Hello beautiful soul and welcome to our Practical Enlightenment Meditation, where our theme today is Rising Up. What I mean by rising up is this energy of the True Self, of spirit, rising up inside of you. It means that we move more and more from limitation and smallness. When the ego tells us that we’re not good enough, over analyzing, and having self-doubt.
This comes from this limited part of us that is trying to keep us safe, and in a deeper sense, keeps us living in deep primal fear. And so it is the rising up of our consciousness, our awareness, our weakness. In other words, enlightenment of the True Self of this energy, this unbounded heart, the love, the intuition, the stability, the safeness that is for me, the biggest goal in life, this rising up of the True Self.
This is a great meditation to call on as we enter into 2022, especially to remember that we are this expansive limitless self with a big S. We are not this small constricted, little being this bag of skin and bones, but there’s this eternal expansive part of us.
Let this be the year that we really start to rise up wherever we are in our lives. Let this be the time where this rising up of this consciousness, where we can start to tune in and really feel it from the inside starts to empower us in every area of our lives.
Let’s start our meditation…
Guided Meditation
Go ahead and take a comfortable seat in your meditation posture, either on the floor, cross-legged with perhaps a cushion or a pillow, elevating your hips or sitting on a chair with your feet flat on the ground. Either way, just take a moment to lift sacred movement of lifting the spine, our main energy channel central energy channel back into literally centeredness away from all the external poles of the senses, always going out.
And as we lift the spine, start to take some deep breaths down into the belly all the way deep, deep down in, and bring your hands together into prayer position, please, in front of your heart.
I’ll set an intention today.
May we rise up into the fullest potential of the true self inside of each of us.
And then as you inhale, start to open your palms out, expanding horizontally, feeling that expansion of the heart, and then exhaling and pulling the hands back in into prayer poses, right into your heart chakra.
And again, inhaling and expanding out and then exhaling and pulling back in.
And again, inhaling and expanding out.
Exhaling, pulling in.
Just focusing on this energy deep inside of you bringing it back into the breath, bringing it back into the simple movement, feeling expansion.
When we are in the True Self, when we are feeling it rising up and moving in us and through us, we’re going to feel expansive. We know we’ve slipped back into the ego when we start to feel small and limited. Let this motion of your hands embody this feeling inside of you, of expansion, this rising up of consciousness.
One more cycle, inhaling and expanding out and the next exhaling and pulling back in.
Now letting your hands drift down to your knees or to your thighs.
And now let’s focus on breathing deeply, exhaling. Very simple, just focusing on your breath.
What does the rising up of the True Self feel like in your breath? For me, it feels full. It feels confident. It feels steady. It feels fulfilling.
Take a few breaths, feeling the rising up inside of you. It is always available to us. It is so accessible. We choose, we choose to identify more with the True Self. We choose to pay attention to it. And then the energy of it starts to grow more and more in us. And through us.
Keep breathing.
Setting the Intention for Today
I’ll introduce our seed intention and then we will spend some more time breathing.
I Am the light. I feel the light of the True Self and spirit rising in me. Moving through me.
I Am the light. I feel the light of the True Self and spirit rising in me. Moving through me.
I Am the light. I feel the light of the True Self and spirit rising in me. Moving through me.
I rise up in my consciousness. I rise up in my awareness of the light of the energy of the true identity inside of me, rising up, feel spirit stirring in me, expanding in me and expanding my life.
I Am the light. I feel the light of the truth rising in me. Moving through me.
Let’s just breathe for a few moments, letting this settle down into your subconscious.
Bring your attention now to your third eye for the last few breaths. The space between your eyebrows. Imagine the vision of this warm white light permeating through your being. The vision of the True Self.
Sit for as long as you’d like. Otherwise, we’re going to close by bringing our hands together in prayer position in front of our hearts. Taking a moment for gratitude.
May we all rise in our consciousness starting now more than ever this year, this moment, may we rise into the knowing, the feeling, the connection of spirit inside of us, rising up and through us.
So much love, respect, and gratitude for you my love and so incredibly happy that we are connected.
Om shanti om. Peace and love. Namaste.
The post Rising Up Meditation appeared first on Solluna by Kimberly Snyder.
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