This week’s topic is: The Importance of Setting Intentions and Tips for Starting Your Own Practice
Our topic this week is, The Importance of Setting Intentions and Tips for Starting Your Own Practice. How we really accomplish our goals and dreams and create the lives that we want comes down to our daily rituals and practices. This is why I hammer home so much about our morning routine, and our evening routine, in my new book.
You Are More Than You Think You Are, is really about practical teachings and practices for everyday life. If you’re looking at someone’s life and you’re saying, I want to create a business like that. Or, I want to create a body like that, have energy like that, blah, blah, blah. Remember that these things don’t happen overnight. And we don’t want to just sit here in frustration and focus on what we don’t have.
What we want to do is start to put our energy into practices day by day. When we get up, we know what we need to do. We need to take our Solluna SBO probiotics, and drink hot water with lemon and meditate. And so what happens over time is that energy builds and builds. As we continue to do these small daily steps and practices before too long, we notice big shifts in our energy, big shifts and results that are happening in our life.
This is really how I was able to create in my life and to start writing books, creating the business and products and everything else that I’ve been able to create. It comes from our day to day practices and in the way that we manage the flow of our energy. We’ll get into that today with some real detail.
Have you been wondering about this very topic? If you want to know the answer to this question and 3 more sent in by Beauties just like you, listen now to find out!
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[Questions Answered]
Charlotte – Missouri
I’m one of the many who chose to leave the corporate world and start my own business and with it now being into the 2nd month of the year, I’m starting to freak out and lose my ‘why’. Any suggestions?
Mackenzie – South Dakota
I’ve started reading my copy of You Are More Than You Think You Are and am already so excited about what’s to come!! I want to jump to the Warrior and Creator chapters but thought I would ask you here on the podcast, what your most useful tool has been when you started your practice years ago and if it still works for you now?
Hailey – Canada
I’ve heard you mention writing down your goals. Can you break down why it’s not enough to just make a mental note?
Brooklyn – Illinois
I’m about six months into creating content for my online startup and feel stuck. I’m a one woman show with other responsibilities. How can I plan out my days better so I actually see some progress?
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The intention of the Feel Good Podcast is to well…help you really Feel Good in your body, mind and spirit! Feeling Good means feeling peaceful, energized, whole, uniquely beautiful, confident and joyful, right in the midst of your perfectly imperfect life. This podcast is as informative and full of practical tips and take-aways as it is inspirational. I am here to support you in being your very best! I have so much love and gratitude for you. Thank you for tuning in and being part of the community :).
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Inspirational Thought of the Week
“Many people unsuccessfully strive for a material goal all of their lives, failing to realize that if they had put forth one-tenth of the concentration used in seeking worldly things into an effort to find God first, they could then have had fulfillments of not only some, but all of their hearts’ desires.” – Paramahansa Yogananda
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Other Podcasts you may enjoy!:
- Fear and How to Tap into Your Own Courageousness
- Setting Your Intentions for the New Year!
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Note: The following is the output of transcribing from an audio recording. Although the transcription is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate. This is due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. It is posted as an aid, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
Kimberly: 00:01 Hi, Beauty. And welcome back to our Thursday, Q&A podcast where our topic this week is, The Importance of Setting Intentions and Tips for Starting Your Own Practice. As I’ll say time and time again, how we really accomplish our goals and dreams and create the lives that we want comes down to our daily rituals and PR practices. This is why I hammer home so much about our morning routine, our evening routine, and my new book. You are more than you think you are, is really about practical teachings and practices for everyday life. If you’re looking at someone’s life and you’re saying, oh, well, I wanna create a business like that. Or I wanna create a body like that. I wanna have energy like that. I wanna, you know, blah, blah, blah. Remember that these things don’t happen overnight. And we don’t wanna just sit here and lack in frustration and focus on what we don’t have.
Kimberly: 00:52 What we wanna do is we wanna start to put our energy into practices day by day, right? So it’s like we get up, we know what we need to do. We need to, to take our Solluna, SBO probiotics, and drink hot water with lemon and meditate. And so what happens over time is that energy builds and builds. So as we continue to do these small daily steps and practices before too long, we notice big shifts in our energy, big shifts and results that are happening in our life. This is really, um, how I was able to create in my life. This is how I was able to start writing books and create the business versus the blog, and then the business and products and everything else that I’ve been able to create. It comes from our day to day practices. I’ll say again, in the way that we manage the flow of our energy.
Kimberly: 01:43 So we’ll get into that today with some real detail.
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I’m so excited for today’s show, but before we do, I just wanna give you a little reminder to please leave us a review on iTunes, which is such a powerful way to use your own voice and to support the show. Please be sure to share our show with anyone you think would benefit friends, loved ones, colleagues, so on and so forth. It’s a really beautiful thing to share as well. And also, please be sure to subscribe to our show and that way you don’t miss out on any of these Q and a podcasts or our Monday interview or solo cast podcast as well. Also a little reminder that my new book is out your or than you think you are. So if you haven’t yet picked up a copy, please do. So I think you’ll enjoy it very much.
Kimberly: 02:30 We get very deep into living from your true self and how to separate from the over identification with our ego, which is where fear, mind, chatter, comparison lives. And we go to a different place, a resource inside of all of us. And then you can really start to expand your life in all areas, health, vitality, confidence, creativity, and more. All right, so let’s get into our topic today. I’m so excited for these questions. Again, the importance of setting intentions and tips for starting your own practice.
Question #1 around the topic of: The Importance of Setting Intentions and Tips for Starting Your Own Practice: I’m one of the many who chose to leave the corporate world and start my own business and with it now being into the 2nd month of the year, I’m starting to freak out and lose my ‘why’. Any suggestions?
Kimberly: 02:30 So our first question comes from Charlotte, who lives in Missouri. Hello, my Midwestern beauty sending you so much love out there. Thank you for being part of our community. And you write, I’m a, one of the many who chose to leave the corporate world and start my own business. And with it now being into the second month of the year, I’m starting to freak out and lose my why and these suggestions.
Kimberly: 03:30 Yes, my love. Thank you so much for your question and I can’t help, but bring this back to the warrior chapter of you are more than you think you are of the new book. And this is a chapter that I will encourage you to read time and time again, because when I really started to understand that concept of being a warrior in times of doubt, in times of confusion in times of exhaustion, when you’re starting to get something off the ground, a new business, a new project, a new idea, we do really need to stay anchored to the why. So there’s a couple things in here. I wanna say, first of all, I will say that being a warrior means that we are working beyond for something bigger than ourselves, beyond the little self. So make sure Charlotte that with your business, in some, whether it’s how you’re gonna help people, they’re going to enjoy your product or your service, or you’re gonna inspire people really anchor into the way that you will provide service and support others in your project.
Kimberly: 04:33 And really keep that top of mind. Number two, he said, it’s the second month of the year who cares? <laugh> right. You know, we have all this external stuff that’s labeled in certain ways, including our calendar, including the very stressful way that most of us look at time as a resource and lack and that, you know, it’s another way that the ego tries to trick us and tell us, oh, you’re too late. It’s already the second month you should be here. And you’re not. And the of ways that we keep ourselves small and feeling that real limitation. So I encourage you to come into this present moment and to forget about the time right now. Again, that’s just gonna be something that is a way your mind will start to grasp onto that. Not enoughness that mind swirl, the mind looks to back stories. You know, the stories we may have in different ways.
Kimberly: 05:24 Like this is so hard, you can’t do this. You’re not good enough. So for now, Charlotte, I would say, forget the exact timeline. Come into this moment. Rewrite. As I mentioned in the book, your warrior code, meaning your statement for your why really dig into this. And then again, of course, there’s a lot more detail in the book, but I’ll say that you anchor into your, why you, um, make sure that it includes the good of others, always. So we’re always expanding. And then a really practical thing you can do is to keep your warriors code your statement, your why in a place where you will see it every morning. So it could be in your bathroom. It could be on the table next to your front door. And not only do you see it, but you actually read it every single day. And I read it in the morning, right?
Kimberly: 06:13 And what this does is it re-energizes me. It refocus as me in the morning. We are, it’s like new year’s every day. We wake up with this different energy. We’ve come from this altered state of consciousness known as sleep. So when we wake up in the morning, we have a fresh start. We wanna direct our energy towards our alignment, our actions, our words, our thoughts towards our purpose towards our warriors code. So I encourage you to make it succinct. You know, a paragraph, one sentence to five. Mine is, um, one sentence. And you know, my, my purpose I’ll share with you is very simple. It’s, you know, to live life more and more for my true self and to teach others how to do the same. So when I do that, it gets me outta my head. When I start to get bogged down with, you know, some business stuff or, you know, paperwork or stuff that maybe I don’t enjoy as much, I remember, oh, my purpose is so big.
Kimberly: 07:14 And I have to focus on that. I’m not gonna get, let myself get tripped up small stuff. So Charlotte anchor end take some time to recenter, get really clear, write down your warriors, purpose your code, read it every morning and then just come back in. And of course, um, keep in touch with me because I think you’ll get a lot out of the new book and maybe you’re, you’ll have more questions as it evolves. So thank you so much. And congratulations on starting your own business. It’s a very exciting time. Do not let your mind and your ego trip you up. You have these unique gifts and talents inside of you. So you just need to learn to tap in focus and stick, stick to your daily practices like meditation and your morning practice to keep you going. Thank you so much, sister, and can’t wait to hear more.
Question #2 around the topic of: The Importance of Setting Intentions and Tips for Starting Your Own Practice: I’ve started reading my copy of You Are More Than You Think You Are and am already so excited about what’s to come!! I want to jump to the Warrior and Creator chapters but thought I would ask you here on the podcast, what your most useful tool has been when you started your practice years ago and if it still works for you now?
Kimberly: 08:04 All right. Now our next question comes from McKenzie, who lives in South Dakota and she writes, I started reading my copy of your more than you think you are. And I am already so excited about what’s to come. I wanna jump to the warrior and creator chapters, but thought I would ask you here on the podcast, what’s your most useful tool that has been with you since you started your practice years ago, and if it still works for you now, so I’m so excited. You got your copy of the book, my love. And I was just talking to Charlotte about the warrior chapter, which is a very powerful, powerful chapter, but thank you for not skipping ahead, because we definitely want to go with the flow of how the book is designed for the best results. And so the book is designed part one, getting past the big blocks.
Kimberly: 08:53 So warrior is in part one because a block in creating what we want in our life is that we get obsessed with self-doubt with a small self. And so the warrior is able to persevere and overcome goals because she remembers, or he remembers that we are working for something so much bigger. So shut that expansion of focus brings in so much more energy, right? Fear is also in part one, we need to get past these big blocks. And then part two is where we really embody who we are. So we sink into the piece that comes from the inside. That’s always available to us. We start to tap into more of our intuitive powers. Intuition is a very powerful tool. So that’s part of part two, and then part three, where the creator chapter is then we create abundance, magic magnetism. All of that is in part three.
Kimberly: 09:47 So as far as here, your question, what has been the most useful tool? And I will say the most powerful thing that I have done over the years is to show up day by day and do my meditation practice. Some days I didn’t feel like doing it some days. And I described this in the beginning of the book. It was very difficult for me to sit. I used to wrinkle my nose and scrunch my eyes. I would put the timer on for, you know, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, 15 minutes. And then I would feel like a eternity and I’d look at my phone. It’d be like seven minutes. So what I can say though, now I’ve been meditating for, you know, 13 years now or, or so is consistency. The most powerful thing we can do McKenzie is to show up day by day, sit on that meditation cushion, even if it’s three minutes or five minutes, but do it every day.
Kimberly: 10:43 And the benefits that come from this, which we may not feel right away, but over time, um, over time, it just continues to build that energy. And before for long, we don’t realize, oh my gosh, I’m feeling more of that calmness. I’m feeling that intuitive impulse that I didn’t feel before we start to go, we start to get more and more clear as we continue to do this work. So I will just say, Mackenzie, stick with your practice, check out our practical in my admin meditations on the app. If you’re on the website, if you’re interested in some guided meditations, but just this real focus of showing up and sitting with myself, allowed me to understand myself. It allowed me to break free of limiting beliefs and emotional blocks. It allowed me to create real abundance. It allowed me to create real joy and everything in my life opened up.
Kimberly: 11:40 So please, even if it means you have to wake up five minutes earlier, create that all important practice day by day in the morning of meditation and watch what happens to your relationship with food, to your energy, to your body, to everything. So I will say that still works for me every day. I meditate McKenzie without fail and it gets stronger and stronger over time. So thank you so much. My love for your question. Thank you so much for being part of our community and sending you so much love. All right. We have one quick break here. And when we get back, we will answer two more of your questions.
Kimberly: 12:36 All right. My loves, we have two more questions for you on this topic, and it is a big one, the importance of setting intentions and tips for starting your own practice. So how we start anything is going to influence the outcome. So that’s really what an intention is. It is your energy. It is your, what you would like to create. And so that’s why I am such an, um, I emphasize the morning practice so much because it brings that intention into the day. It helps it flow in. So you stay really aligned and connected to your purpose, to your big goals, to your why. And it’s very powerful. And so even if you’re in a place where you feel really stuck, if you feel really lost, if you feel confused, if you feel like things aren’t working out your way, um, right now at all, I will say that the more you are able to really, uh, just stick with the practices, do them day in and day out.
Kimberly: 13:37 You’ll see in the new book, some of the practices, um, are 90 seconds. Some of them are 10 seconds just coming back into your center and really checking in with your energy and where you are aligned, whether it’s with your true self or your ego meditating in the morning for five minutes, taking time to make yourself a glow and green smoothie and nurture your body, taking the time to, um, cook a healthy dinner, right? All these daily practices, they really do start to add up in big ways through all of our cornerstones. So I’m really excited about this topic. I think this year is a real opportunity for all of us to move past. What’s happened the past few years and to start creating again with this new sense of renewal and clarity. So our first question back from the break is from Hailey, who lives in Canada.
Kimberly: 14:27 Hello, my Canadian love my husband is from Montreal. So we have a lot of family in Canada and it is a kind tree that’s very close to my heart, Hailey Wrights. I’ve heard you mention writing down your goals. Can you break down why it’s not enough to just make a mental note? So thank you my love for being part of our community. Thank you so much for your question. Yes. There is something really powerful about taking pen to paper when it comes to goals, when it comes to, um, writing down our goals and our dreams. And the reason is because we want to, well, let me back up for a moment. And this again is tied into the book where we work with the raw material of energy. And this is something that has run through since our first book, the beauty detox solution. So let’s tie it back to that for a moment.
Kimberly: 15:20 I was already doing these practices. I was already living these teachings back then over 10 years ago, when that book was published. And so you see, I was writing about beauty energy, right? So it’s this raw material energy inside of us. When we’re trying to, you know, get rid of the blow, we’re trying to have better skin, better hair, better energy. We free up energy from digestion and then more just starts to pour through us and out of us into that radiance. Okay. So we know that energy is creating all the time. So what we wanna do is we wanna start to choose, um, how we use our energy. And so when we start to get clear from the insight, from our deepest place of purpose and self connection, from the true self, and we start to create what it is that we wanna create our goals, our dreams, it could be across an of the cornerstones.
Kimberly: 16:13 It could be in our food cornerstone with our diet. It could be with our body, how we wanna feel in our body, how we want our bodies to look how we want, um, you know, whatever, how we want our sleep to go emotionally, do we wanna create more peace and bliss and equanimity or whatever it is, and spiritually creating real connection, unshakable a piece. So we get real clear with our goals. And then when we actually write them down, we’re taking a step of concretizing, this construct, this thought, which comes of energy and we’re putting it on paper. So, which is the first step in bringing it into manifestation in the physical world. So I have always been a big believer in writing down my goals. I wrote down a new set of goals yesterday, actually, because it makes me get clear on what I want.
Kimberly: 16:59 And then it says to the universe source, God, Hey, I know what I want. And I wanna co-create this with you, right? So it’s that clarity. It’s putting it down on paper. It’s taking it a step further from the mind swirl. It’s not a happy way. Now we’re creating a real intention. So then we can use these goals in different ways. We can weave them in with our, make sure they’re aligned with our purpose. As I mentioned with Charlotte, the intention behind our goals, the intention behind our purpose should be aligned. So the purpose is overarching, right? For me, I want to connect act more to my true self and teach others how to do the same. My goals, you know, I wanna grow the Sal Luna circle this year. I wanna put out some great courses, like whatever it is, the goals are aligned to that.
Kimberly: 17:45 And then I revisit the written goals. I don’t read them every day, like my purpose, because the purpose is over everything. The purpose runs through all of that, but I revisit my goals pretty regularly every month or every few months. And it keeps me anchored into, okay, you know, cuz life evolves. Our energy evolves, our skillsets evolve, the situation evolves. So that part becomes more fluid dynamic. But again, it’s a powerful way to focus our energies. So what I do Hailey is I have a special section in my journal, or you could even have a dedicated journal just for your goals. So you write them down regularly. And then I journal about, okay, I need to take this step. Or this part I brainstorm literally it says really living, breathing, um, really beautiful tool that will keep you focused. And again, keeps the energy building towards what you want.
Kimberly: 18:37 So it’s something I recommend very much, whether it is a dedicated journal or a section of your journal that you can reflect on and flip through, especially if you’re you’re at your desk and wow. Is it PA out? Is it powerful? Especially if we struggle with self-doubt in the beginning, seeing it written down with your own hand can be that, oh, that game changer of helping you get past fear, actually able to verbalize it, able to share it, able to start putting it into the world. You know, what’s been popular over the years is you of this idea of food journals as well. And I used to have a very different kind of food journal. I used to journal about calories and numbers and it would be more like a tracker. Now, if it’s about food, which, you know, combines with other things for me, I write about how I wanna feel.
Kimberly: 19:28 And I write about, you know, appreciating more or integrating with the freshness of food I write about, you know, oh, or where did I, um, get a little tripped up in old patterns? Oh yeah. I really did eat a lot of chocolate today. So it’s nice to reflect with food as well. If that’s one of your goals to see it written down, because you know, to your question in your mind, you could, oh, well I wanna eat healthy or whatever, but like I said, food body, emotional wellbeing, spiritual growth, your goals in any of these categories, all of them and professionally and personally, when you see it and when you revisit it, it’s a very powerful way to intro back and to keep going forward and to see where you need to nurture a little bit more. Maybe put a little bit more at tension.
Kimberly: 20:12 So thank you so much, Hailey, keep in touch with me, please. Let me know how you do with your journaling on your goals. And I send you so much love sister. Okay. And finally, we have one more question and this one comes from Brooklyn who lives in Illinois and Brooklyn. Thank you. My love for being here with you write I’m about six months into creating content for my online startup. And I feel stuck. I’m a one woman show with other responsibilities. How can I plan out my days better? So I actually see some progress systematize <laugh> systems, Brooklyn, you know, especially if you have other responsibilities, if you have another job, as you know, most all of us do when we’re starting something new. If you have children, if you have, you know, whatever it is going on, we need to create real systems. So this is where you anchor into the morning routine.
Kimberly: 21:05 I’ll expand down it a little bit. Now you wake up in the morning, uh, water with lemon, SBO, probiotics, glow, and green smoothie meditation. Then you read your warriors code, you read your purpose, then you journal for a few minutes. What can I let go of? What am I grateful for? What are my goals today? Right? You are to get real clear. And from this beginning of surveying where you are connecting inside and then seeing, okay, here’s where I can really move things forward today. Here’s where I can pull back. This is where I need to focus. We put ourselves into a state of flow. So what makes us feel stuck Brooklyn, cuz when we get into linear thinking and the linear to do list and we have to go straight down, we create magic. And again, I write about this more in the are a creator chapter of the book.
Kimberly: 21:58 We create magic when we step into our whole power and our unique gifts and our wholeness is not linear. Our wholeness is a actually circuitous and in this flowing state. So the best way to see progress is to go with your own energy. So you sit in meditation and you connect and your energy changes every day. It depends on where we are with our period where we are in the season, where we are with our sleep cycle and so many different factors. So when you sit and you meditate and then you look at your goals and your purpose and you journal a little bit, this is where I get information of. Oh, okay. I’m really primed to do a podcast right now. Or my, my energy is inward. I’m gonna write this article instead or I’m going to, you know, take this 10 minute break I have.
Kimberly: 22:48 And I’m actually gonna go into a meditation and see if I can into it better solutions afterwards or whatever it is when we start to get into more flow versus do do do Brooklyn. Then we actually find that we’re more effective and more magic comes through. So I encourage you, as I mentioned to the other beauties to really utilize the deep wisdom of this book and these teachings, um, which don’t just come from me, you know, these are ancient ancient teachings and utilize that to, to better use your own creativity. And then secondly, like I’ll say, like I said, go into each day with a really, really solid practice. And number three, think about the way that you use your energy more in a state of flow than in doing so that’s doing is where we feel stuck because it’s like this pushing, even though we don’t feel like doing those certain things, when we’re in flow, it means we’re energized.
Kimberly: 23:43 We’re inspired, we’re connected to our why we’re so excited to help other people with our projects and then we into it, our own energy and how we can best use it in that moment. And what happens when we do this, we have more of a bird’s eye view. Again, we just have a better state of flowing through the day. And if we find ourselves getting beat up, if we find ourselves getting stuck, we go deeper inside. And the practices that I provide will allow you to get unstuck to change your energy. Sometimes we just need a 92nd reset to light up different parts of our brain and get out of fear or get out of, um, that mind chatter. We need to drop down deeper and deeper. And so I’m so excited for you Brooklyn, to benefit from these new practices that I share. And also I will mention here, we have free meditations every week in the practical enlightenment meditations on the, on the website.
Thought of the Week
Kimberly: 24:35 So you can, um, in the app so you can check those out as well. If you’re interested in some free guided meditations, which started five minutes to seven minutes or so. So you can really feel guided, didn’t be able to drop in. So thank you so much. My love, I appreciate you so much for tuning in before we sign off today, I’m gonna leave you with a quote of the week. This comes from page 87 of the new book. “Many people unsuccessfully strive for a material goal all of their lives, failing to realize that if they had put forth one-tenth of the concentration used in seeking worldly things into an effort to find God first, they could then have had fulfillments of not only some, but all of their hearts’ desires.” So though, when I say find God first, you can say source universe, the true self, find this place inside of you, connect with it in meditation and these practices, and then watch the magic that will unfold in your life, your dreams, your goals, the feelings, how you wanna feel, the peace, the balls, the joy. I cannot wait to hear more and more about how you benefit as well. I send you so much love. I’m so grateful for you and I will be back here Monday for our next interview podcast till then take great care and sending you so much love. Namaste.
The post The Importance of Setting Intentions and Tips for Starting Your Own Practice [Episode #652] appeared first on Solluna by Kimberly Snyder.
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