This week’s topic is: Listening To What Your Body’s Intuition is Telling You
I am very excited to share that we are shifting this show a little bit where I will still be answering questions, but they are going to rotate around the cornerstones. This will allow us to go a little bit more in depth into each one, which are food, body, emotional wellbeing and spiritual growth. And sometimes of course, there’s crossover. Sometimes we talk about body and food. For instance, in the same context, sometimes we talk about emotional wellbeing and spirituality. There’s this beautiful synergy between them and we’re going to make the show more succinct.
As we know, we live in this world where there’s a lot of information swirling around all the time. There’s this bombardment from television, social media, other forms of media, as well as our well meeting friends and family. And so it can become confusing. If we don’t tune in to this deeper place, we become confused about how to take care of our body and what am I really supposed to be doing? What choices am I supposed to be making? And this is what we’ll be talking about on today’s show on how to really listen to what your body’s intuition is telling you.
Have you been wondering about this very topic? If you want to know the answer to this question and 3 more sent in by Beauties just like you, listen now to find out!
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[Questions Answered]
Jennifer – CO
I have tried multiple probiotics in the past, but they always upset my stomach and I give up. I get severe bloat and discomfort. I decided to try again, this time with Solluna’s probiotics. How long should I give it for my stomach to adjust and how long should I give it to feel any positive difference?
Katie – No location
Since becoming plant based I’ve never felt better, but I can’t help but feel left out or judged at family and social gatherings. While I have no problem avoiding foods that are not plant based, I can feel the judgment from others around me. I’ve found it particularly hard to eat at restaurants that don’t have plant based options, and I get embarrassed telling the waiter to make so many accommodations. I’ve developed a little bit of anxiety around this whole concept, and it’s kept me from going out to dinner with friends and family just to avoid the judgment. Have you ever dealt with this/what’s your advice?
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Want to know what to expect from other episodes of the “Feel Good Podcast with Kimberly Snyder”? My passion is to inspire and empower you to be your most authentic and beautiful self. We offer interviews with top experts, my personal philosophies and experiences, as well as answers to community-based questions around topics such as health, beauty, nutrition, yoga, spirituality and personal growth.
The intention of the Feel Good Podcast is to well…help you really Feel Good in your body, mind and spirit! Feeling Good means feeling peaceful, energized, whole, uniquely beautiful, confident and joyful, right in the midst of your perfectly imperfect life. This podcast is as informative and full of practical tips and take-aways as it is inspirational. I am here to support you in being your very best! I have so much love and gratitude for you. Thank you for tuning in and being part of the community :).
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Inspirational Thought of the Week
“You realize that all along, there was something tremendous within you, and you did not know it.”
– Paramahansa Yogananda
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Other Podcasts you may enjoy!:
- How to Access the Peace in Your Life When Trialsome Times Happen
- How To Connect to Your True Unique Gifts and Thrive
- Managing Your Energy Using The Four Cornerstones
- Managing Shifts in Your Body
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Note: The following is the output of transcribing from an audio recording. Although the transcription is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate. This is due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. It is posted as an aid, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
Kimberly: 00:01 Hi Beauties and welcome back to our Thursday Q&A podcast where all of these questions come right from our incredible, amazing, and vibrant community. Our topic for today is Listening To What Your Body’s Intuition is Telling You. And I am very excited to share that we are shifting this show a little bit where I will still be answering questions, but they are going to rotate around the cornerstones. So we can go a little bit more in depth into each one, which again, are food body, emotional wellbeing and spiritual growth. And sometimes of course, there’s crossover. Sometimes we talk about body and food. For instance, in the same context, sometimes we talk about emotional wellbeing and spirituality. So there’s, you know, this beautiful synergy between them as always. And we’re gonna make the show more succinct that way we have our very robust Monday show, which is an interview or a solocast.
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Kimberly: 00:58 And then this show, which airs on Thursdays is gonna go right to the punch. So to speak. It’s gonna be very concise. It’s going to give you great information and great takeaways. And yeah, I think you’ll really like the new format as we roll it out. So for today, we’re gonna be talking about connecting to your body. I’m gonna answer two questions, but before we get into the show today, I’d love to give you a little reminder as always to please leave us a review on iTunes or wherever you listen to your podcasts, which is such a great way to support the show. It’s a great way to help other community members in our larger community find the show and benefit. So this really important quality of generosity is talked about in some of the ancient text and this idea of expanding the heart in all the ways that you can and sharing is a really powerful way to do that, which is easy to do.
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Kimberly: 01:57 It doesn’t cost anything. So running a review and also sharing our podcast with other amazing souls that you think would benefit is another way to really share that generosity. Please also be sure to subscribe to our show as an act of self love and self care, and that way as your life gets busy, as you get swept up into the, all the different directions that we’re pulled into during the week between career and managing a home and friendship and partnership and potentially motherhood and whatever it is, you don’t lose that lifeline to inspiration and just staying positive, right? So subscription is a really great idea as well.
Get Your Copy Of YOU ARE MORE
Kimberly: And I’ll also mention that if you are new to our community or perhaps you haven’t yet taken the jump to order the new book online or wherever books are sold, I think it’s like $11. Now on Amazon, it’s called you are more than you think you are.
Kimberly: 02:59 And it pairs really beautifully with our show and with our other offerings, it is an opportunity for me to use one of my favorite forms of expression, which is the written word. And there’s a real power in the written word I believe. And it’s a form that I’ve always connected to in imparting teachings and allowing a space for going into more information about practices like effective meditation and also the different practices around tapping into your confidence and unlocking your wholeness and also connecting to the true confidence, which is underneath the surface. So wherever books are sold from my heart, right to yours, I am very excited to share this offering with you of the new book.
Q&A: Listening To What Your Body’s Intuition is Telling You
Kimberly: 03:50 All right? So let’s get into our topic today, which is about Listening To What Your Body’s Intuition is Telling You. And so, as we know, we live in this world where there’s a lot of information swirling around all the time. There’s this bombardment from television, social media, other forms of media, as well as our well meeting friends and family. And so it can become confusing. If we don’t tune in to this deeper place, we become confused about how do I take care of my body and what am I really supposed to be doing? What choices am I supposed to be making?
Question #1 around the topic of: Listening To What Your Body’s Intuition is Telling You: I have tried multiple probiotics in the past, but they always upset my stomach and I give up. I get severe bloat and discomfort. I decided to try again, this time with Solluna’s probiotics. How long should I give it for my stomach to adjust and how long should I give it to feel any positive difference?
Kimberly: So this first specific question comes from Jennifer who lives in Colorado. The Jennifer, my love, thank you so much for being here with us today. Think in spirit, thank you for being part of the community. Thank you for your question and sending you huge love wherever you are in Colorado, which is the state.
Kimberly: 04:54 I do feel a great connection with, I did an outward bound program when I was 16 of my own volition. I really wanted to adventure into the woods and have this solo where I slept by myself. And I often say that had I not done that outward bound journey? I don’t, I do not think I would’ve had the courage to do my three year backpacking journey. So sending you great love out there to that beautiful state full of nature and incredible trees and so on. And your question is I have tried multiple probiotics in the past, but they always upset my stomach and I give up, I get severe bloat and discomfort. I decided to try again this time with Solluna’s probiotics, how long should I give it for my stomach to adjust? And how long should I give it to feel any sort of positive difference?
Kimberly: 05:46 So thank you so much, Jennifer, for this very practical question. So first I wanna talk about probiotics in a general sense, and then we can hone in. So probiotics are a very important part of overall wellbeing. We know now from all the research that continues to come out, as well as ancient text, like the, uh, chair custom HETA of our Veda has always talked about the importance of digestion to our overall health, our overall vitality, the light inside of us and our wellbeing. And so our ancestors, uh, I always love to defer to nature. And I’ve done that since my first book, the beauty detox solution, which really looked at the anatomy and really what are we supposed to eat from an anatomical perspective? And in nature, you know, what do similar species with similar GI tracts? What do they eat SIM you know, like primates and chimpanzees and gorillas and so forth.
Kimberly: 06:46 So probiotics have always been something that has been essential to, to the health of humans. And in the past, our ancestors didn’t have running water. So they would really, uh, just pull the vegetables and the plant foods from the earth and they would eat a little bit of the soil. They would ingest it into their bodies. They would take it in, they would take a piece of mother nature in, and this type of probiotics would create this beautiful synergy in harmony that resonates throughout the body, in the form of neurotransmitters, happy moods, balanced moods, great digestion, healthy skin, healthy hair, distribution of nutrients, reduced inflammation, so on and so forth. So what we see today in modern times is just like many other things in wellness, this hyper fixation of more and more, more, and also numbers, numbers, numbers. So you see these probiotic formulas today, which are, you know, say 50 billion culture count, and they’re trying to market these products based on more numbers is better and they’re in different forms, you know, different, all kinds of different things are out there.
Kimberly: 08:03 And where I come from in my philosophy is we want to align to nature because we’re part of nature. And I truly believe the more we do that, the more we eat natural foods, the more we live a natural lifestyle, which is less hurried and more present and so on and so forth. All the ways in which we talk about this in our cornerstones, the more we are able to be naturally powerful in our own power. And so that is why the Solluna SBO Probiotics are SBO based. They are clinically researched strains and SBO stands for soil based organism probiotics. So they emulate this form that comes from the soil, how our ancestors got them and they are Hardy, so they can survive the stomach acid and make it through to implant in your gut. Now, again, if you listen to the fancy marketing and all the noise out there, there’s just all this pushing of, of numbers and oh, you know, but when you look at the actual strains, there, isn’t that true harmony, that true ratio that is this complexity of the divine intelligence.
Kimberly: 09:19 You could say that you see in nature and you see within our bodies. So it’s almost this manipulation of trying to fit. Let’s say a ton of bium, which is a, you know, a more inexpensive strain to populate inside a supplement, but it’s not really in harmony with the human body. And so sometimes I found and clients have come to me that take all these different probiotics and some of them upset their stomach, or maybe they just don’t see any sort of benefit over time. And that’s too bad again, because it doesn’t have to be that way. So I will say that with the Solluna ones, I stand behind them behind them a million percent. I personally take them every single day. It is the one supplement I do not skip is there is this period of adjustment. And after taking so many clients through adjustments, in their diet adjustments, in their lifestyle, what I typically see is a period that could range from four days to 30 days or longer where this, there is this, uh, what I call this die off of quote this over proliferation of bad bacteria.
Kimberly: 10:28 So it releases gases as your gut microbiome starts to reshift and reenter. So I would be patient Jennifer in this process, knowing that there could have been a deep level of dysbiosis in your gut, as there was in mine. I had high levels of candida. I was bloated all the time. And then when I started to take this form of probiotics, the SBO over time, as part of my ongoing self care, it was so apparent to me that it was wow, essential, right? So I would give it this period of adjustment. And at the same time, make some other positive adjustments in your diet, reducing or cutting out dairy and gluten. And anything else that you start to notice maybe is a bit more difficult to digest in your body, and you can check out all the free recipes we have over at There’s tons of ways to get started. And at the same time, if you’re introducing probiotics and you’re already going through that shift, you may wanna focus more on soups and stews, which are easily digested and not have a ton of raw vegetables as well on top of your body, adjusting to probiotics. And that way it’s just more of a transition for your body. So try all of that out. Let me know how you do, and thank you so much once again, for being part of our community.
Question #2 around the topic of: Listening To What Your Body’s Intuition is Telling You: Since becoming plant based I’ve never felt better, but I can’t help but feel left out or judged at family and social gatherings. While I have no problem avoiding foods that are not plant based, I can feel the judgment from others around me. I’ve found it particularly hard to eat at restaurants that don’t have plant based options, and I get embarrassed telling the waiter to make so many accommodations. I’ve developed a little bit of anxiety around this whole concept, and it’s kept me from going out to dinner with friends and family just to avoid the judgment. Have you ever dealt with this/what’s your advice?
Kimberly: 12:00 All right. And our next and final question for today comes from Katie who lives well, you didn’t give a location my love. So wherever you happen to be in the world, sending you a huge hug and thank you so much for your question. Thank you for participating in the community and sending you so much love you, right? Since becoming plant based, I have never felt better, but I can’t help, but feel left out or judged at family in social gatherings while I have no problem avoiding foods that are not plant based, I can feel the judgment from others around me. I found it particularly hard to eat in restaurants that don’t have plant-based options. And I get embarrassed telling the waiter to make so many accommodations. I’ve developed a bit of anxiety around the whole concept, and it’s kept me from going out to dinner with friends and family, just to avoid the judgment that you ever dealt with this.
Kimberly: 12:50 And what is your advice, Katie? My love, I send you so much strength and, and real support here. So yes, I have been through this and I wanna share a little bit about my personal experience and how, as I’ve grown in my own confidence and personal power, there’s been a real shift. So people pick up on energy. And just, as you said here, feeling within yourself that you are on the outside, that you are different and that, you know, maybe there’s something wrong. People pick up on that as well. And I’m not, you know, there very well may be that judgment coming in, but it’s really important that we stay true and connected to ourselves and what is good for us and what feels good to us, right? The name of the podcast is the feel good podcast, which is really all about deep self connection.
Kimberly: 13:46 We are all unique and we need to tune into what is right for us. And so you started this by saying, I have never felt better. And so what I would encourage you to do is really anchor to that feeling amazing, and really just lean into that. And so when you are around family and friends, and this is what I would do in the beginning is I would just not focus so much on the food. I would really focus on the connection and talk about what’s going on in people’s lives and be present and conversations. And I would bring even more love because if I started to falter a little bit and you know, there’s a real energy shift that people can feel and the strongest energy we can bring to any situation is love. So we keep our hearts open and if there’s questions asked, then we just say, you know, I just feel better eating this way.
Kimberly: 14:42 It’s just really good for my digestion and people usually back off when you mention digestion, so you can just really make it personal to you. So you are not bringing any judgment. And this is a really important piece because when I looked at my own experience, I realized that there was a level of judgment, whether I admitted it or not just, you know, I was so excited about all the studies I was reading and all the research I was learning about both from an VEIC standpoint, a YOIC standpoint and from a Western standpoint. And I did like, if I was really authentic with myself, I would notice if a relative was just pouring on the, you know, I’ll just say it, the gross melted cheese or whatever it was, there was this judgment there, like, Ugh, that’s going into your body. That’s gonna totally destroy your gut, whatever it was.
Kimberly: 15:32 So I encourage you to come with love, to drop the judgment and to stay present and to keep it, you know, just unapologetic. I feel good this way and keep it really simple. Now with the restaurant thing, remember that the intention of the restaurant experience or any meal that we share together is really to come together and spend time. So what I would do, knowing that certain restaurants are gonna be difficult is I would eat something before. So you’re not starving. You can eat something afterwards. And then at the restaurant, I would just order something really simple. Like I’m gonna get this salad and you know, just a simple vinegarette and you don’t make a big deal out of it. And you focus on the experience. And again, if people are like, oh, aren’t you eating anything? And just say, oh, you know, my stomach, you know, my digestion, I just had to eat a little bit earlier because it was, you know, whatever, you can just say something general and it keeps it on the love.
Kimberly: 16:29 It keeps it on the connection. And so we want to navigate this place of self connection and connection with others. And it’s really important that we honor ourselves. And then we are able to actually connect deeper with others and love them more when we love ourselves. So this is something I feel very strongly about. We do not need to compromise our own health. We do not need to compromise our own decisions when it comes to this type of, you know, experience out in the world, eating, you know, shared meals with friends and family, I would also encourage you to create more times of connection beyond restaurants. So as summer is coming, it could be suggesting a picnic and everybody brings their own food or going to the beach, you know, lake wherever you happen to live, I it’s your location or going on a hike or a walk or whatever. There’s so many other ways to connect. It’s the go to in our society, Lala’s just meet at the restaurant, but there’s so many other things and ways so lots in here just stay strong, stay connected to yourself, make it be about, you know, I just feel good.
Kimberly: 17:48 Steer the conversation away from food, eat something before restaurants. If you need to bring no judgment to others, come with love and acceptance and they will feel it. And they will also feel your deep uncheckable self-acceptance. And that also sends the message to, okay, I’m gonna back off a little bit from this. People can really smell the, um, uncertainty sometimes in people. So thank you so much, Katie, for your very practical question. And I appreciate you so much. Please keep in touch with me and let me know other ways I can support you.
Thought of the Week
Kimberly: Okay my loves. So we are going to end the show today with a quote of the week as always. And this comes right from the top of the book, page three, the new book, you are more than you think you are. And I was inspired to share this quote with you today from the great Paramahansa Yogananda, who brought yoga here to the west. And he writes, “You realize that all along, there was something tremendous within you, and you did not know it.”
Kimberly: 18:54 You realized that all along there was something tremendous within you and you did not know it. So that tremendous energy inside of you, you, we can tell it, call it your potential, your unique expression, the true self spirit inside of you, spirit individualized, the soul, whatever it is it’s inside of you. And it is great and it is beautiful and it is unique. And so what we wanna do is keep connecting back into that. Your intuition, listen to it. Don’t get caught up in the noise, on the surface, through all the practices that we offer. I’ll also mention here that I have a whole library of free guided meditations for you that you can check out on our Solluna app. I’m so grateful for you. And I look forward to continuing to walk the journey together in all the ways I can support you. So please head over to, where you’ll get links to other articles, recipes, podcasts, I think you would enjoy and more. So have a beautiful day. And I will see you back here on Monday for our next interview podcast, sending you so much love.
The post Listening To What Your Body’s Intuition is Telling You [Episode #680] appeared first on Solluna by Kimberly Snyder.
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