This week’s topic is: How To Connect to Your True Unique Gifts and Thrive
This is a really important topic because it’s the tapping in and connecting to your unique gifts that allow you to create your best success in the world. Your best collaborations, creations, relationships, and opportunities. We are all unique and as Paramahansa Yogananda says, “We are all here for a unique purpose.”
When we tap into our gifts and really discern and be aware of them, and then nourish them, it means that we’re expanding our energy in a way that feels flowing, passionate, expanded and aligned, rather than feeling arduous and like we’re always going upstream.
I am one hundred percent confident that we all have unique gifts and we can all learn to tap into them and expand them. It’s how we discern our truest gifts and then learn to take them out into the world and put them in form, whether that’s a new website or a new kid’s fashion line or a new recipe or whatever, there’s a process for that. We flow through the challenges and we expand our lives to create more opportunities and more passion and more of what we want.
Have you been wondering about this very topic? If you want to know the answer to this question and 3 more sent in by Beauties just like you, listen now to find out!
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[Questions Answered]
Natalie – Alabama
You posted a quote on Instagram not too long ago where it said to tap into your wholeness and your entire relationship to life will change. Can you go into this a little deeper as I feel my life is on hold and I’m not truly living?
Amanda – No location given
I recently began my journey through an online meditation teacher training. I am halfway through the training and am currently working on writing two meditation scripts. I feel a little overwhelmed/confused and I would love some insights and guidance on your process for coming up with and writing her meditation scripts. Thank you so much for your time and energy!! Sending everyone at My Solluna a bunch of love!
Hailey – Vermont
Argh! I’m really having a difficult time knowing what my true gift is and it’s causing me to be stuck in starting my online business. How did you find your true gift to share with the world Kimberly? Xo
Mackenzie – New Orleans
At work I feel like our little team is in survival mode and it’s just about the money. I don’t feel a deep connection or that we’re having a real impact on the world. Any tips on what I can do personally for myself since I can’t do anything about the rest of the team?
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The intention of the Feel Good Podcast is to well…help you really Feel Good in your body, mind and spirit! Feeling Good means feeling peaceful, energized, whole, uniquely beautiful, confident and joyful, right in the midst of your perfectly imperfect life. This podcast is as informative and full of practical tips and take-aways as it is inspirational. I am here to support you in being your very best! I have so much love and gratitude for you. Thank you for tuning in and being part of the community :).
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Inspirational Thought of the Week
“Every human being has some spark of power by which he can create something that has not been created before.” – Paramahansa Yogananda
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Note: The following is the output of transcribing from an audio recording. Although the transcription is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate. This is due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. It is posted as an aid, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
Kimberly: 00:01 Hi Beauty. And welcome back to our Thursday Q&A podcast where our topic this week is How To Connect to Your True Unique Gifts and Thrive. This is a really important topic because it is the tapping in and awareness and connecting to your unique gifts that allow, allow us to create our best success in the world. Our best collaborations, creations, relationships, opportunities. We are all unique. And as Paramahansa Yogananda says the great yoga guru. We are all here for a unique purpose. So when we tap into our gifts, when we learn to really discern and be aware of them and clarify them, and then nourish them, it means that we’re expanding our energy in a way that feels flowing and passionate and expanded and aligned instead of feeling arduous. And like we’re always pushing, going to swim up, you know, upstream and things.
Kimberly: 01:00 Aren’t working out the ways that we want them to work out day by day. It doesn’t mean that there aren’t challenges when we learn to step into that flow, but it does open up a lot in our lives. I remember for me, um, growing up, I really wanted to be a scientist and that I wanted to be a doctor. And when I reflect back, it really was, there was always this interest in biology. One of the reasons, you know, I do what I do today, which is, you know, holistic wellness with meditation and food and all of that. But it was, you know, this idea of these professions. And then when I went into college and I work, you know, I interned in a hospital one summer and I was going deeper down the path. I realized that my unique gifts, which include sharing and communication, it didn’t really work.
Kimberly: 01:59 You know, I wasn’t able to utilize my gifts in that particular way, but then I went into my gifts and I started a free blog and everything just really came from me channeling that energy of my gifts. And so this is something that we can all learn to do. I am a hundred percent confident in that is number one. We all I’ll have unique gifts. And number two, we can all learn to tap into them and expand them. And this is also a big subject in the new book. You are more than you think you are, where the longest chapter is chapter 19, you are a creator. So it’s really deep into this topic about how we discern our truest gifts and then learn, earn to take them out into the world and put form in around them, whether that’s a new website or a new kid’s fashion line or a new recipe or whatever, there’s a process for that.
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Kimberly: 02:59 So I do recommend checking out that chapter, checking out the new book, of course, but today we’re gonna, we’re gonna get into some great questions and some real value, hopefully that you can start applying today. So before we do just a little reminder to leave us a review on iTunes or wherever you listen to your at casts, which is such a beautiful and appreciated way to support the show, it helps other beautiful souls like yourself. Find the show. So thank you truly from my heart in advance for taking a short moment of your day to do that. Please also share the show. That’s what we’re here for guys sharing connection, love community. So anyone you think would benefit whether it’s a coworker or a cousin or a acquaintance, just please pass the show along. It’s just a great way to spread the love. And finally, please also be sure to subscribe to the show and that way you don’t miss out on any of these Thursday, Q and a shows or our Monday interview podcasts.
Kimberly: 04:03 So you stay in the flow of inspiration and energy and just as we move forward to feel good in life, which isn’t always just cheerful and giggly, or, you know, just this like, you know, we’re not trying to force happy. This feeling good is about feeling connected. It’s about being present and meeting with whatever arises in life with strength and resilience and wisdom and practices and tools. And that feels good. We flow through life. We flow through the challenges and we expand our lives to create more opportunities and more passion and more of what we want. So I’m very excited that we are connected.
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Kimberly: And again, um, another mention to please pick up the new book. You Are More More Than You Think You Are – Practical Enlightenment For Everyday Life. It is of great value. It is under I think, $17 now. And there really is a lot of practical information rules and teachings that I think will benefit your life so much. So thank you. Thank you, sending you lots of love and now let’s get into our show.
Question #1 around the topic of: How To Connect to Your True Unique Gifts and Thrive: I recently began my journey through an online meditation teacher training. I am halfway through the training and am currently working on writing two meditation scripts. I feel a little overwhelmed/confused and I would love some insights and guidance on your process for coming up with and writing her meditation scripts. Thank you so much for your time and energy!! Sending everyone at My Solluna a bunch of love!
Kimberly: 05:05 So how to connect to your true unique gifts and thrive. Our first question here comes from Natalie, who lives in Alabama. How, hello, my love down there, sending you a big virtual hug. Thank you. My beauty for taking time to, to leave us a question. And your question is you posted a quote on Instagram not too long ago, or it said to tap into your wholeness and your entire relationship to life will change. Can you go into this a little deeper as I feel my life is on, on hold and I’m not truly living. Yes, Natalie, I did post this quote. It actually does come from the, the new book as well. And this was, you know, I’m always sharing what has helped me and the realizations that I continue to have in my life, in the hopes that it will help you also connect to, to realizations and wisdom in your life because we keep going and we keep growing.
Kimberly: 06:11 I didn’t really understand what it was like to feel whole until a few years ago. And what I mean by that is wholeness means we’re not missing anything. It means that we are whole already, but what we’re doing is moving towards more freedom, which is the word enlightenment, which means freedom from destructive patterns, patterns that don’t serve us anymore. Whether that’s with food cravings or addictions or other addictions or relationship patterns or playing out triggers and wounds, it means that we are whole, and what we’re doing is we are removing the layers, the blocks and the tendencies, and just unveiling more of the true self. So there’s a quote from Yogananda. I’m paraphrasing here where he talks about the mud and he says, all we have to do is scrape off the mud. The diamond is already inside of you. So I didn’t get this for a long time.
Kimberly: 07:17 And I kept instead trying to add on to my identity, to who I was to try to make myself feel more important and more, you know, validated people would like me, people would see me. So it was all achievement based. It was, you know, in all the, you know, micro and macro ways. So like trying to achieve a really thin body, trying to have things on paper for people to see, and this doesn’t, doesn’t come from a place of wholeness. It’s come from a place of fragmentation where we see our life in terms of numbers. Here’s how much money’s in the bank. Here’s much is how much I weigh. Here’s how many followers I have, right. Or it’s just seeing things like in parts. So really good with my food, right? I see this with clients all the time. My food is perfect, but then I’m really suppressing, ignoring my mental health or my emotional wellbeing.
Kimberly: 08:10 There’s things I don’t allow myself to feel. So instead I push them down and along with that, anxiety rises, fragmentation rises feelings of, um, just lack and not feeling harmony, right. Feeling competitive or not feeling good enough. So for me, I took a real look at that, Natalie and I, I went into it. And so there was a period after my mom passed away. And when I became a single mom that I described, been the fearlessness chapter of the book, which is chapter two, where I really just took a break for about five months. And I really wasn’t on media or social media. I wasn’t even really around friends too much, to be honest, I was going really inward and allowing myself to reflect back and to look at my real beliefs for the first time. And I started to understand that so much of my identity was based on outer validation.
Kimberly: 09:11 So it was like, you know, it was so worried about, you know, if people well would like me or if they would think I was smart enough if I had enough to show. And I just started to really, when I started to see it, I started to really let it go, Natalie. So I just realized, oh, wow, I’ve been chasing for so long. I didn’t even realize I was chasing. It was just like chasing the valida validation, which was influencing my actions and also causing me to feel like I was pushing and pushing and then exhausted and then depleted. So I just, there’s two ways we create great change from the Vadix standpoint, the ancient VA teachings of yoga and, and our Vita. These are in the vadas, uh, these ancient scriptures. So it’s through acquiring access to teachings and wisdom. So we literally are exposed to new ways of thinking and perceiving and looking at life.
Kimberly: 10:12 And that starts to open up our thinking. But then of course, secondarily beyond that, which is really primarily, we need to embody it. So the way that we embody the teachings, we bring it to life inside of our bodies and our lives is the experiential. So that’s where meditation, which I talk about so much, cuz it’s such, it is the most important way to change your life. It’s where we tune the energy inward and we start to work with energy on the inside and the interstate and our inner beliefs. And so going inward means that we start to understand that we are whole and we can validate ourselves. We can give love to ourselves. We can support ourselves. We can show up for selves and this rising strength and power contributes to the rising wholeness inside of you. So lastly, Natalie, one of my favorite chapters in the new book is also called you are whole, and this is where I take you through the very important sun moon practice of identifying our son, our solar qualities that we like about ourselves being thoughtful and creative, perhaps generous, whatever it is.
Kimberly: 11:27 And then we also look at the moon qualities or maybe the shadow qualities that we sometimes exhibit like being impatient or stingy or judgmental or whatever it is. And then in this practice then we, we, we wait for the bodily nervous system reactions to rise and fall the racing of the heart, the, the tendency to wanna defend. We let all of that settle down. And then we connect to the wholeness underneath our behaviors, beneath our actions, what we so call, you know, good, bad, right wrong underneath all of that labels is the space for wholeness. So Natalie requires just, you know, really reading the teachings and understanding what it means to really accept and empower ourselves, claiming our wholeness and then to follow the practices and to do them regularly, like meditation that allow us to really experience that wholeness. And then we start to take it on and then it starts to integrate.
Kimberly: 12:25 So that has been my experience. It’s a very powerful thing to take into your life. It will open up so much. It will open up your energy, Natalie, it will open up your joy. So again, to, to go further into that, please check out, um, chapter five in the new book, I believe it is. You are whole thanking. Thank you so much. My love for being part of our community. And I send you so much love.
Question #2 around the topic of: How To Connect to Your True Unique Gifts and Thrive: I recently began my journey through an online meditation teacher training. I am halfway through the training and am currently working on writing two meditation scripts. I feel a little overwhelmed/confused and I would love some insights and guidance on your process for coming up with and writing her meditation scripts. Thank you so much for your time and energy!! Sending everyone at My Solluna a bunch of love!
Kimberly: 13:22 All right. And our next question comes from Amanda, who didn’t give her location, but wherever you are Amanda, in this world, sending you a big virtual hug, I’m so honored and pleased that you are part of our community. And then you wrote, I recently began my journey through an online meditation teacher training. I’m halfway through the training and I’m currently working on writing two meditation scripts. I overwhelmed and confused and I would love some insight and guidance on your process for coming up with and writing meditation scripts. Thank you so much for your time and energy. Sending everyone at Solluna, a bunch of love. Oh, Amanda sister, sending you so much love. I am so excited for you starting a journey and going into meditation and guiding others, which is really beautiful. And I’ll say here as well, that in the beginning, when I started this podcast, it definitely felt awkward. And I was thinking a lot about what I would say and what I would ask the asked as the next question. And it was a lot of thinking and thinking, so a big personal goal of mine and a big byproduct of this work is less thinking and more intuition. And so when I started hearing about, oh, don’t think so much. It really confused me. You, this is like, you know, fast forward 15 years ago, you know, when I started reading Eckhart, The Power of Now, and he kept saying, go beyond thought, go beyond thought.
Kimberly: 14:27 And at that point in my journey, I really didn’t think it was possible. And I thought it was crazy what he was talking about. But then again, then the practices came in again, this is why I practical solutions and tools and rituals are really the whole crux of growth. I believe it’s really the foundation for our evolvement. Otherwise you can hear philosophy. You can hear these great ideas. You can read a great quote on Instagram, but unless you have the tools to follow through and use your will and direct your energy, it doesn’t really become part of your life. So over time though, Amanda, over the past 15 years or more really, um, I just keep going into the routines and the practices and the four cornerstones and I know how to eat. And I meditate and I, you know, live my life. And what happens is you start to go into more of a flow state.
Kimberly: 15:19 And what starts to rise up is more intuition. And this is what Yogananda calls the infallible voice of the inner council. This is when you are discerning and speaking and acting from a much deeper place than the thinking mind, we can watch our thoughts, right? We can start to see and separate ourselves and not over identify with the thoughts. So there is this deeper part of us, which is known as the true self, the authentic self past the fear and past the mind chatter. There is this deeper part of us that is able to discern, oh, I’m being over emotional or I am anxious. I’m thinking too much. So the more we tap into that part of us, the intuitive voice, the heart, the true self, which again, through wisdom teachings and then meditation and daily practices, the more we let go of overthinking, the more we create our best stuff, the more we flow.
Kimberly: 16:21 So for me now, Amanda, I, I wait, I sit, I have that intention, okay, I’m gonna, um, record some meditations today, but I don’t write an, I don’t really write anything down. It really from this deeper place now where it’s like, this is what I I’ve opened up to spirit. I’ve opened up to be a channel. This is my intention to be a messenger. What do you want me to say? What do you wanna flow through me? And it’s this openness and this being receptive to the divine, to universe us working through us instead of being isolated. And you know, just me, me, me, the little ego, what do you want? What do you want me to produce or to create or to flow through me today? So I always have that intention, Amanda and I always meditate myself before I write, before I record a meditation before I do a podcast I ed before this podcast. So we are open to the flow we’re past thinking and we’re more just open to being a messenger for spirit and serving. So I hope that helps. That’s my process and keep in touch with me, sister, let me know how you do and how you progress. And I’d love to hear more about your journey. So thank you so much now must stay.
Kimberly: 17:51 All right. My loves. We have two more questions when we get back from the break about connecting to your true unique gifts. So I will see you back here in just a moment.
Question #3 around the topic of: How To Connect to Your True Unique Gifts and Thrive: Argh! I’m really having a difficult time knowing what my true gift is and it’s causing me to be stuck in starting my online business. How did you find your true gift to share with the world Kimberly? Xo
Kimberly: 17:51 All right. My loves, we are back from our break. We have two more questions for you on how to connect to your true unique gifts and thrive. And our first question comes from Hailey, who lives in Vermont and Hailey writes, oh, first of all, yay. My love on east coast, New Englander. I have been to Vermont many times, many years ago now with my parents growing up to see the beautiful colors, but I love that part of the world so much. And I have hiked part of the Appalachian trail. I’ll also say, so sending you big love sister out there and you write are I’m having a really difficult time. What my true gift is, and it’s causing me to be stuck in starting my online business. How did you find your true gift to share with the world Kimberly exo hugs and kisses to you too?
Kimberly: 18:44 Hailey? I have a lot to say. And again, I can’t help, but direct who Hailey to chapter 19, you are a creator of the new book where this is detailed through a whole series of written practices and exercises to allow you to really Ize, to really clarify your unique gifts. So it will start though, I’ll start by saying, start paying attention to where you feel a sense of full low, where you’re not thinking or overthinking, but there’s just this, it lights up or this part of you, that’s really in love with this one thing, you know, this thing or this passion or people are like, wow, you’re so great at that. You know, you have a real gift for X, Y, Z, and you feel it too, and it may not feel related to your business per se. So I’ll give you an example. Let’s say that you are, you know, so wonderful at, um, remembering to always bring the little flowers and the gifts to your child’s school.
Kimberly: 19:48 You’re that, you know, parent, that’s always remembering to sign up for stuff or, you know, do the, uh, in the, the things to support the teachers and so on and so forth. And you start to notice that something that people are really appreciative of and it feels really natural to you, and it feels good to you. So maybe that’s, you know, a particular gift of being a, you know, supporting nurturing energy. So how can you bring that into your business, whether it’s in an offering for the customers and also in your company culture? Right. So, um, you know, for, for me, it was this, this passion of sharing and it was very organic and I wasn’t trying to old a business around it at all, but it started with a free blog. That was a hundred percent my passion project of just sharing. And at the time I was teaching yoga Austin and I was hustling, I was going back to nutrition school.
Kimberly: 20:49 I was starting to work with clients. I wasn’t trying to make any money from my blog. It was very pure and I was sharing. And then that is, that is my gift I think, is to share and to communicate my central purpose, which I also teach you how to clarify. And the book in the chapter, you are a warrior is, um, how to connect. My, my purpose is to connect to my true self, to spirit inside of me, and to live this life that feels authentic and fulfilling and healthy and to teach others to do the same. Right? So this part about connecting and sharing, um, I started to band from the blog into the books, which is another platform for sharing. And I started to expand into this podcast and then it started to expand into Solluna creating a brand where there could be courses and products to allow more sharing, but it came from really clarifying that central gift and also pairing it with how do I serve?
Kimberly: 21:50 How can this gift help elevate other people’s lives? How can I share? So it’s really, really important to, um, be really clear. And from that place, then allow it to permeate in a nonspecific way throughout your life. So what I mean is the essential, my essential purpose. Isn’t just about my business. It’s like how I show up with my family and my friends and any environment I happen to be in because energy is energy and the more we embody it in our lives, the more we see the results in places like our, and in places like our relationships, embodiment means that energy starts to be more steady in your life. So it’s important that we get clear about that, and then we let that flourish and we make space for it, Hailey. So again, start to pay attention to some of the particular places in your life where you feel flow and passion and people notice it as well.
Kimberly: 22:55 And for a lot more information, check out the warrior chapter and, um, creator chapter four specific practices and exercises, but it’s, it’s there for you, Hailey, you know, the fact that you have, thisw have this natural inclination to start a business and to go online means you have a lot to share. So just get real clear and then funnel the energy and watch everything grow and expand. So thank you so much love for being part of the community. Definitely. Please keep in touch with me as your journey unfolds, more questions will arise. You go into the bull, you go deeper in the information and uh, and then yeah, we just keep going and going. So thank you my love and sending you so much, uh, blessings, big virtual hug.
Question #4 around the topic of: How To Connect to Your True Unique Gifts and Thrive: At work I feel like our little team is in survival mode and it’s just about the money. I don’t feel a deep connection or that we’re having a real impact on the world. Any tips on what I can do personally for myself since I can’t do anything about the rest of the team?
Kimberly: 23:48 Okay. So our last question comes from McKenzie, who lives in New Orleans. So thank you, McKenzie. My love for being here, we’re rooting for you down there in new Orleans. You right at work. I feel like our team is in survival mode and it’s not. And it’s just about the money. I don’t feel a deep connection or that we’re having a real in impact on the world. Any tips on what I can do personally for myself since I can’t do anything about the rest of the team. So Mackenzie, this is such a powerful, um, question in the way that you wrote it, which is number one. Okay, there’s this happening at work? And number two, how do I shift the energy and number? I realize that I can’t shift it for anyone else, this surrendered moment, but I would like to shift it for myself. So that’s the point of power where we realize that we can’t control anyone else. And the real way to enact change is to, is to create it from ourselves.
Kimberly: 24:42 We, it starts with us transformation in the world and in our lives comes from the inside out. So it’s so important that you start to connect with your purpose McKenzie and I encourage you to step back a little bit and to make a whole ritual out of it and write it down and create clarity around it. So you have a very different intention, a very different energy in your work life. So, number one, it’s not just about the money, right? So if it starts to reduce down to that, that is lack. That is survival mode. That’s a place where, um, we’re not perhaps making our best decisions. We’re not the coming from a real, um, open place instead it’s, it’s lack based. And so things make it sloppy or may feel more tense, right? The, the LA the, the lack energy sort of stifles creativity and creative power.
Kimberly: 25:44 So that to sound like a broken record Mackenzie, but like Hailey, please read the warrior chapter to clarify your Warrior’s purpose. But I will say here that purpose and bringing that passion into your work means getting clear on what your unique contributions can be to the world, which can be very simple. No one can really love the way you love McKenzie or bring forward solutions in your unique way, or go about doing things in a unique way. So it’s, you know, I have a sense of, um, you know, a real great way of organizing or providing support or connecting or whatever your unique gifts connected with serving and like you to have an impact on the world. Cause you wrote that in your question. So what is, how, how can I help? How can this inspire others? How can this make their day a bit easier?
Kimberly: 26:38 And that as well, I would say McKenzie, expanding that to your colleagues, noticing yes, they are in survival mode. There’s a lot of struggle there, but part of your, you know, your, your purpose, it’s expanding that purpose and to, Hey, I can bring love and connection to the customers. And also to my team, to the, to my colleagues, to the work environment, some people are really struggling right now. I’m gonna be that steady rock. So I encourage you to step back, you know, read that chapter or clarify it within yourself. This is my purpose. And then to put it as I do right down a piece of paper and put it where you see it every day, McKenzie, mine is sticking out underneath my hundred month statue on my altar, our central altar in our bedroom. So I see it every day. I don’t read it every day, but I see it.
Kimberly: 27:30 And it reminds me of my purpose. As I’m walking out the door, as I’m going through my morning, it’s keeping it very fresh and very alive in my mind. That is what we have control over our intention. We don’t control the work environment, complete. We don’t control everyone else. People can be negative. They can be lack based. They can be in survival mode, but you do not have to be, and you cannot change them, but you can bring your loving energy that is so grounding and so healing and emanates and will radiate out of you. And it is that power of pure being and consciousness that does create great change. So you keep going with your goals, McKenzie, the energy that you wanna embody, what you wanna bring to work and your career and what you’re creating. And people will feel that. And either they come on board now, maybe later, maybe never that’s okay, but you can feel good.
Kimberly: 28:21 You’ve upheld the integrity of what you wanna create. It’s so beautiful. And we realize the strength of that steadiness in any circumstance in any environment is real power because it means nothing can take us off. I mean, of course some things may, some days here and there, but we come back, our central purpose, our warriors purpose, we keep going. We know that we can overcome obstacles. We can bring more love and harmony and light wherever we are. And we get stronger and stronger every day. The more we keep aligning to that. So I encourage you McKenzie to add this as part of your morning practice, first of all, do that ritual of writing, clarifying lighting, a candle, meditating, you know what feels good to you? I, I usually write the purpose. I write intentions after I meditate. So I get clear and settled in my own body, my mind, and then I let it flow out and then I fold it up, put it where I see it every day, keep it alive. And I revisit it every month or two. So I keep it fresh. And so, you know, even in the midst of maybe some negativity at work McKenzie, you really can work to, um, create your own sacred space and stay aligned to your mission and your purpose. So thank you so much. My love my, for your question, and please do keep in touch with me.
Thought of the Week
Kimberly: 29:21 And before we head out, I wanna read you a powerful quote. This is from Paramahansa Yogananda page 213 of the new book. You are more than you think you are. That starts the chapter have been mentioning. You are creator. “Every human being has some spark of power by which he can create something that has not been created before.”
Kimberly: 30:15 So think of that, let that settle in, breathe into it. Each and every single one of us can create something unique in this world. Even with billions of people, we have a unique energy. So we tap into that through the teachings, the experiential practices like meditation and journaling and writing and going in asking the questions deep down into the true self post meditation is also such a wonderful place to get answers. There’s a new practical enlightenment meditation, by the way, in our app that I posted a few weeks ago called going inside for the answers or I’ll guide you through a meditation and then delving into discerning into the solution from within. So please check it out as another tool to support you. I am so grateful and so honored to be part of the journey. Thank you so much for being here. We’ll be back here Monday for our next interview podcast to then remember to please check out the show notes over at, sending you so much love and see you back here in a few days. Namaste.
The post How To Connect to Your True Unique Gifts and Thrive [Episode #672] appeared first on Solluna by Kimberly Snyder.
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