the past, in the book. So you had to overcome kind of what is actually in the book, you know, fear of like, oh my gosh, can I do this? Am I yeah, good enough to do this. And my people gonna wanna read, you know, what’s that, all that kind of stuff. But when you’re you, you felt so strongly as a passion. Like, like it, that didn’t matter cuz you knew this is what you need to be doing.
Kimberly: 41:30 You’re couldn not, I couldn’t write about anything else.
John: 41:31 Exactly. And you’re follow your intuition. So we’re kind of like kind of doing all the stuff we talked about. So that’s why then when it translates. So when you start it’s like anything, when it, something is kind of an idea’s birth, when it is birthed from the right, from the place of, in the heart and in feeling intuitive, when you wanna do all this steps before you take it to a team, that’s gonna inspire everyone else because this is coming, they can feel that, oh, this is coming from a place of authenticity of what you really want to be doing and are in love with mm-hmm <affirmative>. And when that that’s, you know, then people, you wanna be part of that <laugh>, you know what I mean? You know, because it, it, it brings when you’re working on something like that, it feels it’s feels so different and it feels, it it’s just a different feeling.
John: 42:16 I, I think when people, you know, whatever you’re doing in the world, your job, when you’re doing something, you love, you wake up and you’re excited to do it. Mm-hmm it’s like, oh, I gotta do these 16 things. You’re like, all right, great. Like you’re and ideas come, cuz you’re, you know, you just have this different energy and that’s, you know, with this book, I think that it such a amazing book and I, you know, read it already twice. And I like, when I, when I first read it, I was like, oh my gosh, like, this is <laugh> incredible. And just like, is it like, and it, it just, you know, and it felt, it feels effortless in the fact of like, it just feels so, you know, when you write something that’s real, like you’re not trying, you’re not trying to write something that you want PE you’re just writing. And that’s always in, you know, music books, anything when people are coming from a place of just getting it out there without any kind of, you know, like I’m trying to hit a dart board kind of way. It is very powerful. Mm
Kimberly: 43:18 Oh, okay. So the, the next, and thank you for that. I, you know, you were the first, one of the first people to read the book and I, it was really important to me of course, like, you know, ego, like we’re still, human is really important to me that you understood it. You got it. And you really did get it. It, and I thought, okay, onto something here, because you’ve always been honest with me.
John: 43:41 So
Tip #6. Practical ways to create your dreams: Focus and dynamic wealth – knowing when to take the right action and when to find stillness
Kimberly: 43:42 Yeah. Thank you. And then the next and the last point that I wrote about our topic here of practical ways to create your dreams is focus and dynamic while taking right action. And this is a, you know, there’s a couple things to, I, I think it’s a funny term when people say to unpack here, sometimes when I do other podcasts, people say that term a lot. It doesn’t come naturally to me, but it’s in my head right now. Cause I think it’s funny unpack here. So, um, focused being focused, taking action, first of all, you know, back to differentiating, this is where our energy can go wayward. This is where again, we can fall out of, you know, say I’m non rigid, but then we’re compromising. We need to know the line focus action means there’s a time to work. There’s a time to create and there’s a time to rest.
Kimberly: 44:35 And so what that means when we’re creating our dreams know, have that inner knowing again, through stillness, journaling, introspection meditation, know when your action is needed, know when it’s time to rise up and send that email or, you know, go to that event or do whatever it is. And then know when you’re just wasting energy. When you’re just worrying, you’re obsessing, you keep looking at social media, what everybody else is doing, and it’s, you know, not productive for what you are doing. There’s a time and a place for righteous action. And then there’s a, in the place to let go to rest, to rejuvenate, to create stillness. Great action is inspired by stillness. So if it’s always go, go, go and gotta do more <laugh> and then you can wear yourself down. That’s where I think a lot of people burn out and then they’re not really, maybe they’re accomplishing some of their goals, but at what cost.
Kimberly: 45:31 And so sometimes you’re not really accomplishing anything more. Anyways, you’re just kind of running around. I’ve been there as, you know, just more obsessing, more worrying, you know, this perfectionism in me, which has come from fear, fear of not being loved if I’m not perfect, right? So that tendency, which is healing and largely he, to an extent, um, was, you know, very alive 10 years ago, eight years ago, five years ago still. And so I think about, you know, for me really, um, having, you know, just going deeper and deeper into bright practice and to my self awareness has allowed me and you can see it with this book launch, you know, there’s, don’t you think it’s just so much more relaxed, like there’s times to take action and we book the podcast and I do them, or I do the TV shows and then there’s times where I’m sitting back and stillness and creating meditation and you know, not always pushing.
John: 46:28 Yeah. I mean, I think sometimes like we can want something so badly that we just want, we squeeze it so tight push, push. Yeah. Yeah. Push and squeeze. And like you, you’re just trying to almost like smother and capture it. And then what you realize is you’re just, you’re pushing it further away, you know? Yeah. And, and if you do what you, you know, just feel you need to do and then just let it, it will come to you, you know, if it’s meant to come to you and you just have to, and that’s where trust, you know, you just have to trust and you just let go of, you know, attachment to outcomes. And you just do, cuz when you’re doing, like you said, the passion doing that and you let go of like, like the attachment to outcomes, into results, everything becomes easy because you’re not just trying to man, you know, just trying to make it happen. You’re just letting it happen.
Kimberly: 47:19 Exactly. Exactly. There’s this allowing and flow and you use the word smothering, which I think is an interesting word because sometimes like you said, it’s that squashing like you you’re, it’s almost like sitting in front of that seed. That’s flowering into a beautiful flower and saying, you know, grow, grow, and then you’re, overwatering it, next thing you know, it’s drowning or you’re, you know, kind of, um, fussing with it too much. You may crush the pedals. There is space. There is, is trust, which we haven’t talked about yet. And this trust of, I talk about this in the new book. Something that I struggled with my whole life is trust, you know, trust of life, trust of God, trust of the true self inside of me, trust that I am lovable trust that I am here for a reason, like all of us, us. And so with that growing awareness, experiential awareness, not just something, you know, you know?
Kimberly: 48:18 Yeah, of course intellectually, but a deep knowing comes, the knowing that we deserve, we deserve to create our dreams. We deserve to be supported. We deserve to be heard. We’re all unique. We can all bring unique gifts to the world. And so the rising up of that energy is very powerful in manifesting and creating your dreams. Because like we said, energy is always felt there’s someone uses that language or not it’s it starts with our knowing our knowing that we’re here, we’re here to create, we are creators. And by the way, the longest chapter in the book is in part three. You remember this John it’s called you are a creator mm-hmm <affirmative>. So it’s after part one part, one is getting past the biggest blocks on the journey. So get getting past fear, you know, embodying more love and wholeness. Then part two is embodying more of the qualities of the true self, like peace and intuition.
Kimberly: 49:19 And then once you’ve gotten past that part, three is creating and then abundance and magnetism. So creating means we are able to act and uh, channel our unique gifts into form in the world. And so, you know, I look at where we are now and wow, you know, six books, 10 years later, just where we are as, as people and where we are in our business. Like you said, our team is so harmonious. I’m like in love with everybody. I on our team, <laugh> some companies, people are like in and out. I’m like, you know, these people, as long as they want to these beautiful souls, as long as they wanna work with us. Great. We’re here. We’re creating. It’s just so much more light. It’s so fun. It’s I don’t know. I’m I’m just so grateful for you. And I’m grateful for this beautiful journey.
John: 50:14 Absolutely. And I think you hit on a really great thing and that’s a huge, huge aspect of this whole topic is, um, allowing yourself to acknowledge that you are worthy of this. Yes. And that you, you know, you know that you, I don’t wanna say deserve it, but you’re, you’re allowing yourself to see, I I’m okay with having success. I’m okay with, you know, being inspiring, all this other stuff, cuz a lot of times people have dreams, but they don’t feel they’re worthy of ever accomplishing that. Um, like, oh, I could never do that. That’s
Kimberly: 50:49 Like, yeah, you self sabotage.
John: 50:51 Exactly. You, uh, I could never be that I can, everyone can never have that. Exactly. Everybody has the ability to be what they want to be if they’re following their dreams and, and like, and following their intuition and trust. But you have to allow yourself of to say, Hey, I’m worthy of this. And I, you know, and, and that’s a huge, huge step for a lot of people.
Kimberly: 51:15 Huge. And it’s all connected and it’s connected to, you know, it’s easy to look outward and say things like, oh, well the job market, isn’t good. There’s so many people trying to be a singer. There’s so many people trying to be an actor there’s so much going on here. There’s so many people trying to write books, but the reality is that we’re all unique. Mm-hmm <affirmative>. And so if, you know, love finds a way we tune into love. We tune into the heart. We create from the inside out our topic last month and the Solluna Circle is transforming your life from the out. And I truly believe that is where change is to be had starts inside of us. We used to talk about beauty a lot from the inside out, which is also, you know, the quality of your skin and your hair and your energy comes from the inside.
In Closing
Kimberly: 52:02 But so does your life, you know, so does your ability to create, it comes from this place of deserving of knowingness connecting to who you really are. It’s the most powerful thing you can do beyond just the form beyond the shell of what we look like and what we’re out here doing is the beingness. And so, wow. What a great way to wrap up the shell. I feel like, um, you know, for me, I’m circling back <laugh> to sharing what this book is about the teachings, which are ancient teachings from Vick texts, Yognanda, supportive science, personal stories. It’s very practical and you can see how, you know, this works in modern life. And I cannot wait to share it with you. My goal, my intention with this book is for you to more and more really start to connect to all that you deserve. It is your birth, right. To create, to manifest your dreams and that this book will give you really practical tools to help you do that.
John: 53:08 Absolutely. It’s, uh, I’m excited to, for, you know, listeners out there you’re gonna love this book. I think that it is so connectable. It’s so relevant to the world we’re in today and so many different aspects. And, and I think it’s gonna be such a wonderful gift that I think people are gonna really, really love and really it just make your life so much better and really give you the tools to kind of follow that path that you want to be on in your life.
Kimberly: 53:41 Mm mm. Amazing. Well, it was written with that. So thank you so much, John, um, for being here with us today, as always for sharing your light and your wisdom for being my partner through all of this and all of the growth and all of the books and all of the creations and the birth of Solluna and the four cornerstones and the Solluna Circle and the practical enlightenment meditations and all of our amazing products, like our probiotics and our amazing skincare and our online courses like the 30 day roadmap and our beauty detox power D V D we have created a lot
John: 54:22 There we have. And the greatest thing I feel like, oh, it’s amazing, like 11, 12 years later, what we’ve done, but it’s also what I think is so important is we also have created a community. Yes. And, and, and a real community, a real community that when, you know, we read the comments and we see what people write and see the joy that they get out of being part of this community. That’s the payoff. And that’s the really the great feeling of like we have built a community of peop people that are really amazing people and are part of this journey with us.
Kimberly: 54:57 Mm-hmm, <affirmative> exactly, it’s become something that’s so much bigger than us. The community for me is everything. All you beautiful souls. I look forward to connecting with you more and more, and that’s really why we’re while we’re here. I mean, that’s fundamental to our mission is that we’re here to support each other and to love each other. So I, I am excited for you listener <laugh> to create your dreams, to manifest them in 2022, to have an incredible year ahead. So I’ll just run through quickly what our salient points are here in manifesting, creating your dreams, practical tips. Number one is being, uh, flexible and non rigid, but also non compromising number two, focusing on helping others through your goals. So expansion number three, clarity in writing down your dreams. Number four in listing a team, number five, sharing the vision and number six, focus and dynamic wealth and taking the right action and to know when to rest and to find stillness and through all of these in every single one above everyone, through every is meditation in your practice. And of course we have that, those two at least tools for you. We are practical nightmare meditations, which we put out free meditations every week around the theme. So please go check them and also on our Sal Luna app. It’s gonna be a great year. I’m so excited remember to preorder the book. If you haven’t yet already, you are more than you think you are. We have some big launches coming up for you as well in Solluna this year. I’m very excited. So once again, thank you so much, John, for being here with us. Thank you for being such a light and a support in my life and to the whole community.
John: Oh, thank you. It was great. I enjoyed it.
Kimberly: All right loves be sure to check out the show notes over at We will be back here Thursday for our next Q&A podcast to then take care and so much love.
The post Practical Tips for Creating Your Dreams with John Pisani [Episode #645] appeared first on Solluna by Kimberly Snyder.
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