Hi Beauty and welcome to our practical enlightenment meditation, where our theme today is Self-Reliance. Today I want to focus on this because I think this is such an important part of living a life that is fulfilling, calm, peaceful and steady. So much of our needs we project onto other people. When in essence, we can actually give what we’re trying to get from others to ourselves.
This is a big topic in the new book, You Are More Than You Think You Are, in our discussion around the True Self, because the True Self is really this resource inside of us. It allows us to feel the peace and the love that we are often seeking outside of ourselves in the form of compliments from other people or other people agreeing with us, or seeing our exact perspective or opinion.
Of course, we love to share life and share our ideas. However, self-reliance means that we understand that we take our power back and that we have this enormous power inside of us. That we are autonomous. And while we want to share life, perhaps with other people, it takes away the desperate needing and the ups and downs that come from people not acting or saying exactly what we want them to say because human behavior is unreliable.
The power of self-reliance means that more and more, we give that power to ourselves. We start to feel more and more nourished from the inside, and we start to feel more peaceful day by day because it takes away this desperate trying to get all the time from outside of us.
Let’s start our meditation…
Guided Meditation
This is a beautiful one to call on in times of frustration or the times when we feel small or like things just aren’t lining up. This is a great, great meditation for allowing us to feel back into our own power and the power of our own self-reliance.
Go ahead and take a comfortable seated position either in your chair or cross legged on the ground, whatever feels good to you.
Start to lift your spine.
Start taking some nice, full breaths in and out of your nose. Just starting to arrive into this moment.
Bring your hands into prayer pose in front of your heart.
We’re gonna focus on generating some energy in our energy center, just above the naval. And this is our point of personal power.
Keep your hands in prayer pose and start to twist from side to side. Keep your hips facing forward, either are on the chair or on the ground where we’re really twisting around this center.
With hips straight, the twisting comes in the upper abdomen and you can twist from one side and inhale and exhale twist the other way.
Inhale, exhale twist. It can be a micro twist or it can be a little bit deeper depending on your energy levels today and what feels good in your body, and keep twisting with the inhales.
One side, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale.
A couple more rounds. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale.
Now allow your hands to be resting with palms up on your knees or on your thighs and take a deep breath in through your nose and a double exhale out through your mouth. A technique taught by Paramahansa Yogananda to allow deeper relaxation into the breath.
Again, inhale double exhale.
One more time, inhale, exhale, and then just settle into your seat. Lift your spine and chin parallel to the mat.
Feel this potency of energy inside of your body side of your center. Focus around your upper abdomen. You may notice tingling in your hands as I do. Feel this aliveness again, this potency, this potentiality of your own energy inside of you.
Setting the Intention for Today
I’ll introduce our seed intention now.
I Am self-reliant and autonomous. I take care of my own needs, and I easily communicate about the ones where I need external support.
I Am self-reliant and autonomous.
I Am self-reliant and autonomous. I take care of my own needs, and I easily communicate about the needs where I need external support.
I Am self-reliant and autonomous.
I Am self-reliant and autonomous. I take care of my own needs, and I easily communicate about the needs where I need need some external support.
I Am self-reliant and autonomous.
I Am self-reliant and autonomous. I know that I have the power inside of me to find the peace, the love that I have been seeking.
I Am self-reliant and autonomous.
Let’s take a few moments and breathe, letting that truth sink in deep into your super consciousness. And please stay here as long as you would like. If you’re feeling complete, you can start to bring your hands together into Anjali Mudra, into prayer in front of your heart.
Once again, just pausing and feeling this potency of finding your center, which is where your personal power is, which is where is you also find your self reliance.
Let’s tune into gratitude now for anything and everything that arises spontaneously.
I am so grateful for our connection and for this sacred time of being able to meditate together, I’m so grateful.
Wishing you so much love and peace.
Om shanti om. Peace and love. Namaste.
The post Self-Reliance Meditation appeared first on Solluna by Kimberly Snyder.
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