This week’s topic is: Magnetism and How To Draw the Things You Want Into Your Life
This is a really interesting topic for me because I was used to pushing all the time from when I was middle and high school. It was just something that I learned to do to get what I wanted. I learned early on that it was pushing and striving to the point of obsessing and magnetism is very different. And when I started learning about it when I went to India and learned about the work of Paramahansa Yogananda, who brought yoga here to the west and his teachings are featured in my new book, it was really talking about this different way of living, where instead of over efforting, we can actually draw things to us.
It’s this phenomenon of pulling things in, and there’s a chapter in the new book called you are magnetism. As I started to delve into this topic, I found supportive science around this idea and it’s not just yogic ideas. It’s not woo woo, however, everything is energy and everything is fields of energy. And so everything has different frequencies, different rhythms, just the way that brain waves have different rhythms. We know beta brain waves are faster so the peaks are closer together. And then it starts to slow down into alpha, and so on. And so it is the same thing within us. Everything is energy. The raw material of everything is energy, including us and everything around us. This is also the foundation of the Pancha Maha Bhuta theory of AIC medicine, which is that the elements that make us up are the elements around us.
There is this synergistic, energetic all-encompassing field that we can start to work with when we start to see things as energy. We’re going to go into this very interesting topic today, and I will say that all aspects of our lifestyle affect our ability to be in this more peaceful state of drawing things in the foods that we eat. Certainly our digestion has a huge effect on our energy and our frequencies. Also the ways that we take care of our bodies, our emotional health and our meditations and so on and so forth. I’m really excited to get into our topic today.
Have you been wondering about this very topic? If you want to know the answer to this question and 3 more sent in by Beauties just like you, listen now to find out!
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[Questions Answered]
Cora – Australia
Hi Kimberly! Do we need to develop physical magnetism (having the right diet and recharging the body) before we can bring in mental magnetism in order to get the things that we want? What are your thoughts on which comes first?
Scarlet – CA
How important is our environment, like our friendships or the people we spend most of our time with, in being able to come from a place of kindness and truth?
Jackie – Kansas
What are some simple tips to differentiate between the perishable and the imperishable so we can attract the divine? I’m really trying to tap into my spiritual cornerstone and want to clear out what’s not serving me.
Angela – West Virginia
I was talking to my guy friend who told me how discouraged he is because he doesn’t have a girlfriend. I mentioned to him that the more he believes women are attracted to him, the more they will be attracted to him. And to call in the type of woman he wants in his life. What are your thoughts that maybe I can pass along to him? Thanks Kimberly! Xo
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Inspirational Thought of the Week
“As the fragrance of flowers cannot be suppressed, so Lahiri, Mahasaya, quietly living as an ideal householder, could not hide his innate glory. Devotee-bees from every part of India began to seek the divine nectar of the liberated master.” – Paramahansa Yogananda
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Kimberly: 00:02 Namaste Beauties and welcome back to our Thursday Q&A podcast where our topic this week is Magnetism and How To Draw the Things You Want Into Your Life. So this is a really interesting topic for me, because I was used to pushing all the time from when I was middle school, high, high school. It was just something that I learned to do to get what I want to get, what I wanted. I, I learned early on that, you know, it was, it was pushing and striving to the point of obsessing and magnetism is very different. And when I started learning about it, when I went to India and learned about the work of Paramahansa yoga Nanda, who brought yoga here to the west and his teachings are featured in my new book, it was really talking about this different way of living, where instead of over efforting, we can actually draw things to us.
Kimberly: 01:00 And it’s this, uh, this phenomenon of pulling things in, and there’s a chapter in the new book called you are magnetism. And as I started to delve into this topic, I found supportive science around this idea. So it’s not, you know, just yogic ideas. It’s not woo woo, but everything is energy and everything is fields of energy. And so everything there, four has different frequencies, different rhythms, just the way that brainwaves have different rhythms. We know beta brainwaves are very, um, they’re, they’re faster brainwaves. So the, the peaks are closer together. And then it starts to, ah, slow down into alpha theta, uh, waking, deltas, leaping Delta, so on and so forth. And so it is the same thing within us. Everything is energy. The raw material of everything is energy, including us and everything around us. This is also the foundation of the Pancha Maha Butta theory of AIC medicine, which is that the elements that make us up are the elements around us.
Kimberly: 02:04 So there is this synergistic, energetic all-encompassing field that we can start to work with when we start to see things as, um, as energy. And so we’re gonna go into this very interesting topic today, and I will say that all aspects of our lifestyle affect our ability to be in this more peaceful state of drawing things in the foods that we eat. Certainly our digestion has a huge effect on our energy and our frequencies. Also the ways that we take care of our bodies, our emotional health and our meditations and so on and so forth.
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Kimberly: So I’m really excited to get into our topic today, before we do a little reminder to please leave us a review on iTunes, which is such a great way to support the show. If you screenshot your review and send it over to us at reviews,, we will send you our seven self-love affirmation series, our little, um, kit, so to speak for starting to reprogram limiting beliefs.
Kimberly: 03:10 Again, this is working with the very core of your energy. Um, our energies in our minds starts to form thoughts, these formed construc, and then energy builds around those thoughts. And then we start to play out those thoughts in terms of actions, words, and so on and so forth. So it’s really important that we’re working on that level of energy, which is what this little mini course or kit is designed to do. So again, please send your review, take a little screenshot, email it reviews at Get that over to you also, please be sure to subscribe to our podcast. So you stay on the flow, be sure to recommend our podcast to anyone you think would benefit friends, loved ones, coworkers, whether it’s a particular topic or just the vibe of the show in general. I always say that, you know, we, we put out our authentic what we wanna share and we’ve, you know, we connect, we support and hopefully we find the way to reach those that really can benefit.
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Kimberly: 04:11 And so just sharing community, it’s such an important part of why we’re here. So thank you for sharing the podcast. And last mention at the top of our show is that my new book is out. You are more than you think you are practical enlightenment for everyday life. So please be sure to pick up a copy today, anywhere books are sold online, Amazon Barnes and noble, um, targets, so on and so forth. I think you’ll really enjoy the new book, which is written right from my heart and really goes, uh, deep into some of these topics that we cover here on our show. So I think you’ll enjoy it very much. Okay. All that being said, let’s get into our topic today, which is magnetism and how to draw the things that you want into your life. And again, I just want to remind you that this topic is chapter 15.
Question #1 around the topic of: Magnetism and How To Draw the Things You Want Into Your Life: Hi Kimberly! Do we need to develop physical magnetism (having the right diet and recharging the body) before we can bring in mental magnetism in order to get the things that we want? What are your thoughts on which comes first?
Kimberly: 05:06 Um, I go into a lot more depth into you are magnetic, including your magnetic potential, how to be a magnet, which are some of the sub, um, sections in the book. So really excited about it. But for today, let’s go with some, um, formation, some real takeaways you can start to use right here right now. First question comes from Cora, who lives in Australia. Hello, my Australian beauty sending you so much love down there to a country. I know very well. I’ve spent a lot of time in Australia and you write hi, Kimberly, do we need to develop physical magnetism, having the right diet in recharging the body before we bring in mental magnetism in order to get the things that we want. What are your thoughts on what comes first? So thank you so much, Cora. I really love this question. And this is an important question because it invites us to take a step back and look at things in a more holistic way.
Kimberly: 06:06 So on the outset, let’s say all these different aspects of energy are colors on a, on a canvas. First of all, let’s say there is the energy of food, which is coming into your body every day and definitely has an effect on your frequency, on your vitality, on your radiance. So let’s say that’s red. So you paint the canvas red. And then there is meditation, which is the biggest energy channel of all, which is yellow. You know, I’m just making up these colors. So you paint the whole thing yellow, right? And so then there’s still, you know, some red coming through. And then there is exercise and yoga asanas, and being in nature as an energy channel and that’s blue. So you paint some blue in there. And then there is emotional resilience, stress management, taking deep breaths, pro Yama breath, where journaling feeling our feelings, the practices I talk about in the new book, you are more than you think you are, and that could be orange.
Kimberly: 07:06 So you paint some of that. So then you see, oh, this painting, this end result is actually a combination of all these different energies, all these different colors. So to speak that came in and created this unique, um, thing, this unique being in the world. And so that’s how we can think about our energy Cora, which is everything is holistic and all these different channels of energy coming in affect everything overall. So our four cornerstones here at Solluna are body emotional wellbeing and spiritual growth. And so it is very important when we’re looking to create what we want to think of us as a totality of energy, a, a totality of frequency Cora. So the best thing to get what you want is to nourish yourself on all of these levels. So food is first and foremost is really important. From a magnetism perspective, we wanna eat fresh, deeply nourishing, simple foods that are easy to digest.
Kimberly: 08:12 The freshness brings in the magnetism of nature. So food plant foods, you know, that’s why it’s great to go to the farmer’s to market as often as possible, because then we can get food. That’s been picked pretty freshly the kale, the spinach, the broccoli, whatever’s fresh at the market. And we’re bringing that radiance in simple is important because then it doesn’t get clogged in your GI tract. It doesn’t have a million different ingredients to break down. So it’s goes in and it deeply nourishes your set on you on a cellular level and your blood, and then it leaves. So again, it doesn’t leave a ton of waste in your GI tract, which weighs down, makes you more dense and therefore would keep you from being in that radiant magnetism. So food is very important. Think largely are all plant-based fresh, colorful, deeply nourishing. And then when it comes to the body, the body needs to be, um, in this state of rest, right?
Kimberly: 09:13 So that’s, why’s sleep is so important and the body thrives with circulation and movement. So walking outside also excellent digestion crosses both. So taking your Salinas supplements, there are not many to take, but especially your SBO probiotics to really recharge your bodily, um, temple every day to one supplement. I never skip because it’s gut health, it’s skin health, it’s immunity. It’s your endocrine system. It’s your digestion, it’s your intake of energy. So that’s really important. Cora. And then emotionally, remember, and I talk about this in the book in the chapter, your overall frequency see is the highs and the lows, and it’s when you average it up. So it’s really important that we detox things that we’re holding onto. We forgive, we let go, we process. And there’s a lot of practices in the book that are aimed towards this, like the wholeness practice in the whole chapter, the sun and the moon practice to let go of shame and guilt, which weighs us down.
Kimberly: 10:18 So when you’re trying to create what you want, but you still, and you, you can be really clear about that. But at the same time, if you’re holding onto heaviness, emotionally, a lot of resentment or anger or jealousy towards other people, it’s weighing down your overall magnetic vibration. So it’s really important that emotionally meant stress wise. We’re releasing all of this energy that can really stagnate in a crew. And again, the practices in the book are really helpful for that, but also journaling and just having space every day to reflect ideally after your morning or your evening, meditation is gonna be really powerful. And then our fourth, cornerstone is spiritual growth, and this is the most powerful, powerful way to impact your magnetism. I will read you a quote here from page 1 72 of the new book by Paramahansa Yogananda. It says, Yogananda teaches by soul magnetism, the spiritual magnetism in man, a person draws to himself, friends and desired objects and acquires profound knowledge.
Kimberly: 11:26 So again, all the cornerstones are important, but when we sit in meditation and we connect to the true self to this incredible energy inside of us, the soul spirit inside of us, we become more and more magnetic by definition. It’s something that you can’t put into words. It’s something that is, you know, not exactly measurable by scientific instruments, which do come from the limitations of the human mind, by the way, it’s something that’s felt and experienced. It’s a different, more expansive energy. And so other people respond to that. And it’s, again, it’s something that you can’t buy. It’s something that you can’t paint on. It’s just, it comes from the practice of meditation. You start to be more of that magnet. So my advice Cora is when you’re really looking to create something in your life, let’s say it’s a new relationship or new business, or just more peace in your life, work on all four cornerstones, food, body, emotional wellbeing, spiritual growth, and then you have the highest frequency to create what you want. And, um, please again, refer back to those practices in the book to keep going, even deeper, keep in touch with me, let me know how you do, let me know which, which of these tips really work for you. I’d love to hear more about your journey. My love, thank you so much for being in our community.
Question #2 around the topic of: Magnetism and How To Draw the Things You Want Into Your Life: How important is our environment, like our friendships or the people we spend most of our time with, in being able to come from a place of kindness and truth?
Kimberly: 12:32 All right. And our next question comes here from Scarlet, who is from California. Hello, my neighbor, my love, hope you’re doing well in this early spring. It feels like down here in Southern California and you are right, how important is our environment like our friendships or the people we spend most of our time with in being able to come from a place of kindness and truth. So this is a very, very clear answer here. Scarlet and Yogananda talked a, a lot about environment. It was something that he had whole lectures about, and he said that, you know, I’m paraphrasing, but in a general sense, he said that besides meditation, our environment is the most important thing that influences our spiritual growth.
Kimberly: 13:39 So that is a very big statement. When you think about that environment is also broader than people, but people is, I would say the most important aspect of environment P environment also includes clutter. It involves, you know, making sure we’re getting outside in natural light and sunlight, but environment does include our roommates, our friendships, who we choose to spend time with it is very important that we are discerning and we create self-awareness within ourselves. After I leave this situation, hanging out with friend or being at this party or agreeing to have this dinner with this person, how do I feel? And sometimes people bring up different things that are healing and helpful, but sometimes people are in a different place of consciousness or they’re just in a different place. We don’t have to vilify the them. We don’t have to make it right or wrong, good or bad, but we may feel drained or we may feel that it wasn’t really, um, positive.
Kimberly: 14:47 And so then it becomes up to us Scarlet to create healthy boundaries. And to me, a healthy boundary, when I think about it in the most positive, beneficial sense, it’s about keeping in what we want versus trying to push out what we want. So a healthy boundary is that I, I value my free time in the evenings and I wanna keep them peaceful and relaxed. So the boundary is I don’t give up many of my free evenings with this friend that makes me feel drained and tired, or, you know, a bit narcissistic. I’m always trying to prop her up. It’s just a lot of energy. So I will keep this friendship to group environments when we’re hanging out together or maybe a group brunch, but I’m gonna keep boundary of keeping my evening nights to myself. You know, that’s an example and that’s something I have, I have to say, I’ve gotten really good at, at it as time goes on.
Kimberly: 15:42 And also just by virtue of life does get really full and I’ve got my kids and then I’ve got my work and those are really, you know, my kids and my me and my work are the two priorities. And then other than that, you know, in the time that we have, I’m very discerning with who I spend time with. And of course, you know, um, sometimes we don’t get to spend time with the people that we would like to as much, but then it’s, you know, being really present and enjoying that time. But then for me, more and more, I really don’t get my time away unless it’s, you know, something that I really wanna do or someone I’m drawn towards in the past, it was a lot more casual and just a lot more people coming in and in a lot of different things, but it’s different now.
Kimberly: 16:36 You know, I really, I really value, um, stillness and I really value time to meditate and introspect. And so that time is a big priority. And so what it means is we need to say, Hey, we need to put ourselves there as a, you know, important priority point self time should not be overrun by time. We give away to Luke warm friendships and okay, acquaintance Hangouts, that’s not the best use of our time. You guys, you know, it does spiritual path does require energy. It is energy that will come back to you a million times. You know, our topic today, magnetism in the quote. I just read you from Guruji, from yo Nanda. When we spend this time with ourselves, we start to reconstruct our energy in such a powerful way. That when we are with people, we are able to bring light. We are able to bring understanding and love, but we need to carve that time to meditate, to journal.
Kimberly: 17:36 And it’s not crazy. It’s not gonna take over our whole lives, but if we’re giving away all our time to TV and screens, and again, Luke warm get togethers, we’re not gonna have that time. So yes, Scarlet be discerning, hang out, spend time with people that feel good to you, that you feel are inspiring to you and moving you forward in some ways and people that are not, you know, limit your time, find ways to just move away, move attention and energy away from that. And then in your home environment, your home is a really sacred space. So clearing clutter away, making it fresh and clean excess dishes, throwing things out like cut flowers that are decaying, you know, just keeping it light and fresh because that will emulate the energy of manifestation of magnetism. If you look at magnets that are really powerful and they’re not dusty and sitting underneath a pile of garbage they’re, they’re ready to go.
Kimberly: 18:35 They’re potent they’re, they’re, um, fresh and clean. And so just create a space that emulates how you wanna live and what you wanna attract and use your intuition to carve that out. So thank you so much. My so much my love for your, I really loved this one in particular and look forward to connecting more.
Okay. My loves, we have two more questions for you, but for now we’re gonna take a quick break and we will be back to answer your questions on this topic of magnetism and how to draw the things you want into your life.
Question #3 around the topic of: Magnetism and How To Draw the Things You Want Into Your Life: What are some simple tips to differentiate between the perishable and the imperishable so we can attract the divine? I’m really trying to tap into my spiritual cornerstone and want to clear out what’s not serving me.
Kimberly: 19:15 All right. My loves, we are back from our break. We have two more questions for you. I am so excited to hear about magnetism. And the first one comes from Jackie who lives in Kansas and Jackie writes, what are some simple tips to differentiate between the perishable and the imperishable? So we can attract the divine. I’m really trying to tap into my spiritual cornerstone and want to clear out what’s not serving me. Wow, Jackie, this is an incredible question. I love the language that you use perishable imperishable, the divine. And we start to see things in this way. We start to open up into new dimensions of being new dimensions of freedom and just enjoying life and being so peaceful. And I can say that the spiritual journey continues and continues.
Kimberly: 20:13 And I just wanna share with you personally, that I’ve had some made your breakthroughs myself personally, even just the past few weeks, since the book launch, going into periods of self doubt and real darkness, and then coming out in just phases of more freedom, like I said, which means that I care less and less about outer validation. The outer world, we really do keep going deeper and deeper. And the things that we thought were so important, turn out not to be what people think, just so many things. And so it’s true, Jackie, it does keep getting deeper and deeper for me. There was a line in the GATA that I was rereading over the holidays and it really struck me. Um, I can’t remember exactly which verse it is, although I’ll go back and, and check into it. I don’t have it down here or with me, otherwise I would look, but it has to do with absorbing our desires more and more.
Kimberly: 21:15 And so for me, it feels this it’s like this feeling of less pull to the outside because there’s more content in this being here inside of me and being and connected to the true self. So I think one of the ways that we start to differentiate is opening up more and more to the flow and to what is here right in this moment. And Yogananda talks about, and I talk about this in the book as well, being less and less driven and by our likes and our dislikes, because then we become so specific. We become so immersed in the world of delusion in the outside world that we start to get pulled away from peace. And so for me, clearing out, what’s not serving to me is being more in this flow of deep acceptance and acceptance and surrender means I’m here in this moment and maybe it’s not what I expected, and maybe it’s not what I exactly wanted, but I’m gonna adapt to it.
Kimberly: 22:18 And then I’m gonna keep shining. And then I find the way to move forward or to create change or to shift or to be. And so when we feel, when you feel Jackie, um, a tip is to feel that tightness that’s like in your heart or around you in your body, you feel this tightness start to settle in. That’s the ego saying, oh, you’re getting too immersed. You’re getting too rigid about this. Having to be a certain way. It’s many infinite ways, right? Let’s say you go to a restaurant and they don’t have the meal that you want. And you start to feel that, uh, I wanted this and that annoyance, right. Or let’s say that you ordered your food and then it comes out in a certain way. And then you can start to feel that pizza, that fire coming up like, oh, you know, you know, there’s one you can express, oh, can you know, could you make this?
Kimberly: 23:08 But then it’s the excess on top? Like, oh the O over attention, the over annoyance, the, you know, when we add too much emotional energy into something, right, or we’re going about our day, and we give too much energy to what someone else is doing, we get pulled into gossip or judgment. So the way to differentiate is, you know, to me, it’s as simple as the tightness and tightness just says to me, you’re paying too much attention to the outside world. You are being too rigid. You’re trying to control the outside world too much. And so when we’re looking to be magnetic, magnet is clear and open. So it means when we’re into that, Ugh, feeling that tightness, Ugh, that specific way, the ego likes to control. We just back off, we take some deep breaths. We come back into our hearts, we do mini meditation, or we walk around.
Kimberly: 24:03 And when we’re in a state of openness, then it’s more clear. Our intuition starts to speak, Jackie, what’s serving me what isn’t, I’m gonna flow this way. I’m gonna flow that way. But we stay connected and we stay kind and we stay loving. So creating more awareness and space of not getting pulled into our likes, our dislikes, the specific ways that ego tell us, we have to show up life has to be the more free we become. And the more we become into this magnetic space of openness and trust and connection to the divine. When we get this way more and more, we realize we’re, you know, the limited ego doesn’t know everything. And the limited part of us that feels that tightness try eyes to control is actually limiting the outcomes. So it’s limiting how we create what we want, because we can’t see everything.
Kimberly: 24:54 So we surrender to the Omni ever present all encompassing kingdom of the divine of God, of source of the universe, which is so much bigger than us. Then we surrender these little likes and dislikes of the ego, and then we open up and then we become this channel for more attraction, more frequency pulling in what we want. So it’s just in life. These little, everyday ways we can continue to surrender, feel the tightness we choose to let go. We feel the tightness. We move the energy G away. Instead of going into that egoic story, that narrative, that pushing whatever it is, we just breathe and we keep moving and you will see Jackie, just the freedom and the power in your life and the peace. It just builds more and more. The more we back away from, again, the specificities, we’re just flowing in life.
Kimberly: 25:46 We’re here to, we’re here to live. We’re here to love. And then things get more and more simple and light. So I say, when we keep our humor around us and we’re just giggle more, we laugh at things instead of things, feeling so serious. I think that’s a big sign of spiritual progress as well. So sending you so much love Jackie, thank you for being part of our community. Please keep in touch with me and sending you so much. Love.
Question #4 around the topic of: Magnetism and How To Draw the Things You Want Into Your Life: I was talking to my guy friend who told me how discouraged he is because he doesn’t have a girlfriend. I mentioned to him that the more he believes women are attracted to him, the more they will be attracted to him. And to call in the type of woman he wants in his life. What are your thoughts that maybe I can pass along to him? Thanks Kimberly! Xo
Kimberly: 26:36 All right. Our last and final question for today comes from Angela who lives in West Virginia. And Angela writes. I was talking to my guy friend who told me how discouraged he is because he doesn’t have a girlfriend. I mentioned to him that the more he believes women are attracted to him, the more they will be attracted to him and to call in the type of woman he wants in his life.
Kimberly: 26:36 What are your thoughts that maybe I can pass along to him? Thanks, Kimberly. Angela. Thank you so much for your question. And this is such a classic way in which we’ve been taught to look outside of ourselves instead of looking to the source inside of ourselves. So when it comes to love, I think a lot, it brings up a lot of lack energy for a lot of us where we think, oh gosh, I don’t have this relation. Or nobody loves me look at this. And it just reinforces a limiting belief. That’s all it is. So it’s a very different way of being when we call in, when we connect to the source of love, that is inside of us. So this is a different chapter in the book, Angela, it is called. You are love. And I encourage your, your guy friend. You can read the chapter, encourage him to read it as well.
Kimberly: 27:25 It’s chapter five, you are love what happens is we? Okay? So we think of things in terms of nouns. And then we think of it as something we don’t have. So then it builds an energy field between us and that thing. So let’s say we start to, in this case, love is this noun love is a thing we don’t have. So we focus like your friend starts to feel, um, discouraged, frustrated, because he is feeling this lack or this gap between where he is and what he wants, which is a girlfriend. So then that builds an energy field of creating more of this gap, which keeps that love away. So of the difference is when he claims the love as an energy inside of him right here, right now, it activates love as a verb in our life. It’s a living energy. It’s very different than a no, it’s a verb it’s here.
Kimberly: 28:17 Nobody gives us love. We don’t get it from other people. It’s just that some people cause us to light up and feel the love that’s already of us. So what I would encourage your friend to do is to feel this love as an act of energy meditate in the morning, try one of our practical enlightenment meditations that are centered around love. And then in the morning, do three acts of love right away. So text a friend, a loved one, tell them that you love the, um, be extra kind to the barista that makes your coffee take a moment to call, you know, think of three things that you’re grateful for, which is also an act of love. I’m grateful for this, you know, clean water and this, um, beautiful dog that I have and, you know, whatever it is, the beautiful sunshine today. And there’s more detail in that chapter as well.
Kimberly: 29:08 But I would say that the more we feel the frequency of love right here, right now, the more we do attract it in, we become the source of love versus this desperate energy seeking love and more will come to us, potential partners truly. I mean, that’s how I found my husband. John was I was walking around after this sense, this period of contemplation and meditation and taking care of myself, deeply nourishing all the cornerstones, really taking care of my body, eating. And I felt this sense of connection to the love inside and also wholeness. And then I was just walking around without seeking it. And I found myself at this random dinner party and I met John my hubby, which is all something that I, uh, described in the book. All these stories are in the new book as well. And so it wasn’t more pushing, like I said, magnetism, isn’t about pushing to get what you want.
Kimberly: 30:04 It’s not desperate energy. It’s not more and more doing that’s from this disconnected place, but it’s more of being in the light, feeling the light inside of you again, through the meditation, the right diet, which creates a clear clean body for these subtle realizations and energies to come in, circulation, exercise, you know, all these things and processing journaling. And then we meditate more and more. And then we feel the love. And it’s true. The source we become, we tap into the source. Free self is the source of love. And then partners will start to come to you. Situations will open up that makes it, you know, a potent space for you to connect to the, that partner that love that soulmate. So please pass this along to him, Angela, and hopefully he will listen. He will be open to this because then when we marinate in victim hood of, oh gosh, I don’t have what I want.
Kimberly: 31:05 We create more and more of that. So it’s up to us as powerful co-creators to be the magnet. We can either repel what we want or we can draw it in through these practices. So again, as we sum up, I will redo a chapter from the new book. I am so passionate about sharing these teachings because this is how I have created what I’ve wanted this. I know in this chapter in particular, I talk about writing the book with Deepak and how I came to meet him and write the book. These are practices that you can use too. You can be the magnet. You can create an amazing life. You can draw in your soulmate. You can create an incredibly healthy body packed with vitality and radiance. So please take advantage. I’m giving you my full playbook. Again, the new book, you are more than you think you are.
Thought of the Week
Kimberly: 32:00 Let me, um, let me read, let me leave you with a final quote. Yogananda wrote autobiography of a Yogi, “As the fragrance of flowers cannot be suppressed, so Lahiri, Mahasaya, quietly living as an ideal householder, could not hide his innate glory. Devotee-bees from every part of India began to seek the divine nectar of the liberated master.” So this quote refers to Lahiri Maia, who as yo Naess parents guru, he was a Yogi and he became, realized he became enlightened. And it was from his meditations. He would just sit in his home and people started coming to him this an extreme example of magnetism, but it just shows that our beingness, when we sit and we change our frequency and our energy more and more will come to us. So please take advantage, please check out the show notes as well at other, uh, mess, uh, recipes, meditations, podcasts, think you would enjoy. And again, um, I’ll be back here Thur, uh, Monday for our next interview podcast, but please check out. You are more than you think you are for your own benefit. I send you so much love. I’m here to support you. Please keep the questions coming. I’ll also see you on social at underscore Kimberly Snyder. So till take care and sending you so much love.
The post Magnetism and How To Draw the Things You Want Into Your Life [Episode #656] appeared first on Solluna by Kimberly Snyder.
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