Wednesday, April 10, 2019

How to Get Glowing Skin [VLOG #69]

Click above to watch my VLOG – How to Get Glowing Skin, or feel free to read the transcript below instead!


Note: The following is the output of transcribing from an audio recording. Although the transcription is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. It is posted as an aid, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.

Hi Beauties,

Today our topic is how to get glowing, beautiful skin. Skin is our largest organ and it’s so connected to our health and our vitality. When we approach having beautiful, healthy skin, we want to really take an inside out approach and also an outside in approach.

Start with the Foods Your Eating

First of all, it’s very important to start with the foods that we’re eating. Food is tangible. We pick it up. We hold it. It’s not all there is to glowing, healthy skin. However, it’s a really great starting point for building beautiful, healthy skin from the inside out.

When we think of healthy skin, we want to think of healthy, natural foods. In particular, now that it’s spring, we want to bring in a lot of raw, watery, enzyme rich foods which really fortify our system and help to regenerate our skin cells.


I’m a huge fan of sprouts. I think sprouts are full of enzymes and vitamins which you can get at the farmers market. You can get at them at your regular grocery store, and are something that I have relied on for years in really helping to repair my skin and protect it as well.

Glowing Green Smoothie

The Glowing Green Smoothie® which is the staple in our community is also really huge, especially including the core component of celery—which is really great at balancing our electrolytes. It helps to depuff the skin. There’s a lot of organic potassium. Any time we’re giving our skin these foods which are really balanced within themselves, it’s going to really help balance our skin as well.

Red bell peppers

Red bell peppers are also really high in vitamin C. They’re technically a fruit, but we can put them raw in salads. You can slice them. You can have them as crudites with hummus, another amazing beauty food.

Having a lot of hydrating foods as I mentioned especially this time of year. Beautiful, healthy, glowing skin is deeply hydrated. As we mentioned with the Glowing Green Smoothie®, there are other smoothies as well, here at

This is the season to bring in more and more of those wonderful, cleansing, deeply hydrating foods in. Salads and I mentioned sprouts which are really top of the line for me for glow.

Detoxing and Letting Go

Now, let’s talk about the other side which is we focus on what we’re putting in, but we also want to focus on detoxing and letting go. Anything that we hold on into our body is going to congest us. It’s going to prevent circulation and nutrients from going around.

When I say letting go, I mean on the physical level with foods that don’t serve us anymore, as well as emotions and relationships even. Toxicity is toxicity. This is something I talk about quite a bit in my new book, Recipes for Your Perfectly Imperfect Life.

As I’ve gone deeper into the work, I realize how much our lifestyle is connected to everything else. When we want really beautiful, glowing skin, yes, food is tangible and we pick it up, but we want to look at our thought patterns, our emotions.

There’s a lot of tools and tips in here as well for dealing with unhealthy patterns that can manifest in all sorts of issues because everything is so connected. Just because you can’t see your thoughts or your mental, emotional state, doesn’t mean it doesn’t effect your body. It does. There’s research in this new book as well that talks about inflammation which is the major cause of skin aging.

Work to let go of an unhealthy routine, job, or relationship. Let go of guilt and shame, spending some more time every day breathing at the end of the day, letting stress come out of your body is going to really benefit your skin as well.

Replacing Difficult to Digest Foods

On a physical level, I would encourage you to let go of difficult to digest foods that can congest the body. Food is very much frequency. It’s very much energy, just as thoughts are. So, anything that’s really congesting especially dairy comes top of mind as we’re in spring and there’s a freshness in the air. You really want to let go of anything that is holding you back.

There’s amazing plant-base cheese out there. I love the Miyoko’s brand. I just got into it. They have cheddar’s and amazing brands. Look for it at Whole Foods or your health food market if you’re transitioning off cheese.

I’m a huge fan of almond milk and hemp milk. You can pretty easily swap out dairy for easier to digest foods that’s really going to benefit your skin and your body.

Nourishing Your Skin

Speaking from the outside in, it’s really important that we nourish our skin with amazing ingredients, key antioxidants, vitamin C’s, the right oils, that don’t sit on our skin, but actually penetrates transdermally.

Anything that’s sitting is also going to clog. It can inhibit respiration. It can actually age your skin over time. We don’t want to use any petroleum based products or things that are going to break down the collagen in your skin.

Special Offer On Feel Good Skincare System

If you’re not aware, we also have our amazing non-toxic high performance skincare line. Ta-da! Here’s two of the products. This is the feel good cleanser and this is the feel good eye cream.

If you’re interested in eating for wellness, and living this whole lifestyle, and using amazing products designed by yours truly, I’m offering you 10% off now. You can go to MySolluna and add the code LOVEYOURSKIN in all caps to receive 10% off.

In Closing

I really want you to feel your best. When we show up in our best skin, it reflects balance, vitality, our overall health, what we’re eating, how we’re feeling, and also what we’re using on our skin. This is a multifaceted approach. I am so honored and so grateful that we are on the journey together.

Check out all the recipes we have to support you with these amazing beauty foods and check out the new book if you’re interested in learning more about the mind body connection and how we can really combat bloating and inflammation from a mental standpoint. Very, very powerful.

For the topical products, go to, to receive 10% off with the code LOVEYOURSKIN, to try these amazing products which I love so much and I can’t wait for you to try them.

Sending you lots of love and remember, I’m always here. Keep your questions coming. I will see you around very soon. Till then, take care and again, all my love.

The post How to Get Glowing Skin [VLOG #69] appeared first on Kimberly Snyder.

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